The following standards are intended to ensure that infill development is compatible with existing buildings and neighborhoods, and therefore apply to all new residential development:
A. Review Process: Single-family and two-family dwellings shall meet the standards of this section and shall be subject to review by the director. Appeals of this decision shall be to the hearing examiner. Multi-family and attached dwelling developments shall meet the standards of this section, and shall be subject to review in accordance with section 17.02.500, "Site Plan Review Committee", of this title.
B. Materials: The new dwelling unit shall be built with materials compatible with dwellings on abutting parcels or facing the subject block, unless a case can be made for an alternate design.
C. Trees: One tree a minimum size of one and one-half inch (11/2") caliper shall be planted in the planter strip or front yard for every thirty five feet (35') of lot frontage.
D. Parking areas shall be located behind buildings wherever possible.
E. Multi-family developments shall include visual screening for all mechanical, electrical, communications, and service equipment. The equipment shall be visually screened from the public right of way by parapets, walls, fences, landscaping, or other suitable means. (Ord. 3075, 2021: Ord. 2846 § 1, 2008)