§ 12-203. Emergency and Trial Regulations.
   (1)   The Police Department is empowered to enforce regulations necessary to make effective the provisions of this Title. In the event of fire, emergency or special events the Police Department is empowered to establish and enforce temporary traffic regulations.
   (2)   For the purpose of minimizing traffic hazards and traffic congestion and for the promotion of public safety, the Department is authorized to establish any traffic regulation for a trial period of eight months; provided that:
      (a)   Prior to the commencement of any trial period, a copy of the proposed regulation shall be sent by the Department to Council together with a statement of the reasons therefor;
      (b)   Such trial period shall begin upon the posting of signs or other appropriate notices to the public.
   (3)   If an ordinance embodying such regulation, or any part thereof, is not approved after the eight-month trial period, such regulation shall cease to be effective.
   (4)   The Department may test traffic-control devices under actual traffic conditions.
   (5)   Ordinances to control the direction of movement of traffic and the parking of vehicles on streets within the City shall be enacted pursuant to the authority of this Section.