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The Philadelphia Code



   Added, Bill No. 050065 (approved April 20, 2005).
§ 11-701. General. 145
   (1)   Definitions. Terms used in this Chapter shall have the following meanings, whether or not the terms are capitalized. Unless otherwise expressly stated, terms not defined in this Chapter shall be construed consistent with Title 47 of the United States Code, and, if not defined therein, with their common and ordinary meaning.
      (a)   Aerial Facilities. Poles, wires, cables, associated equipment, and other Facilities located above the surface of the ground, including their underground supports and foundations.
      (b)   Cable Acts. The Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, as amended by the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, as amended by portions of The Telecommunications Act of 1996, and as hereafter amended (47 U.S.C. §§ 521 et seq., as amended and hereafter amended).
      (c)   Cable Franchise. Shall have the meaning provided for the term “franchise” in the Cable Acts, 47 U.S.C. § 522(9).
      (d)   Cable Franchise Agreement. The agreement entered into by the City and a Cable Operator setting forth the terms and conditions of a Cable Franchise issued to the Cable Operator by the City.
      (e)   Cable Operator. Shall have the meaning provided in the Cable Acts, 47 U.S.C. § 522(5).
      (f)   Cable Service. Shall have the meaning provided in the Cable Acts, 47 U.S.C. § 522(6).
      (g)   Cable System. Shall have the meaning provided in the Cable Acts, 47 U.S.C. § 522(7).
      (h)   City Agency. Any department, board, commission, office, or agency of the City administration, including the Philadelphia Gas Works, but not including: concessionaires of the City; municipal, transportation, industrial development, housing, redevelopment, and other authorities and corporations established pursuant to the statutes of the Commonwealth; SEPTA; or the Philadelphia School District.
      (i)   City Work. All construction work performed by the City or any City Agency, with its own personnel or under contract, including repair, alteration, replacement, or maintenance of Facilities owned, operated, maintained, or controlled by the City or for which the City is responsible.
      (j)   Commissioner. Collectively, the Streets Commissioner and designees.
      (k)   Communications Act. The Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. §§ 151 et seq., as amended and as hereafter amended.
      (l)   Department. The Department of Streets.
      (m)   Emergency Condition. A condition that, in the judgment of the Commissioner, (i) constitutes an imminent risk to the health, welfare, or safety of the public, or (ii) has caused or is likely to cause Facilities already installed to be unusable and result in loss of the services provided through the Facilities.
      (n)   End User Device. Any device erected in and affixed permanently to the Right-of-Way, including, but not limited to, pay telephones and kiosks, that allow a Person using an End User Device to terminate or originate transmissions of voice or data.
      (o)   Facility(ies). Conduit, pipes, cables, wires, lines, towers, optic fiber, antennae, poles, End User Devices, associated equipment and appurtenances, and any other facilities (exclusive of water and sewer pipes in Plumber’s Ditches) located in the Right-of-Way and designed, constructed, and/or used, by Telecommunications Providers, Cable Service and OVS Service providers, Information Service Providers, City Agencies, public utilities, or other Persons for transmitting, transporting, or distributing communications, telecommunications, electricity, natural gas or manufactured gas, oil, gasoline, steam, water, waste water, or any other form of energy, signal or substance.
      (p)   Franchise. A Cable Franchise or OVS Franchise.
      (q)   Franchisee. Any Person that is issued a Cable Franchise or an OVS Franchise.
      (r)   Franchise Agreement. A Cable Franchise Agreement or OVS Agreement.
      (s)   Guaranteed Pavement Information System (“GPIS”). The online permitting system developed and used by the Department in connection with the Department’s street opening permit process and to exchange information between Facility owners and the City related to construction, projects and events which may affect City Rights-of-Way.
      (t)   Information Service. Shall have the meaning provided in the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. § 153(20).
      (u)   Open Video System or OVS. Shall have the meaning provided in Title 47 of the Code of Federal Regulations, 47 C.F.R. § 76.1500(a).
      (v)   Open Video System Agreement or OVS Agreement. The agreement entered into by the City and an OVS Operator setting forth the terms and conditions of an OVS Franchise issued to the OVS Operator by the City.
