A. Preapplication Conference: The applicant shall meet with planning and public works staff prior to submittal of development applications. The purpose of the conference shall be to determine the applicability of the provisions of this chapter, the need for specific geologic or other studies, and identify the applicable review process.
B. Required Development Submittals: In addition to other information required by this code, applicants must include the following additional information in their submittal. All documents and/or other required submittals shall be prepared by an appropriately licensed individual. The submittal shall consist of a combination of textual and graphical information necessary to assess the development suitability of the site. For subdivision applications, this information shall be submitted at the preliminary plat stage. The following are minimum submittal requirements:
1. Geological Studies: Plans for review for all development of lands when any topographical slope exceeds fifteen percent (15%) shall include a geotechnical evaluation and report performed by a registered professional geologist or engineer, licensed in the state of Idaho. This evaluation and report shall include all current city requirements, including a plan of mitigation for any geotechnical problems identified during the evaluation. The report shall be prepared at the applicant's expense. A designated city official shall review the geotechnical report. If the city accepts the report, a development proposal may proceed through the review process. If the designated city official determines a more detailed analysis is necessary, a revised geotechnical report must be submitted for approval.
Any project which includes a grading or earthwork component in the city of Pocatello shall require construction material testing and ongoing risk assessment, performed by a registered professional geologist or engineer, licensed in the state of Idaho, during grading and construction of infrastructure.
2. Slope Analysis: A slope analysis submitted on a topographic map with a contour interval of two feet (2') or less, indicating the location and amount (in acres) of land included in the following slope categories: zero to 14.9 percent, fifteen (15) to 24.9 percent, twenty-five (25) to 34.9 percent, and thirty five percent (35%) or greater. The map shall be made by a professional land surveyor who shall ensure that the quality of the map meets the standards of the American Council Of Surveying And Mapping and the American Society Of Civil Engineers. When preparing the slope analysis, areas of un-natural slope and/or which have been previously disturbed as verified by an appropriately licensed individual and accepted by the Director or designee, may be excluded from the calculations set forth in Table 17.05.140 Density and Disturbance Standards.
3. Geologically Hazardous Areas: Location of areas where landslides or avalanches pose a moderate or severe risk or other areas characterized by unstable slopes, unstable soils, underlying geology (such as rock outcroppings), or geologic faults.
4. Soil Types: Identification of soil types and soil maps with descriptions of limitations for all soils found on the site. Where loess soils are identified, the geological assessment shall include measures necessary to avoid hydrocompaction.
5. Hydrology: A description of streams, ravines, drainageways, surface water and wetlands, and patterns of natural drainage and floodplains.
6. Natural Features: Topographic features and natural landforms, such as ridgelines, ravines, and canyons, or highly visible natural features and features that are designated to be preserved or protected according to the natural features overlay map of the comprehensive plan shall be identified in the application.
7. Vegetation: The extent and type of existing vegetative cover shall be identified. A vegetation protection plan, including a revegetation plan based on existing vegetation shall be submitted.
8. Grading: A preliminary grading plan including a line showing limits of areas proposed to be disturbed and the total number of acres to be disturbed and the finished grade of all lots and all proposed public or private streets.
9. Erosion: Erosion and sediment control plan.
10. Site Constraints: Description of how the proposed development is designed to address site constraints identified in the required geological assessment and a description of any proposed mitigation.
C. Required Subdivision Submittals: Applications for subdivisions of lands when any topographical slope exceeds fifteen percent (15%) must submit an application meeting the requirements of title 16 of this code in addition to the provisions set forth in this section. (Ord. 3132, 2023: Ord. 3075, 2021: Ord. 2896, 2011: Ord. 2846 § 1, 2008)