§ 10-602. Smoking. 122
   (1)   Short Title. This Section shall be known and may be cited as, "The Clean Indoor Air Worker Protection Law".
   (2)   Definitions. 123 The following definitions apply to this Section:
      (a)   Enclosed Area. All space between a floor and ceiling which is enclosed on all sides by solid walls or windows (exclusive of doors or passageways) which extend from the floor to the ceiling.
      (b)   Food or Beverage Establishment. Any restaurant, bar, coffee shop, cafeteria, sandwich stand, diner, fast food establishment, cafeteria, banquet hall, catering facility, food court, or any other eating or drinking establishment which gives or offers for sale food or drink to the public, guests, or employees whether for consumption on or off the premises, and including any such eating or drinking establishment located in a Lodging Establishment, Sports or Recreational Facility, or Theater or Performance Establishment.
      (c)   Lodging Establishment. Any hotel, motel, inn, resort, guest house, bed and breakfast establishment, or other building which holds itself out by any means, including advertising, license, registration with an innkeepers' group convention listing association, travel publication or similar association or with a government agency, as being available to provide overnight lodging or use of facility space, such as space for food and beverage service or meeting rooms, for consideration to persons seeking temporary accommodation.
      (d)   Smoking. Inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe or other such device which contains tobacco or other smoke producing products.
      (e)   Specialty Tobacco Establishment. A Food or Beverage Establishment whose on-site sales or rentals of tobacco, tobacco-related products and accessories for consumption or use on the premises comprises fifteen percent (15%) or more of gross sales on an annual basis, or on such other basis as the Department of Licenses and Inspections shall by regulation provide with respect to such establishments that have been open for less than one full year. For purposes of computing gross sales data, sales from vending machines shall not be included.
      (f)   Sports or Recreational Facility. Any enclosed or unenclosed stadium, pavilion, gymnasium, health club, spa, swimming pool, roller or ice rink, bowling alley, boxing arena, billiard parlor, pool hall or other similar place where members of the general public assemble either to engage in physical exercise, participate in recreational activities or athletic competition, or witness sports or other events.
      (g)   Theater or Performance Establishment. Any enclosed or unenclosed facility primarily used for the exhibition of any motion picture, concert, stage drama, musical recital, dance, lecture or other similar performance.
      (h)   Tobacco Products Distribution Business. An establishment whose primary business is the retail and/or wholesale sale of tobacco, tobacco-related products and accessories for consumption on or off the premises. For purposes of this definition the term "primary" shall mean that ninety percent (90%) or more of the gross sales on an annual basis, or on such other basis as the Department of Licenses and Inspections shall by regulation provide with respect to such establishments that have been open for less than one full year, shall derive from tobacco, tobacco-related products and accessories. The business may also include areas for the import, export, storage and distribution of tobacco, tobacco-related products and accessories; areas for testing of such products and accessories by employees; and, accessory office space. Such business shall not include the selling or offering of any food or beverages to customers.
      (i)   Workplace. Any Enclosed Area under the control of a public or private employer where one or more employees are routinely assigned and normally frequent during the course of employment, including, but not limited to, work areas, employee lounges and restrooms, conference rooms, meeting rooms, class rooms, employee cafeterias and hallways. A private residence is not a Workplace unless it is used as a child care, adult day care or health care facility.
   (3)   Smoking Prohibited.
