136 | Amended, Bill No. 000148 (approved May 16, 2000). Bill No. 050864 (approved January 24, 2006) would have added new subsections (4) and (5) to this Section. Section 2 of Bill No. 050864 provides: "This Ordinance shall take effect only upon the enactment of Bill Number 050863 providing for metered parking for physically handicapped persons on even-numbered metered blocks rather than on each metered block." Because Bill No. 050863 was not enacted, Bill No. 050864 never became effective; hence, the amendments set forth therein are not shown. Deleted, Bill No. 190463 (approved June 26, 2019). |
(1) When a vehicle is parked in a parking meter space the operator shall immediately pay the designated fee using a parking meter, unless there is parking meter time remaining on the meter at the parking meter space. Any vehicle can use the balance of time on the parking meter until such time expires and additional payments are required. Failure to pay such fee for a vehicle at a parking meter whose time has expired shall constitute a violation of this Chapter. 137
(2) Except in areas otherwise provided for in this Section or expressly provided for by special ordinances, the designated fee to be deposited in all parking meters shall be up to one dollar ($1.00) for one (1) hour of parking. 138
(3) (a) The designated fee for one hour of parking in the following areas shall be up to two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per hour, as determined by the Department: in the Center City area bounded by Spring Garden street, Bainbridge street, the Schuylkill River and the Delaware River, except for in the Center City Core area, described in subsection (4) below; 139
(b) The designated fee for one hour of parking in the following area shall be (i) on or after January 1, 2009, up to one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per hour; (ii) on or after January 1, 2010, up to two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) per hour, as determined by the Department: in the University City area bounded by the Schuylkill River on the east, University avenue/Woodland avenue on the south, Fortieth street on the west, and by a line along Filbert street, between Fortieth street and Thirty-fourth street, along Thirty-fourth street to Arch street, along Arch street, between Thirty-fourth street and the Schuylkill River, on the north. 140
(4) The designated fee for one hour of parking in the Center City Core area, meaning the area bounded by Arch Street, 4th Street, Locust Street and 20th Street, shall be up to three dollars ($3.00) per hour, as determined by the Department. 141
(5) If a mobile payment system for parking meter fees is implemented, the required fee for the initial payment through the system up to the posted time limit shall be the fee designated in subsections 12-1005(2), (3) and (4). If the mobile payment system permits additional time to be added beyond the posted time limit, the required fee for the next time limit period shall be two times the fee for the initial period and three times the fee for the initial period if a second period of additional time is purchased. In each case the additional time permitted shall be up to the posted time limit. The system shall not accept payment for additional time beyond three times the initial time limit. An additional processing fee of forty cents ($0.40) may be charged for each transaction in which additional time is added. 142
137 | Amended, 1992 Ordinances, p. 737; amended, Bill No. 190463 (approved June 26, 2019). |
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141 | Added, Bill No. 080857 (approved December 16, 2008), effective January 15, 2009. |
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143 | Added, Bill No. 150354 (approved June 2, 2015). |
(1) When a vehicle is parked in a parking meter kiosk space with respect to which the kiosk issues a receipt for purposes of display, the receipt dispensed by the kiosk evidencing payment of the parking fee for that space shall be displayed in such a manner as to be clearly visible through the curb side portion of the vehicle's windshield. Failure to properly display the kiosk receipt shall be considered a failure to pay the meter fee. 145
(2) No vehicle shall display any ticket, tag, handbill, receipt, or other writing simulating or in imitation of a valid parking meter kiosk receipt.
144 | Added, Bill No. 100285 (approved June 23, 2010), effective July 23, 2010. |
145 | Amended, Bill No. 190463 (approved June 26, 2019). |
(1) It shall be unlawful for any operator or owner to permit his vehicle to be parked in any parking meter space beyond the legal parking limit or to deposit any additional coins in a parking meter to extend the time for the use of the parking space beyond the legal parking limit.