All off street parking and loading areas in residential/commercial/professional, commercial, and industrial zoning districts and all off street parking and loading areas serving more than two (2) dwelling units in residential zoning districts shall conform to the following design standards:
A. Surfacing: All parking, loading, and vehicular access areas shall be paved, not graveled, to provide a permanent surface capable of being marked and able to withstand the type of vehicular traffic to which such an area is likely to be subjected. Alternative surfacing proposals shall require review and approval by the public works and fire departments, and may require approval by the city council.
B. Drainage: All paved areas shall be sloped to drain. All drainage structure designs and methods of disposal of surface water drainage shall conform to city standards and be approved by the city development services engineer.
C. Illumination: Any illumination of off street parking and loading areas, including vehicle service areas and drive-up facilities, shall conform to section 17.05.400 of this chapter.
D. Landscaping: Off street parking and loading areas shall be landscaped with trees and shrubs to reduce the visual impact of glare, headlights, and parking lot lights. In addition, parking lots shall be shaded to reduce the amount of absorbed and reflected heat. Landscaping shall be designed and installed in conformance with section 17.05.200, "Landscaping Standards", of this chapter. All landscape and pedestrian areas shall be protected from vehicular encroachment by curbs. Placement of curbs shall not encroach into required setback or required landscape areas. Required curbs shall be constructed of concrete approved by the city and may be either formed in place or extruded.
E. Placement: No on site parking, loading, service, or vehicular circulation areas may encroach into or reduce any required setback or buffer areas. All parking areas shall be designed in such a manner that vehicles do not overhang or park in or over the public right of way, including sidewalks, or use public right of way for maneuver area.
F. Screening: Parking lots for more than five (5) cars shall be screened from adjacent residential zoning districts or uses by a code compliant, sight obscuring fence at least four feet (4') in height.
G. Circulation: On site circulation shall be designed to protect pedestrians and safely move vehicles. Minimum design standards for turning radii shall comply with current American Association Of State Highway And Transportation Officials (AASHTO) standards for vehicles. Maneuver space and loading/off loading areas for delivery vehicles shall not obstruct or otherwise interfere with required parking stalls. Connections between abutting parking areas shall be provided whenever possible.
H. Pavement Markings And Signage: All parking space boundaries and directional traffic arrows shall be marked and properly maintained on the parking lot surface. Signs that identify parking lot usage terms and conditions, and directional signs shall conform to the standards of title 15, chapter 15.20, "Sign Code", of this code.
I. Layout And Dimensions: The various dimensions for required off street parking facilities may not be less than set forth in section 17.05.570, table 17.05.570-2 (parking lot design diagram) of this chapter. Where a private parking lot is designed so that cars may overhang landscaped areas or sidewalks on the same property as the private parking lot, the stall depth for standard size cars may be reduced by two feet (2'). In areas where cars overhang a private sidewalk or walkway, the minimum unobstructed width of the walk may not be less than five feet (5'). In areas where cars overhang landscape areas, the minimum width of the landscaped area may not be less than eight feet (8').
J. Compact Car Parking: A maximum of one or up to thirty percent (30%) of parking spaces, whichever is greater, may be sized for compact cars. Compact spaces may not be less than eight feet (8') wide and sixteen feet (16') deep.
K. Handicap Parking: A minimum of one parking stall for the handicapped shall be provided, or as based on Americans with disabilities act requirements, whichever is greater.
L. Bicycle Parking: For all parking lots requiring twenty (20) or more spaces, a minimum of five percent (5%) of the required number of automobile spaces or five (5) bicycle spaces, whichever is greater, shall be provided.
M. Exceptions: On street parking and/or maneuver area within the public right of way shall be allowed in the following areas:
1. Warehouse historic district, specifically 1st and 2nd Avenues extending from East Center to East Sutter and including all side streets within said boundary, subject to review and approval by the traffic department of any on street parking prior to work commencing. Cost of completion of the spaces shall be at the cost of the applicant.
2. Downtown historic district as established by the Pocatello city council in December 1985, or as subsequently amended.
3. Adjacent alleys in residential/commercial/professional and commercial general zoning districts may be used for maneuver area for parking lots accommodating five (5) or fewer vehicles. All standards set forth in this section shall be adhered to. (Ord. 2896, 2011: Ord. 2846 § 1, 2008)