(1) Snow. Any precipitation depositing any accumulations on the streets including snow, sleet, hail, ice and freezing rain.
(2) Emergency Coordinator. Any City employee designated from time to time by the Managing Director as the Emergency Coordinator.
(3) Snow Emergency. A state of highway conditions that are hazardous and dangerous to vehicular and pedestrian traffic and so declared by the Emergency Coordinator.
(4) Snow Emergency Routes. All streets in the City so designated and marked.
(5) Chains. Full chains, strap chains or other types of chains mounted on both rear wheels of a motorized vehicle.
(6) Snow Tires. Tires having treads designed for use in snow, which tires must be in such condition as to serve the purpose for which they are designed.
(7) Vehicles. All self-propelled motorized vehicles using City streets and highways including taxicabs, but excluding other public transportation conveyances.
(1) The Streets Commissioner 263 shall by regulation designate streets which are heavily traveled and are necessary thoroughfares for the movement of vehicular traffic through the City as "Snow Emergency Routes".
(2) All streets designated as "Snow Emergency Routes" shall be posted with suitable signs or markers at intervals not exceeding 1500 feet, which signs shall bear the words "Snow Emergency Route".
(3) When in the opinion of the Emergency Coordinator the actual or expected precipitation of snow will create hazardous or dangerous highway conditions for vehicular or pedestrian traffic, the Emergency Coordinator shall have authority to declare a "Snow Emergency". Such declaration shall include a designation of the time when the "Snow Emergency" shall take effect, which shall be not less than two hours after it has been declared. 264
(a) The Emergency Coordinator shall immediately inform the public of the snow emergency by issuing a press release to the local radio, television and news services.
(b) The Snow Emergency shall continue in force and effect until the Emergency Coordinator declares it to be over in the same manner as provided for in subsection (3)(a).
(4) After the time a snow emergency takes effect and during its existence: 265
(a) No vehicle, trailer, dumpster, or any other object shall be parked or allowed to remain stalled, incapable of moving under its own power or otherwise left unattended on a Snow Emergency Route. 266
(b) The Emergency Coordinator may declare any Snow Emergency Route or any part of a Snow Emergency Route to be free from the restrictions herein imposed, when in the Emergency Coordinator's opinion the weather or street conditions warrant such an exclusion. The Emergency Coordinator shall give notice of this determination in the manner provided for in subsection (3)(a) above. 267
263 | Enrolled bill read "Street Commissioner". Bill No. 957 (approved February 16, 1995), 1995 Ordinances, p. 67. |
264 | Amended, Bill No. 957 (approved February 16, 1995), 1995 Ordinances, p. 67. |
265 | Amended by deleting former subsections (4)(b) and (4)(c) and renumbering subsection (4)(d), Bill No. 957 (approved February 16, 1995), 1995 Ordinances, p. 67. |
266 | Amended, Bill No. 957 (approved February 16, 1995), 1995 Ordinances, p. 67. |
267 | Amended, Bill No. 957 (approved February 16, 1995), 1995 Ordinances, p. 67. |
(1) Any vehicle, trailer, dumpster or any other object that is on any "Snow Emergency Route" in violation of subsection 12-2502(4)(a), and upon which a ticket has been affixed for such violation pursuant to subsection 12-2504(2), may be removed or towed to any other location by the Police Department or its designated agent.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection 12-2503(2), if a vehicle, trailer, dumpster or other object is towed to an Official Towing Station designated pursuant to Section 12-2402, then the procedures set forth in Chapter 12-2400, including, but not limited to, the assessment of storage charges pursuant to Section 12-2406.1, shall apply. Notwithstanding any contrary provisions of Section 12-2406.1, a towing fee shall be assessed in accordance with the fee and procedure set forth in subsection 12-2503(3)(a). The provisions of subsection 12-2406.1(4) shall, if applicable, apply to any vehicle, trailer, dumpster or other object towed pursuant to this Chapter. 269
(3) If a vehicle, trailer, dumpster or other object is not towed to an Official Towing Station designated pursuant to Section 12-2402, then the following procedures shall apply:
(a) The vehicle or other object shall be towed to a location not on a Snow Emergency Route. A towing fee shall be assessed pursuant to the procedures set forth in Chapter 12-2800 in the amount of seventy-five dollars ($75) or such higher amount as the Police Commissioner determines by regulation is sufficient to reimburse the costs of towing, including all associated administrative costs. Either a separate ticket giving notice of such towing fee shall be affixed to the vehicle or other object, or notice of such towing fee shall be included as part of the ticket issued pursuant to subsection 12-2504(2); 270
(b) Notice that the vehicle or other object has been towed shall be sent within thirty (30) days by the Police Department or its designated agent to the owner of record, which notice shall set forth the place to which the vehicle or other object was towed and the reason for such towing. No such notice shall be required if the owner has contacted the Department or its designated agent within seventy-two (72) hours of the towing; and
(c) The owner may reclaim the vehicle at any time without prior payment of any penalties or towing charges.
(4) The following vehicles shall not be subject to towing pursuant to this Section:
(a) Vehicles legally parked at places designated as reserved on-street parking for the physically handicapped and severely-disabled veterans pursuant to Section 12-1117. The Police Department or its designated agent may temporarily relocate such vehicles to permit plowing during a Snow Emergency, provided such vehicles are returned immediately after the block has been plowed. No towing or storage charges shall be imposed for such vehicles;
(b) SEPTA and Transport of New Jersey mass transit vehicles (including paratransit vehicles), provided that if SEPTA or Transit of New Jersey has not removed a vehicle within two hours after being notified that a vehicle must be removed from a Snow Emergency Route, such vehicle shall be subject to the towing provisions of this Section; and
(c) Authorized emergency vehicles exempted from parking regulations pursuant to Section 12-1304.
268 | Added, Bill No. 957 (approved February 16, 1995), 1995 Ordinances, p. 67; amended, Bill No. 1198 (approved December 19, 1995), 1995 Ordinances, p. 1339. |
269 | Amended, Bill No. 060636-A (approved February 7, 2007). |
270 | Amended, Bill No. 060447 (approved July 5, 2006), effective August 4, 2006. |
(1) Penalties for violations of subsection 12-2502(4)(a) shall be imposed in accordance with Chapter 12-2800, which penalties shall be in addition to any liability for towing and storage charges. 272
271 | Amended, 1989 Ordinances, p. 72; amended, Bill No. 957 (approved February 16, 1995), 1995 Ordinances, p. 67; amended and renumbered, Bill No. 1198 (December 19, 1995), 1995 Ordinances, p. 1339. |
272 | Added, Bill No. 1198 (approved December 19, 1995), 1995 Ordinances, p. 1339. |
273 | Added, Bill No. 1198 (approved December 19, 1995), 1995 Ordinances, p. 1339. |