A.   Compliance Required: All development shall comply with:
      1.   All of the applicable development standards contained in the underlying zoning district, except where the applicant has obtained variances in accordance with section 17.02.160, "Variances," of this title;
      2.   All other applicable standards and requirements contained elsewhere in this title.
   B.   Development Standards: Development standards in residential zoning districts are as follows:
      1.   No building permits will be issued for any structures or improvements upon any lot or parcel prior to the final recording of an approved land division and the approved installation of required public improvements pursuant to title 16 of this code.
      2.   For single-family and two-family dwellings (duplex), a minimum of forty five percent (45%) of the front yard area shall be completed with landscaping. The "front yard area" is defined as the area extending the full width of the lot from the front property line to the front of the dwelling.
      3.   For townhome structures/buildings, each end unit shall include a minimum of forty-five percent (45%) of landscaping in the front yard area.
      4.   The required off street parking spaces for the use shall be paved (i.e., asphalt, concrete or pavers) or surfaced with composite permeable pavers, porous pavement or porous concrete, or open celled paving grid systems installed per industry standards.
      5.   Additional parking areas located within the front yard area may be paved or surfaced with permeable or impermeable materials or gravel.
      6.   If a residential home includes a garage, then the parking spaces located in front of the garage door(s) are considered to be the "required" spaces and shall be subject to subsection B.4. of this section.
      7.   Compliance with the provisions of this section will be reviewed in conjunction with the review of required building permits for new residential construction, additions or accessory structures.
   8.   For single-family, two-family, and townhome structures/buildings, when alley access is available, off street parking spaces shall be accessed from the adjacent alley with the following exception:
      a.   Not applicable when off street parking for fifty percent (50%) or more of properties of the abutting block face are accessed from the street.
   9.   The principal entrance of a building shall face the public street on which the building is addressed, or as otherwise determined by the Director or their designee. (Ord. 3132, 2023: Ord. 3075, 2021: Ord. 3064, 2021; Ord. 3044, 2020)