(1) The Board of Ethics shall display on its website a notice setting forth the contribution limits set forth in this Chapter, together with a plain English explanation of the provisions of this Chapter and the penalties and remedies for violations.
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Penalties for violations of this Chapter shall be as set forth in Chapter 20-1300. The provisions of this Chapter shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Board of Ethics under Section 20-606, including, but not limited to, the Board's powers and duties relating to education, training, issuance of advisory opinions, receipt of complaints, investigations, referral, and adjudication.
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(1) In addition to establishing a political committee to receive campaign contributions, a campaign for City elective office may establish a separate committee to solicit and receive contributions to a litigation fund. The name of such separate committee shall include the terms "Litigation Fund".
(2) A litigation fund may be used solely to pay professional fees and related costs incurred in defense of a civil, criminal, or administrative proceeding arising directly out of the conduct of the candidate's election campaign or arising directly out of the candidate's participation in the election (such as a recount proceeding), including, but not limited to, an investigation or enforcement action initiated by the Board of Ethics with respect to the conduct of the candidate's campaign. A litigation fund may not be used to pay any judgment, settlement, fine, sanction, or other type of penalty arising out of any such proceeding.
(3) A candidate shall establish a single committee to receive and expend litigation funds for the purposes set forth in subsection (2), above, and a single separate checking account for such purposes, except that this shall not prohibit a candidate from making expenditures from that candidate's candidate political committee for the purposes set forth in subsection (2), above. The Board of Ethics shall by regulation require a candidate to provide the Board with such information as the Board deems necessary to identify the candidate's litigation fund committee and checking account, within such period of time as the Board specifies.
(4) Each litigation fund committee shall have a treasurer who shall be responsible for keeping records of contributions and expenditures to the same extent and in the same detail that records of contributions and expenditures must be kept by the candidate's candidate political committee and campaign pursuant to this Chapter or applicable State law.
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(1) A litigation fund committee must be terminated no later than six months after the date of the general election for the office which the candidate seeks, except that if any matters for which litigation funds may be expended are pending during such six month period, then the litigation fund shall be terminated within six months after the conclusion of all such matters, including any appeals.
(2) Before a litigation fund committee is terminated, any remaining litigation funds shall be returned to contributors on either a "last in, first out" or "first in, first out" accounting basis, or on such other equitable basis as may be approved by the Board of Ethics, and the litigation fund checking account shall be closed.
(3) The Board of Ethics may for good cause shown extend the deadline for termination of a litigation fund committee.
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(1) A candidate or individual elected to City office shall use a political committee that is separate from that candidate's candidate political committee to solicit and receive contributions for transition or inauguration into City elective office. The name of such committee shall contain the terms "Transition" and "Inauguration".
(2) Funds held by a Transition and Inauguration Committee may only be used to pay costs incurred for the transition or inauguration into City elective office of the elected individual.
(3) A candidate or individual elected to City office shall use only one committee and one checking account to receive and expend funds for expenses of that individual's transition or inauguration into City elective office, except that nothing shall prohibit a former candidate from transferring money raised while a candidate from the elected person's candidate political committee to that candidate's Transition and Inauguration Committee. The Board of Ethics shall require a candidate or individual elected to City office to provide the Board with such information as the Board deems necessary to identify the candidate's transition and inauguration committee and checking account, within three business days of formation of the committee.
(4) Each Transition and Inauguration Committee shall have a treasurer who shall be responsible for keeping records of contributions and expenditures to the same extent and in the same detail that records of contributions and expenditures must be kept by a candidate's political committee and campaign pursuant to this Chapter and applicable State law.
(5) A Transition and Inauguration Committee must be terminated, including closure of the committee checking account, no later than six months after the date of the former candidate's inauguration to City office. Before a Transition and Inauguration Committee is terminated, any remaining funds shall be returned to contributors on either a "last in, first out" or "first in, first out" accounting basis, or on such other equitable basis as may be approved by the Board of Ethics. The Board of Ethics may for good cause shown extend the deadline for termination of a Transition and Inauguration Committee.
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