A. Landscaping for single-family structures on individual lots and two-family structures on individual lots is governed by the standards contained in section 17.05.610 of this title. The standards and requirements of this chapter shall apply to all other privately owned properties and all land use and development within the city of Pocatello. The standards shall apply to all areas held in common ownership and/or under common maintenance within any residential development or subdivision such as, but not limited to, retention and detention ponds.
B. No landscaping materials or features shall be installed or maintained so as to obstruct required sight triangles or otherwise create safety hazards.
C. Trees planted within the public right of way are governed by title 12, chapter 28 of this code and shall be selected from among those trees which are on the "City Of Pocatello Master List Of Acceptable Trees".
D. Plantings within the public right of way shall not reduce on site landscaping requirements.
E. All land use and development within the city of Pocatello shall be equipped with an irrigation system appropriate to the type of plantings and soil properties.
F. The quality and size of all plant materials required by this section must adhere to the standards prescribed in the latest edition of "American Standards For Nursery Stock" (ANSI Z60.1) published by the American Association Of Nurserymen.
G. All landscaping installation shall be in accordance with current landscaping industry standards including, but not limited to, appropriate plant choice, soil properties, and mulching. Landscaping shall be maintained in a healthy, growing condition. Any dead or dying trees, shrubs, or other perennial plants shall be removed and replaced within one growing season.
H. Unless otherwise specified, nonvegetative ground cover shall not exceed fifty percent (50%) of the total landscape areas.
I. No certificate of occupancy for any building or development covered by the terms of this title shall be issued unless the required landscaping has been completed. Due to seasonal weather constraints, a certificate of occupancy may be issued if a cash bond or cashier's check for one and one-half (1.5) times the cost of completion of the required landscaping is provided to the city pursuant to written agreement. (Ord. 3044, 2020: Ord. 2846 § 1, 2008)