      (w)   Open Video System Franchise or OVS Franchise. A Franchise authorizing a Person to own, construct, operate and maintain an OVS System and provide OVS Service over an OVS System within the City.
      (x)   Open Video System Operator or OVS Operator. Shall have the meaning provided in Title 47, Part 76 of the Code of Federal Regulations, 47 C.F.R. § 76.1500(b).
      (y)   Open Video System Service or OVS Service. Video programming services, Cable Service, and other services similar to Cable Service that are provided over an Open Video System.
      (z)   Person. Individual natural persons; corporations, companies, associations, joint stock companies, firms, partnerships, limited liability companies, and other entities; concessionaires of the City; municipal, transportation, industrial development, housing, redevelopment, and other authorities and corporations established pursuant to statute of the Commonwealth; the Philadelphia School District; and other government entities; provided, that Person does not include or apply to the City or to any City Agency.
      (aa)   Plumber’s Ditch. A trench or other excavation made in the Right-of-Way for the purpose of maintaining, repairing, or replacing a water or sewer pipe used to connect a building or other structure with a water or sewer pipe located in the Right-of-Way in order to provide water or sewer service to the building or structure.
      (bb)   Public Utilities Commission or PUC. The Public Utility Commission of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
      (cc)   Registered User. Any Person or City Agency that is issued a ROW Registration by the City pursuant to this Chapter, or Persons holding existing franchises, authorizations pursuant to special ordinances of City Council, or other authorizations that are subject to the transitional provisions set forth in subsection 11-701(4).
      (dd)   Right-of-Way or Rights-of-Way or ROW. The surface of and space above and below any real property in the City in which the City has a regulatory interest, or interest as a trustee for the public, as such interests now or hereafter exist, including, but not limited to, all Streets, highways, avenues, roads, alleys, sidewalks, pedestrian and vehicle tunnels and passageways, concourses, viaducts, bridges, and skyways under the control of the City, and any unrestricted public or utility easements established, dedicated, platted, improved or devoted for Utility purposes; provided, that the following lands are not included in the Right-of-Way: lands administered by the Division of Aviation of the Commerce Department; lands owned by the City that are not Streets; and lands, other than the following Streets, that are under the care and jurisdiction of the Fairmount Park Commission: Belmont Avenue, Bells Mill Road, Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Cobbs Creek Parkway, Cresheim Valley Drive, Haverford Avenue, Henry Avenue, Hunting Park Avenue, Kelly Drive, Lansdowne Avenue, Lincoln Drive, Montgomery Drive, Parkside Avenue, Rhawn Street, Roosevelt Boulevard, the Schuylkill Expressway, Southern Parkway, and West River Drive. The phrases “in the Right(s)-of-Way” and “in the right(s)-of-way” mean “in, on, over, along, above and/or under the Right(s)-of-Way” or “right(s)-of-way”.
      (ee)   Right-of-Way Registration or ROW Registration. An authorization, issued pursuant to this Chapter, that grants an owner of an Underground Facility or Franchise access to the City’s GPIS system and that acts as a City reference source for all authorized users of the Right-of-Way.
      (ff)   SEPTA. The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority.
      (gg)   Service(s). Any Telecommunications Service, Cable Service, OVS Service, service providing Video Programming, Information Service, Utility service (including, but not limited to, electric, gas, water, or steam service), or other form of service provided by means of Facilities located in the Right-of-Way.
      (hh)   Street. A strip of land or part thereof within the Right-of-Way, whether dedicated or not, that is intended or used for vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic. The phrase “in the (a) Street(s)” means “in, on, over, along, above and/or under the (a) Street(s)”.
      (ii)   Street Closure Permit. A permit issued by the Department authorizing the temporary (partial or full) closure of the Right-of-Way, including the roadway and/or footway, for the temporary placement of equipment necessary to perform work. These permits are also commonly known as “Street Occupancy” or “Lane Closure” permits.
      (jj)   Street Opening Permit. A permit required by the Philadelphia Code and/or the Department’s regulations and issued by the Department to open or excavate within the City Right-of-Way. Street Opening Permits, other than those issued for test borings and monitoring wells, are also commonly known as GPIS permits.