      (a)   Beginning on January 8, 2007, no person shall smoke in any of the following places, except as provided in subsection 10-602(3)(b): 124
         (.1)   In any Enclosed Area to which the general public is invited or in which the general public is routinely permitted, including, but not limited to:
            (.a)   Elevators, restrooms, lobbies, reception areas, hallways and other common-use areas;
            (.b)   Retail or wholesale stores;
            (.c)   Service establishments, office buildings, banks or financial institutions;
            (.d)   Food or Beverage Establishments;
            (.e)   Galleries, libraries and museums;
            (.f)   Any school or educational or vocational facility;
            (.g)   Any licensed gaming facility;
            (.h)   Any City-owned or leased building or facility;
            (.i)   Any enclosed place at which a public meeting is held by any public agency, during such time as a public meeting is in progress;
            (.j)   Any health care facility, including, but not limited to, hospitals, clinics, physical therapy facilities, and doctors' offices, and including any private residence used as a health care facility during those hours it is used as such;
            (.k)   Any child care or adult day care facility, including any private residence used as a child care or adult day care facility during those hours it is used as such. In addition, no person shall smoke in a vehicle when such vehicle is being used for the public transportation of children or adults as part of day care transportation;
            (.l)   Lobbies, hallways, and other common areas in apartment buildings, in condominiums and other multiple-unit residential facilities, or in retirement facilities and nursing homes; and
            (.m)   Lobbies, hallways, and other common areas in Lodging Establishments, and in no less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the sleeping quarters within a Lodging Establishment that are available for rent to guests.
         (.2)   In any vehicle of public transportation, in any bus stop with a roof and at least one enclosed side, or in any fare-paid area of commuter rail or other transit stations or terminals owned, operated or controlled by the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority, except in an indoor area within such stations or terminals where such conduct may be specifically designated by the Authority to be permitted. 125
         (.3)   In any Sports or Recreational Facility.
         (.4)   In any Theater or Performance Establishment.
         (.5)   In any Workplace.
         (.6)   In any place where "No Smoking" signs are posted by order of the Fire Department pursuant to Title 4.
         (.7)   Outdoors within twenty (20) feet of any entrance to any Enclosed Area in which smoking is prohibited under this Section.
         (.8)   At any sidewalk café licensed under Section 9-208 or otherwise permitted by special ordinance, or any outdoor deck, patio or similar outdoor service area which is part of a Food or Beverage Establishment. 126
      (b)   Exceptions. The provisions of subsection 10-602(3)(a) shall not apply: 127
         (.1)   In a Tobacco Products Distribution Business.
         (.2)   In a Specialty Tobacco Establishment, including any such establishment located within an establishment or facility as defined by subsection 10-602(2)(c) or (g). 128
         (.3)   Within up to twenty-five percent (25%) of the sleeping quarters within a Lodging Establishment that are available for rent to guests.
      (c)   Minors.  129 Any establishment excepted from the provisions of subsection 10-602(3)(a) shall not permit minors to enter or remain on the premises. This restriction shall not apply to sleeping quarters and shall apply regardless of whether or not smoking or e-cigarette use is occurring at the time.
   (4)   Smoking Prohibitions in the Workplace.
      (a)   No later than the effective date of this Ordinance, all employers with a Workplace that is subject to the provisions of subsection 10-602(3)(a) within the City shall adopt, implement, make known and maintain a written policy that prohibits smoking within any Workplace. This requirement shall not apply to any Workplace covered by a collective bargaining agreement or similar binding agreement between labor and management that includes provisions regarding smoking in the Workplace and that is in effect when this Ordinance takes effect. Upon the expiration of any such collective bargaining agreement or similar binding agreement between labor and management however, the provisions of this subsection 10-602(4) which prohibits smoking in the Workplace shall apply.
      (b)   An employer's written smoke-free policy shall be communicated to all employees within thirty days after its adoption, and an employer shall provide a copy of the written policy upon request to any employee or prospective employee.
   (5)   Duties of Persons in Control of Premises.
      (a)   The owner, operator, manager, employer or other person in control in every place where smoking is regulated by this Section shall take the following actions, and shall not be cited for any violations of this Section if all such actions are taken: 130
         (.1)   Post "No Smoking" signs and other signs relating to smoking on the premises, in compliance with regulations to be promulgated by the Health Department, prominently at each entrance and elsewhere as specified by regulation, including evidence-based signs informing of the health risks associated with hookah use to address an identified knowledge deficit among users. The requirement to post any such product-specific signs shall be limited by regulation to establishments at which the product may be used pursuant to an exception to subsection 10-602(3)(a).
         (.2)   Display an evidence-based health informational message in accordance with regulations promulgated by the Board of Health on any menu or menu board on which hookah, water pipe, or shisha, or other similar product if the Board of Health identifies a product-specific health knowledge deficit among users, appears as a menu item.
