(1) Authority. The Philadelphia Parking Authority.
(a) Leased Vehicle means a vehicle owned by a leasing business which is being provided to a contractor through a leasing contract. A vehicle leased from an individual to a contractor is not a leased vehicle for purposes of this Chapter.
(3) Contractor Parking Permit. A permit to be placed in the window of a vehicle indicating that the vehicle is being used to perform a contractor service, with space provided to indicate where the work is being performed, or, upon establishment by the Parking Authority of a system of permit recognition based on identification of the registration plate of the vehicle, a permit issued under such system. 404
403 | Amended, Bill No. 110758 (approved December 21, 2011), effective May 1, 2012. |
404 | Amended, Bill No. 190463 (approved June 26, 2019). |
(1) When a vehicle displaying a current and valid contractor parking permit is being used for contractor service, the driver may park without limitation as to time and without payment of any parking meter fees on streets where parking is limited as to time but not prohibited, and may park in a loading zone for specified periods of time. The Authority may limit the locations where Contractor Parking Permits will be honored.
(2) Each Contractor Parking Permit shall be issued or renewed for one particular vehicle, shall be valid for six (6) months, and may not be transferred.
(3) Contractor Parking Permits shall be issued and renewed by the Authority. A person requesting issuance or renewal of a Contractor Parking Permit shall make written application to the Authority upon forms supplied by the Authority. The Authority shall approve the application if it determines that the Contractor Parking Permit is being requested for a contractor vehicle which is used for contractor service, and if it finds that there are not three (3) or more unpaid parking violation fines imposed for the vehicle, or any unpaid taxes or fees due the City of Philadelphia, unless the applicant has entered into a payment agreement with the Authority and/or the City for such unpaid fines, taxes or fees. Upon approval of the application and payment of a fee of one hundred fifty dollars ($150), the Authority shall issue or renew the Contractor Parking Permit. 406
(4) Replacement permits may be issued, upon surrender of the old permit, when a vehicle is taken out of service and replaced with a new vehicle, for the remainder of the life of the permit, at no additional charge.
(5) Contractor Parking Permits may be issued to municipal and monopoly utilities at no charge.
405 | Amended, Bill No. 060447 (approved July 5, 2006), effective August 4, 2006. |
Section 12-2902 - Conditional Amendment | This section has been amended by Bill No. 210928 (approved November 30, 2022). Section 2 of Bill No. 210928 provides: "This Ordinance shall be effective the later of 180 days after it becomes law or 30 days after the effective date of regulations implementing a system to record hours parked under a Contractor Parking Permit." Regulations were filed on January 17, 2025. |
406 | Amended, Bill No. 130561 (approved October 23, 2013), effective November 22, 2013. |
(1) No person shall display a Contractor Parking Permit in a vehicle to invoke or attempt to invoke the parking privileges of this Chapter except in the vehicle for which a current and valid Contractor Parking Permit has been issued, and only when the vehicle is being used for contractor services.
(2) No person shall make use of the Contractor Parking Permit to avoid or attempt to avoid liability for any parking violation, except when the person is performing contractor services.
(1) Any person violating the provisions of Section 12-2904 shall pay a fine of one hundred dollars ($100) for each violation, together with costs of prosecution, or, in default thereof, shall be subject to imprisonment for a period not exceeding ten (10) days.
(2) Any person violating Section 12-2904 or Section 12-2904.1 shall, in addition to the penalties set forth in subsection 12-2905(1), have his or her Contractor Parking Permit revoked and such person may not reapply for a Contractor Parking Permit for a period of six (6) months thereafter, and be liable for payment of fines, costs and additional fees prescribed and assessed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12-2800 of this Title. 408
408 | Amended, Bill No. 100285 (approved June 23, 2010), effective July 23, 2010. |