      (kk)   Telecommunications. Shall have the meaning provided in the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. § 153(43).
      (ll)   Telecommunications Facilities. The plant, equipment and property within the City used to transmit, receive, distribute, provide or offer Telecommunications Service.
      (mm)   Telecommunications Provider. Includes every Person who provides Telecommunications Service over Telecommunications Facilities.
      (nn)   Telecommunications Service. Shall have the meaning provided in the Communications Act, 47 U.S.C. § 153(46).
      (oo)   Transfer of Interest. As applied to a Right-of-Way Registration and/or the Facilities authorized thereby: the assignment, transfer, or other disposition, directly or indirectly, by sale, lease, merger, consolidation, or other act, by operation of law or otherwise, of any interest, in whole or in part, in the ROW Registration or such Facilities, including, but not limited to, actual control over the ROW Registration.
      (pp)   Underground Facilities. Facilities located under the surface of the ground or pavement, excluding the underground foundations or supports for Aerial Facilities.
      (qq)   Video Programming. Programming provided by, or generally considered comparable to programming provided by, a television broadcast station.
   (2)   Right-of-Way Registration Required.
      (a)   ROW Registration. Any Person or City Agency who owns, constructs, operates, maintains, relocates, removes, or repairs Underground Facilities in any Right-of-Way of the City to provide or to enable others to provide Services to Persons or areas in the City or outside the City shall obtain a ROW Registration issued by the Department and comply with the insurance, indemnity and security requirements of this Section. All ROW Registrations shall be made by application provided by the Department.
      (b)   Decisions of the Department with respect to any application for a Right-of-Way Registration shall be appealable, within thirty (30) days, to the Board of License and Inspection Review. Nothing in this Chapter, however, shall create any obligation on the part of Council to grant any application or any entitlement in any applicant to any Right-of-Way Registration.
      (c)   Access to GPIS. The Department may require that any Person or City Agency obtain a ROW Registration and submit such additional information and documentation as the Department may require by regulation as a condition of obtaining access to GPIS.
      (d)   Insurance, Indemnification and Security.
         (.1)   Insurance. The Registered User shall furnish, at the Registered User’s expense, insurance for general liability, property damage, bodily injury, and wrongful death, in form, amount and duration determined by the Commissioner by regulation, to cover a loss that may be incurred for construction, reconstruction, repair, relocation or installation of Facilities or other work in the ROW. The City shall be named as an additional insured as provided in subsection (.2). The Commissioner may accept a plan of self-insurance as a substitute for such insurance, if the Commissioner determines that such self-insurance adequately protects the City and the public.
         (.2)   Indemnification.
            (.a)   Each Registered User shall fully indemnify and save harmless and, if requested, defend the City, its officers, agents and employees, of and from liability for damages or injury to the Right-of-Way or to Persons or property in a claim or suit seeking to impose liability on the City, its officers, agents or employees, arising out of an act or omission of a Person, agent, or employee engaged or employed in, about or upon the work by, at the instance of, or with the approval or consent of the Registered User, including, but not limited to, a failure of the Registered User or such Person, agent, or employee to comply with this Chapter, Chapter 9-300, Chapter 11-200, or any Street Closure Permit or Street Opening Permit required under this Chapter. The Registered User shall have the City named as an additional insured on the insurance required under subsection (.1) and any insurance the Registered User requires of such Person, agent, or employee. The coverage of the City as an additional insured shall be limited to the acts or omissions of the Registered User or such Person, agent, servant, or employee.
            (.b)   The indemnification required under subsection (.a) shall not apply to any liability to the extent it is caused by the negligent or willful acts of the City, its officers, agents or employees; shall be solely for the benefit of the City, its officers, agents or employees; and is not intended to create any rights in any other Registered User or Person.
         (.3)   Security. In addition to the requirements of subsections (.1) and (.2), the Commissioner may require a Registered User to furnish security, in the form of a surety bond or an unconditional letter of credit in an amount and form satisfactory to the Law Department where the Commissioner determines that additional security is necessary. If required by the Commissioner, the Registered User shall furnish security, as a condition of any Street Closure Permit or Street Opening Permit required under this Chapter and prior to commencing any work in the ROW, in an amount sufficient to ensure completion of the work in accordance with this Chapter, Chapters 9-300 and 11-200, and the Street Closure Permits or Street Opening Permits required under this Chapter and shall maintain the security as long as it is performing any work in the ROW.
