A-506.1 General. 157 The code official is authorized to issue code violation notices for any violation of any provision of this code or the technical codes, pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 1-112 of The Philadelphia Code.
A-506.2 Remittance amount. 158 The amount required to be remitted in response to a code violation notice is the amount indicated in Section 1-112 of The Philadelphia Code unless otherwise specified.
Exceptions: The amount required to be remitted shall be as follows for violation of the following provisions:
   1.   Section F-1008.2 (door operations). . . . . One hundred dollars ($100)
   2.   Section F-1009 (egress maintenance). . . . . One hundred dollars ($100)
   3.   Section F-401.3 (notice of fire or fire alarm). . . . . Three hundred dollars ($300)
   4.   Section F-1004.1 (exceeding the lawful occupancy). . . . . One hundred dollars ($100)
   5.   Section 9-3901(3) 159 (notification of license changes). . . . . Seventy-five dollars ($75)
   6.   Section 9-3907  160 (managing agents and property managers). . . . . One hundred fifty dollars ($150)
   7.   Section PM-902  161 (Foreclosed Vacant Residential Properties). . . . . Three hundred dollars ($300)
   8.   Section A-504.7  162 (Prohibited conduct during a Stop Work Order). . . . . Five hundred dollars ($500)
   9.   Section A-402.10.6  163 (Failure to provide for required demolition inspections). . . . . Five hundred dollars ($500)
   10.   Section PM-904  164 (Chronic Non-Compliant Owner). . . . . One hundred fifty dollars ($150)
A-506.3 Licensed Contractors. 165 The Department is authorized to deny the issuance of permits to any contractor licensed pursuant to The Philadelphia Code or licensed or registered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who has been issued more than three (3) code violation notices and has either failed to remit the required amount of the code violation notice, or failed to appeal the issuance of the code violation notice. Such limitation shall remain in place until the contractor has remitted the required amounts or presented confirmation of an appeal.



   Added, Bill No. 030780 (approved December 31, 2003).
   Amended, Bill No. 180175 (approved June 6, 2018).
   Amended, Bill No. 040998 (approved January 25, 2005); amended, Bill No. 180175 (approved June 6, 2018).
   Amended, Bill No. 140856 (approved December 19, 2014), effective July 1, 2015.
   Added, Bill No. 090834 (approved April 28, 2010); amended, Bill No. 140856 (approved December 19, 2014), effective July 1, 2015.
   Added, Bill No. 100749 (approved January 26, 2011), effective April 26, 2011; amended, Bill No. 140856 (approved December 19, 2014), effective July 1, 2015.
   Added, Bill No. 130691-A (approved February 19, 2014). See note 87 for effective date provisions.
   Added, Bill No. 130691-A (approved February 19, 2014). See note 87 for effective date provisions.
   Added, Bill No. 160365-A (approved October 19, 2016).
   Added, Bill No. 180175 (approved June 6, 2018).