General Provisions
51.001 Definitions
51.002 Operations and funding
51.003 Licensed plumbers
51.004 Complaints
Service Connection and Maintenance
51.015 Mandatory hookup
51.016 Application for consumers
51.017 Water contract
51.018 Water contracts not transferrable; duty to notify Utilities Superintendent
51.019 Service to a single premises only; meter tampering
51.020 Installation procedure
51.021 Installation expense
51.022 Nonresident installation expense
51.023 Repairs and maintenance
51.024 Prohibition of lead pipes, solder and flux
51.025 Inspections
Fees, Billing and Payment
51.040 Fees and collections
51.041 Minimum rates
Restricted and Prohibited Actions
51.055 Fire hydrants; opening or interference
51.056 Pollution of water supply
51.057 Destruction of property
51.058 Mechanical heat pump device hookup
Backflow Regulations
51.070 Policy and purpose
51.071 Definitions
51.072 Surveys and investigations
51.073 Where protection required
51.074 Type of protection required
51.075 Backflow prevention devices
51.076 Booster pumps
51.077 Yard hydrants
51.078 Fire suppression systems
51.079 Violations
51.080 Liability claims
Protection of City Water System
51.095 Definition
51.096 Intent
51.097 Prohibited proximity to municipal wells, tanks or mains for certain structures, activities
51.098 Construction of private well; permit required
51.099 Exemption from limitations
51.100 Existing wells
51.101 Wellhead protection area
Drought Emergency Contingency Plan
51.115 Drought emergency water restrictions implemented; liability of city
51.116 Stage One: Water Watch
51.117 Stage Two: [missing text]
51.118 Stage Three: Water Emergency
51.999 Penalty
Fee schedule, see Chapter 37
Utility services, see § 50.06