         (.4)   Application to City Agencies. The insurance, indemnification and security required under this subsection shall not apply to any department, board, commission, office, or agency of the City, but shall apply to the Philadelphia Gas Works; concessionaires of the City; municipal, transportation, industrial development, housing, redevelopment, and other authorities and corporations established pursuant to the statutes of the Commonwealth; and the School District of Philadelphia.
   (3)   Use Authorized. No ROW Registration shall confer any exclusive right, privilege or license to occupy or use the Right-of-Way for any purpose; or mean or include any exclusive right or privilege of transacting and carrying on any business within the City; or explicitly or impliedly preclude or affect the City’s right to authorize use of the Right-of-Way by other Persons to own, construct, operate, maintain, and/or provide the same or different Facilities or Services, or for other purposes as the City determines appropriate; or affect the City’s right to itself construct, operate or maintain any type of Facilities or offer any type of Services in the Right-of-Way, with or without a ROW Registration; or authorize, or excuse any entity from securing, such further easements, leases, permits or other approvals as may be required by applicable law or regulation to occupy and use the Right-of-Way; or convey any right, title or interest in any Right-of-Way greater or other than the access granted by the ROW Registration.
   (4)   Transitional Provisions.
      (a)   Persons already authorized to occupy the Right-of-Way. Any Person holding a special ordinance, license, or other authorization from the City to own, construct, operate, and/or maintain Facilities in the Right-of-Way to provide Services, or Facilities for others, may continue to conduct those activities expressly authorized, and to own, construct, operate and/or maintain those specific Facilities and route(s) authorized for the purposes provided in the authorization.
      (b)   Pending applications. Applications for an authorization to occupy or use the Right-of-Way that are pending on the effective date of this Chapter shall be subject to this Chapter. A Person with a pending application shall submit additional information to comply with the requirements of this Chapter and applicable regulations of the Commissioner governing applications within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Chapter.
   (5)   Owner’s Consent. No ROW Registration or Construction Permit expressly or impliedly authorizes any Person or City Agency to provide any Services to, or install any Facilities on, any private property without the owner’s consent, or to use publicly or privately owned poles, ducts or conduits without a separate agreement with the owners thereof for such use.
   (6)   Poles with Overhead Wire Reporting Requirement. The Department is authorized to promulgate regulations requiring owners of poles with overhead wires in the Right-of-Way to file an annual written report with the Department, on a form established by the Department, specifying the number, type and location of poles maintained and located in the City of Philadelphia.



   Amended, Bill No. 230454 (approved July 12, 2023). Section 4 of Bill No. 230454 provides: "This Ordinance shall be effective upon the adoption of implementing regulations by the Department of Streets." Implementing regulations were promulgated on April 1, 2024, and became law on May 1, 2024.
§ 11-702. Renewal of ROW Registration. 146
   (1)   Application. A Person or City Agency desiring to renew a ROW Registration, other than a Cable Franchise or an OVS Franchise, shall file an application with the City for renewal of its Registration on a form established by the Department by regulation. The time for filing and application fee shall be established by the Department by regulation.
   (2)   Determination. Upon receiving a complete application for renewal of a ROW Registration, the Department shall make a determination accepting or denying the renewal application in whole or in part. If the renewal application is denied, the determination shall include the reasons for non-renewal. Determinations to grant or deny a renewal application shall be made on a non-discriminatory and competitively neutral basis, and subject to such additional requirements as promulgated by regulation of the Department.



   Caption and section amended, Bill No. 230454 (approved July 12, 2023). See note 145 for effective date provisions.
