17.05.100: Slope Development Standards
17.05.110: Purpose
17.05.120: Applicability
17.05.130: Review Process
17.05.140: Site And Building Development Guidelines
17.05.200: Landscaping Standards
17.05.210: Purpose
17.05.220: General
17.05.230: Protection Of Existing Trees
17.05.240: Planting Specifications And Plant Substitutions
17.05.250: Street Frontage/Setback Area Landscaping
17.05.260: Parking Lots
17.05.270: Transitional Landscape Buffers
17.05.280: Water Conservation Standards
17.05.290: Landscape Plan Submittal Requirements
17.05.300: Infill And Redevelopment Standards
17.05.310: Purpose
17.05.320: Applicability
17.05.330: Infill Development Parcel Criteria
17.05.340: General Standards
17.05.350: Infill And Redevelopment Standards
17.05.360: Reserved
17.05.370: Application Process
17.05.400: Lighting Standards
17.05.410: Purpose
17.05.420: Standards
17.05.430: Plan Submission
17.05.500: Off Street Parking And Loading Standards
17.05.510: Purpose
17.05.520: Applicability
17.05.530: Retention Of Existing Parking And Loading Areas
17.05.540: Review Required
17.05.550: Plans Required
17.05.560: Design And Construction Standards
17.05.570: Parking Standards By Land Use
17.05.600: District Development Standards
17.05.610: Residential Development Standards
17.05.620: Commercial Development Standards
17.05.630: Industrial Development Standards