         (.3)   Any establishment subject to the restriction of subsection 10-602(3)(c) shall display a sign at least 8.5" x 11" prominently at each entrance and in each room or area where smoking is at any time permitted reading as follows in a clear, legible font with all letters at least 1/2 inch high: "THIS ESTABLISHMENT HAS AN EXCEPTION TO THE CITY'S SMOKE-FREE LAW. YOU MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER DUE TO THE HEALTH RISKS OF SECONDHAND SMOKE EXPOSURE." If such an establishment elects to relinquish the benefit of exception from subsection 10-602(3)(a) by written application to the Health Department, the requirement of this subsection (.3) shall no longer apply upon receipt of confirmation of such relinquishment from the Health Department.
         (.4)   Take reasonable additional measures to see to it that no person smokes in such place in violation of this Section and, in the case of an establishment subject to the restriction of subsection 10-602(3)(c), that minors neither enter nor remain on the premises. The following measures shall be deemed sufficient to comply with this requirement:
            (.a)   Informing any person who smokes in such place that smoking is prohibited by law, and requesting such person to immediately refrain from smoking or leave the area in which smoking is prohibited; and
            (.b)   In the case of establishments excepted from subsection 10-602(3)(a), verifying age by checking identification, and informing any minor who enters or remains on the premises that the establishment cannot allow the minor to remain on the premises and requesting that the minor leave the establishment; and
            (.c)   Reporting immediately to the Health Department or to any other person authorized to enforce this Section if a person does not comply with a request to immediately refrain from smoking or leave the area in which smoking is prohibited.
      (b)   The owner or manager of a building, with respect to any portion of the building leased to others ("Leased Premises"), in which smoking is regulated by this Section, shall take the following actions, and shall not be cited for any violations of this Section if all such actions are taken:
         (.1)   Post "No Smoking" signs and other signs relating to smoking on the premises in compliance with regulations to be promulgated by the Health Department;
         (.2)   Advise the tenant that smoking is prohibited in the Leased Premises, and include "No Smoking" provisions in any lease entered into after the date this Section becomes law; and
         (.3)   Refer any complaints which the owner or manager receives about smoking in the Leased Premises immediately to the tenant in writing.
      (c)   Bus stops protected under this Section shall be posted with "No Smoking" signs in accordance with regulations promulgated by the City. 131
   (6)   Enforcement and Penalties. 132
      (a)   This Section shall be enforced by the Health Department, its duly authorized employees, or any other person authorized by the Managing Director to enforce this Section. Notices of violation issued pursuant to this Section shall be issued in accordance with Section 1-112.
      (b)   Any person who violates this Section shall be subject to a fine of three hundred dollars ($300) for each violation.
      (c)   Nothing in this Section shall be construed to create any private right of action for enforcement of its provisions or to authorize any person to file suit to recover damages or seek equitable relief for any violation of this Section.



   Source: 1943 Ordinances, p. 140; amended, Bill No. 050063-A (approved September 14, 2006).
   Amended, Bill No. 150090 (approved April 7, 2015). Section 2 of Bill No. 150090 provides: "This Ordinance shall be effective May 15, 2015. Any waiver authorized prior to, and still effective on, the effective date of this Ordinance shall continue subject to the same terms, conditions, and authority of the Department of Health or other City department as provided in Sections 10-602 and 10-614 of The Philadelphia Code prior to the effective date of this Ordinance."
   Amended, Bill No. 060583 (approved December 14, 2006).
   Amended, Bill No. 171125 (approved June 6, 2018).
   Added, Bill No. 060583 (approved December 14, 2006).
   Former subsections (.4) and (.5) deleted, Bill No. 150090 (approved April 7, 2015). See note 123 for effective date provisions.
   Amended, Bill No. 060583 (approved December 14, 2006).
   Added, Bill No. 200115 (approved December 1, 2020).
   Amended, Bill No. 200115 (approved December 1, 2020).
   Added, Bill No. 171125 (approved June 6, 2018).
   Renumbered and former subsection (6) deleted, Bill No. 150090 (approved April 7, 2015). See note 123 for effective date provisions.