§ 11-703. Cable Franchise; Open Video System Franchise. 147
   (1)   Franchise Required. No Person may own, construct, operate or maintain a Cable System or Open Video System within the City, provide Cable Service over a Cable System, or provide OVS Service over an Open Video System, unless a Cable Franchise or OVS Franchise, whichever is applicable, is first issued by the City to the owner of such Cable System or Open Video System in accordance with this Chapter. A Cable Franchise or Open Video System Franchise or any renewal thereof may be issued by the City only after it is authorized by separate ordinance of City Council, and shall not become effective unless or until so authorized. In considering such an authorization, the Council shall consider whether the applicant has demonstrated:
      (a)   that it has no substantial history of non-compliance with applicable law and regulation relating to the management of, and the construction and maintenance of Facilities in, Streets and rights-of-way, wherever located;
      (b)   that it possesses all licenses, permits, and authorizations required by the Federal Communications Commission, the PUC, the Commonwealth, and the City as a condition of its using the Right-of-Way and furnishing the Services and operating the Facilities proposed by the applicant;
      (c)   that its Cable System or Open Video System is responsive to the needs and interests of the local community and has satisfied such further requirements of Council as are consistent with the Cable Acts and the applicable regulations of the Federal Communications Commission for granting or renewing a Cable Franchise or Open Video System Franchise.
   (2)   Term of Franchise. Unless otherwise specified in a Cable Franchise or OVS Franchise, no Cable Franchise or OVS Franchise shall be issued for a period of more than fifteen (15) years.
   (3)   Compensation from Cable Franchisees. Except as expressly provided otherwise in an existing Franchise Agreement, each Cable Franchisee shall pay to the City the maximum cable franchise fees and other compensation permitted by law, and all fees required for ROW Registration, Street Closure Permits and Street Opening Permits, or otherwise required by law pursuant to this Chapter.
   (4)   Compensation from OVS Franchisees. Every OVS Franchisee shall pay compensation to the City as follows:
      (a)   The OVS Franchisee shall pay to the City all fees required for ROW Registration, Street Closure Permits and Street Opening Permits, or otherwise required by law pursuant to this Chapter, and a percentage of its Gross Revenue each month equal to the maximum gross revenue percentage paid by any Cable Franchisee in the City for the same month; provided, however, that if there is no Cable System operating in the City, on account of all Cable Systems having become Open Video Systems in accordance with applicable federal law, the percentage shall be equal to the maximum percentage that was required of any Cable Franchisee pursuant to this Section 11-703, subject to any limit that may be imposed by federal law. To the extent the OVS System is used for the provision of Telecommunications Service, and except as prohibited by law, the OVS Franchisee shall also pay all other fees required of Telecommunications Providers under the Code.
      (b)   For purposes of this Section 11-703, and except as prohibited by the Cable Acts or regulations of the Federal Communications Commission, Gross Revenue shall be defined to include all the revenues derived from the operation of a Cable System or an Open Video System to provide Cable Services or OVS Services; and, except as required otherwise by federal law, shall include the revenues of affiliated persons using the capacity of the Open Video System or Cable System to provide Cable Service or OVS Service to subscribers for a fee, to the extent the OVS franchisee does not otherwise pay a fee to the City on account of such revenues.
      (c)   Except as expressly provided otherwise in an existing OVS Agreement or in subsection (a) above, each OVS Franchisee shall pay to the City the maximum fees on its gross revenue and other compensation permitted by law, and all fees required of Franchisees under Section 11-706.
   (5)   Transfer of Interest. No Transfer of Interest in any Cable System or Open Video System may take place except as provided in the Cable Acts and the applicable Franchise Agreement(s), and shall require approval by ordinance of City Council unless expressly provided otherwise in an approved Franchise Agreement. No Transfer of Interest in the Registered User’s Facilities shall take place without the prior written consent of the City. The City, in granting consent, and City Council, in approving such ordinance, shall consider whether the Transfer of Interest is consistent with the terms and requirements of applicable law and meets the requirements of subsection 11-701(2) and regulations under that Section, and complies with all applicable requirements of the Cable Acts.
   (6)   A Cable Franchisee and an OVS Franchise shall be required to obtain and maintain a Right of Way Registration pursuant to subsection 11-701(2) and to pay the fees required thereof under Section 11-706.



   Amended, Bill No. 230454 (approved July 12, 2023). See note 145 for effective date provisions.