A. Compliance Required: All development shall comply with:
1. All of the applicable development standards contained in the underlying zoning district, except where the applicant has obtained variances in accordance with section 17.02.160, "Variances," of this title;
2. All other applicable standards and requirements contained elsewhere in this title.
B. Development Standards: Development standards in industrial zoning districts are as follows.
1. If located along a major arterial road, the front setback shall be a minimum of ten feet (10') wide with an opaque screen or twenty feet (20') wide with a semi-opaque screen.
2. Commercial Development In The OP Zoning District: The following development standards shall apply for commercial development located in the OP zoning district:
a. Commercial development may be a maximum of twenty five percent (25%) of the office park development or building size.
b. The site should have access to an arterial or major collector street within one thousand feet (1,000') with capacity sufficient to ensure that adequate access to local businesses is maintained. If deemed necessary by city staff, a traffic impact study may be required.
3. Daycare Uses: The following standards shall apply for all commercial daycare uses in the OP and LI zoning districts:
a. The daycare use shall be accessory use to the primary site use.
b. The daycare shall be licensed by the city of Pocatello and the state of Idaho.
4. Pedestrian Circulation in The OP Districts: In the OP zoning districts, the following additional development standards shall apply:
a. Continuous internal pedestrian walkways, no less than four feet (4') in width, shall be provided from the public sidewalk or right of way to the principal customer entrance of all principal buildings on the site. At a minimum, walkways shall connect focal points of pedestrian activity such as, but not limited to, transit stops, street crossings, and building and store entry points.
b. Sidewalks no less than four feet (4') in width shall be provided along the full length of the building along any facade featuring a customer entrance, and along any facade abutting public parking areas. A landscaped strip not less than five feet (5') wide shall be provided along the facade when a sidewalk is required, except in front of entryways or entryway projections.
c. To enhance pedestrian safety and comfort and provide visually differentiated walkways, all internal pedestrian crosswalks shall be visually distinguished from driving surfaces through use of paint or other markings, or other smooth surface, durable, low maintenance materials.
5. Building Facades And Exterior Walls In The OP District: To provide detail and visual interest, the following development standards shall apply for all development in the OP zoning district:
a. Non-fenestrated front and street side building facades greater than two hundred feet (200') in length, measured horizontally, shall incorporate design elements to prevent creation of continuous blank facades along the front of the building and all street sides. Examples include, but are not limited to, windows, plane changes, cornice treatments, placement of columns, backlit awnings, neon runners, or other special architectural treatments.
b. All sides of buildings with street frontage shall include materials and design elements consistent with those on the front building facade.
6. Sales And Storage Lots For Recreational Vehicles And Heavy Equipment: Sales and storage lots for recreational vehicles and heavy equipment, where the equipment is capable of breaking a paved surface, may be located on a maintained graveled surface subject to the following requirements:
a. Treatments of magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, or a city approved equal, shall be applied to the lot a minimum of twice a year or as necessary so that the graveled area is maintained in a dustless condition. Design and maintenance plans for the graveled areas shall be reviewed and approved by the development engineering services division.
b. The graveled area shall be maintained in a weed free condition.
c. Customer and employee parking shall be paved and spaces shall be marked.
d. Access drives to the sales lots and storage areas shall be paved. Paved lanes shall provide adequate access routes meeting fire code requirements.
e. A ten foot (10') wide landscaped buffer area shall be located around the perimeter of the entire graveled area or site.
f. Best management practices found in the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality "Catalog of Stormwater Best Management Practices for Cities and Counties" as amended or replaced, shall be used in developing and maintaining the graveled areas.
g. Stormwater shall be managed in accordance to the current city of Pocatello stormwater master plan.
h. Control measures shall be required to prevent track out from unpaved areas to paved rights of way.
7. Outdoor Storage Areas: All outdoor storage areas shall be screened from view from all adjoining properties and public rights of way. (Ord. 3044, 2020)