A.   Compliance Required: All development shall comply with:
      1.   All of the applicable development standards contained in the underlying zoning district, except where the applicant has obtained variances in accordance with section 17.02.160, "Variances," of this title;
      2.   All other applicable standards and requirements contained elsewhere in this title.
   B.   Building Facades and Exterior Walls: The following development standards shall apply for all development in a commercial or mixed use district:
      1.   When the front and street side of a non-fenestrated building facade is greater than seven hundred fifty (750) square feet in area, the elevation shall be divided into distinct planes of five hundred (500) square feet or less to prevent creation of continuous blank facades along the front of the building and all street sides. The following design features or elements can be used to meet this provision: fascias; canopies and awnings; arcades; functional porches at least five feet (5') wide with a roof; vertical offsets at least two feet (2') wide; windows; plane changes; cornice treatments; or other multidimensional or special architectural treatments. Use of paint alone will not meet this standard.
      2.   All exterior materials should be sufficiently durable to ensure stability, maintainability, and long life. Natural materials conveying permanence, such as stone, masonry, or beveled wood siding are preferred.
      3.   At least two (2) changes in one or a combination of the following shall be incorporated into the building design: color, texture, and materials.
      4.   All sides of buildings with street frontage shall include materials and design elements consistent with those on the front building facade.
   C.   Bicycle And Pedestrian Circulation: In the NC, CG and RCP districts, the following additional development standards shall apply to commercial, office, and mixed use development:
      1.   Continuous internal pedestrian walkways, no less than four feet (4') in width, shall be provided from the public sidewalk or right of way to the principal customer entrance of all principal buildings on the site. At a minimum, walkways shall connect focal points of pedestrian activity such as, but not limited to, transit stops, street crossings, and building and store entry points.
      2.   Sidewalks no less than four feet (4') in width shall be provided along the full length of the building along any facade featuring a customer entrance, and along any facade abutting public parking areas. A landscaped strip not less than five feet (5') wide shall be provided along the facade when a sidewalk is required, except in front of entryways or entryway projections, or where no building setback is required (see table 17.03.600 of this section).
      3.   To enhance pedestrian safety and comfort and provide visually differentiated walkways, all internal pedestrian crosswalks shall be visually distinguished from driving surfaces through use of paint or other markings, or other smooth surface, durable, low maintenance materials.
      4.   Parking areas shall be designed to minimize conflicts between pedestrian and vehicular movements. Parking area landscaping shall be used to provide visual relief and shade, and to define and separate parking access and pedestrian areas within parking lots.
      5.   Bicycle racks shall be provided on site near the business entrance and shall meet the standards of section 17.05.560 of this title. Bicycle parking areas shall not be located within parking aisles, landscape areas, or pedestrianways.
   D.   Screening And Shielding Requirements: The following standards shall apply in the commercial and mixed use zoning districts:
      1.   Loading areas shall be located as follows, in order of preference. If located on a building's street side, loading areas shall be oriented to minimize views of loading activities and trucks from the street. If a loading/delivery area must face the street, it shall be screened from public view with landscaping and/or fencing.
         a.   At the rear of the building;
         b.   On the interior side (side not facing a street side);
         c.   On the side facing a street.
      2.   Noise emissions resulting from delivery, loading, trash removal or compaction, or other such operations, shall be subject to noise and nuisance standards defined elsewhere in this code.
      3.   Mechanical equipment located on a building shall be within the roof form or enclosed with a screening structure with a design and materials, which are consistent with the design and materials of the building.
      4.   Mechanical equipment not located on a building shall be oriented to minimize views of the equipment from public rights of way and properties outside the site boundaries, and screened from view with a durable, solid wall or fence, an evergreen hedge, or a combination of these.
      5.   All refuse and recycling containers shall be screened and meet the requirements of the city's sanitation department.
      6.   Storage areas for building materials, equipment, or supplies shall be screened appropriately so as not to be visible from the public right of way, and all such storage areas shall be within setback lines.
      7.   Similar, complementary, and adjacent land uses should provide cross access between properties and joint access to arterials adjacent to the property wherever possible.
   E.   Multiple Building, Retail Development (Shopping Center) Design In The CG And RCP Districts: In the CG and RCP zoning districts, the following design standards shall apply to retail development consisting of more than one principal structure. Conditions of approval of the development plan may include, but are not limited to, any of the following site and building design guidelines deemed appropriate by the reviewing body.
      1.   Building Design Standards:
         a.   All buildings within a multi-building complex (shopping center) are encouraged to achieve a harmonious design through the use of compatible architectural elements, such as, but not limited to, roof form, exterior building materials, and window patterns;
         b.   Front and street frontage building facades of individual buildings are encouraged to incorporate compatible design elements, such as surface materials, color, roof treatment, windows and doors, to achieve a harmonious design. The sides of each building shall include elements such as windows, doors, color, texture, landscaping, or wall treatment to prevent the creation of long, continuous blank walls.
      2.   Sign Design Standards: Signage that incorporates similar design elements as the buildings is encouraged.
      3.   On Site Circulation: Buildings shall be located to facilitate safe and comfortable pedestrian travel between buildings. Shopping center site design shall include pedestrian paths or crosswalks between buildings on the site. (Ord. 3044, 2020)