   (A)   The City Council, Mayor or the Utilities Superintendent may order a reduction in the use of water or shut off the water on any premises in the event of a water shortage due to fire, drought or other good and sufficient cause. When such drought conditions occur, then the city will implement the Drought Emergency Contingency Plan. The city shall not be liable for any damages caused by shutting off the supply of water of any consumer while the system or any part thereof is undergoing repairs or when there is a shortage of water due to circumstances over which the city has no control.
   (B)   The Drought Emergency Contingency Plan consists of a series of stages based on conditions of supply and demand with accompanying triggers, goals and actions. Each stage is more stringent in water use than the previous stage since there will be a greater deterioration in water supply conditions. The Mayor is hereby authorized to implement the appropriate conservation measures as set forth in this subchapter when any of the conditions have been reached which would qualify for any of the specific stages. The Mayor shall declare each particular stage as deemed appropriate by reviewing the severity of the trigger conditions and any other additional information, and is further authorized to implement conservation measures within the guidelines provided for each particular stage.
(Prior Code, § 6-116) (Ord. 390, passed - -)
   (A)   Triggers. This stage is triggered by any of the following conditions.
      (1)   Groundwater levels have fallen five feet below normal seasonal levels.
      (2)   System pressure falls below 20 pounds per square inch.
      (3)   Demand for one day is in excess of 750,000 gallons per day.
   (B)   Goals. The goals of this stage are to heighten the awareness of the public on water conditions and maintain the integrity of the water supply system.
[missing text]
(Ord. 390, passed - -)
[missing text]
      (3)   Refilling of swimming pools or hot tubs will be limited to one day a week after sunset.
      (4)   Excess water use charges for the usage of water over the amount used in the winter will be imposed at a rate twice the normal rate for water usage.
      (5)   Wastes of water will be prohibited (i.e., water running down the street).
(Ord. 390, passed - -)
   (A) Triggers. This stage is triggered by any one of the following conditions.
      (1)   Groundwater levels have fallen 15 feet below normal seasonal levels.
      (2)   System pressure falls below 20 pounds per square inch.
      (3)   Pumping lowers water levels to within five feet of the top of the well screens.
      (4)   Plant operations are at 90% capacity for more than three consecutive days.
      (5)   Demand for one day is in excess of 750,000 gallons per day.
   (B)   Goals. The goals of this stage are to reduce peak demands by 50% and to reduce overall consumption by 25%.
   (C)   Education actions.
      (1)   The city will make news releases to local media describing current conditions and indicating the water supply outlook for the city.
      (2)   The city will hold public meeting(s) to discuss the emergency, the status of the water supply and further actions to be taken.
   (D)   Management actions.
      (1)   The city water supplies will be monitored daily.
      (2)   Leaks will be repaired within 24 hours of detection.
      (3)   Standby wells will be activated for contingency operation.
      (4)   Pumping at wells will be reduced to decrease drawdown and to maintain water levels over well screens.
      (5)   The city will seek additional emergency supplies from other users, including the state or federal government.
   (E)   Regulation actions. In addition to the regulation actions available under Stage Two, the following regulatory authority may be exercised by the Mayor.
      (1)   Outdoor water use will be banned, except for businesses which require outdoor water use to operate.
      (2)   Wastes of water will be prohibited.
[missing text]
(Ord. 390, passed - -)
§ 51.999 PENALTY.
   Anyone violating any of the terms and conditions of the foregoing chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined in a sum not to exceed that permitted by state law for violation of a municipal ordinance. Each day’s maintenance of the same shall constitute a separate offense.
(Prior Code, § 6-601)