(1) The Department is authorized to develop a Complete Streets Policy for the City, and to maintain, update, and publish such policy through a Complete Streets Handbook. The Department is further authorized to issue regulations implementing and requiring compliance with the Complete Streets Policy. The purpose of such policy shall be as follows:
(a) To give full consideration to accommodation of the safety and convenience of all users of the transportation system, be they pedestrians, bicyclists, public transit users or motor vehicle drivers;
(b) Balance the needs of all users in planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of the right of way and facilities therein; and
(c) Contribute to a comprehensive and integrated transportation network and prioritize the safety of those traveling in the public right-of-way, and in particular the safety of children, the elderly, and persons with disabilities.
(2) No construction project of a type set forth below that is in or affects the public right-of-way shall be approved by the Department of Streets, or further, where an ordinance is required to authorize the project, by Council, unless the person responsible for such construction project documents the manner of compliance with such regulations as the Department of Streets may promulgate with respect to implementation of the City's Complete Streets Policy:
(b) Any project subject to civic design review pursuant to subsection 14-304(5).
(c) Any street improvement that requires a permit or approval from the Department of Streets, and that proposes a change of the curbline such that any one or more of the following apply:
(.a) A lay-by lane is added. For purposes of this Chapter, "lay-by lane" shall mean a limited length of the right-of-way where the cartway is widened into an area that would otherwise be occupied by the sidewalk, to form an area where vehicles may be permitted to stop, stand, or park out of the flow of traffic.
(.b) A traffic study is required pursuant to Department of Streets regulations, or subsection 14-603(10) (Parking, Non-Accessory) or another provision of Title 14 (Zoning and Planning).
(.c) The flow of traffic at a signalized intersection would be materially affected.
(d) Any project that would encroach on the public right-of-way such that the remaining minimum clear width of sidewalk would be less than the Walking Zone standard set forth for the applicable street type set forth in the Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan established by the Philadelphia City Planning Commission.
(e) Any project in which either an existing driveway would be widened to more than 24 feet, or a new driveway wider than 24 feet would be created.
(f) Any capital project by the City or a quasi-governmental agency that alters the public right-of-way, as a condition of the issuance of any necessary permit or approval, and any such capital project by the Department of Streets regardless of whether any permit or approval is required.
(3) Regulations issued by the Department of Streets pursuant to this Section may require that compliance be documented by checklists, or any other means. Such documentation shall be a public record, and shall be posted on the City website within 60 days of the filing of such documentation.
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(1) All construction projects subject to subsection 11-901(2) shall conform to the street types and standards set forth in the Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan established by the Philadelphia City Planning Commission, consistent with and subject to the City Plan, classifying street types by intended use and, setting forth minimum dimensional requirements for sidewalk features.