71.01 Persons riding animals or driving animal-drawn vehicles to obey traffic regulations
71.02 Use of coasters, roller skates, and similar devices restricted
71.03 Public employees to obey traffic regulations
71.04 Exemptions to authorized emergency vehicles
71.05 Operation of vehicles on approach of authorized emergency vehicles
71.06 Immediate report of accidents
Traffic-Control Devices
71.10 Authority to install traffic-control devices
71.11 Manual and specifications for traffic-control devices
71.12 Obedience to official traffic-control devices
71.13 When traffic devices required for enforcement purposes
71.14 Traffic-control signal legend
71.15 Pedestrian signals
71.16 Flashing signals
71.17 Traffic-control signal locations
71.18 Display of unauthorized signs, signals, or markings
71.19 Defacing or altering signs prohibited
71.20 Board of Public Works and Safety to designate crosswalks, establish safety zones, and mark traffic lanes
71.21 Stopping at railroad crossings; procedure
71.22 Stopping for school buses
Speed Regulations
71.25 State speed laws applicable
71.26 Alleys
Turning Movements
71.30 Authority to place, and obedience to, turning marker
71.31 Authority to place restricted turn signs
71.32 Obedience to "no turn" signs
71.33 Limitations on turning around
One-Way Streets and Alleys
71.40 Authority to sign one-way streets and alleys
71.41 One-way streets and alleys
Special Stops Required
71.45 Through streets designated
71.46 Authority to erect stop signs
71.47 Intersections where stop required
71.48 Signs to bear the word "stop"
71.49 Vehicles to stop at stop signs
71.50 Emerging from an alley, a driveway, or a building
71.51 Stop when traffic obstructed
71.52 Obedience to signal indicating approach of railroad train
71.53 Yielding right-of-way at intersections and four-way stops
71.54 Traffic-control signals not in operation
Miscellaneous Driving Rules
71.55 Following fire apparatus prohibited
71.56 Crossing fire hose prohibited
71.57 Driving in a procession
71.58 Funeral processions
71.59 Permits required for parades and processions
71.60 Vehicles shall not be driven on a sidewalk
71.61 Limitations on backing
71.62 Clinging to moving vehicles
71.63 Starting a stopped, standing or parked vehicle
71.64 Slowing, turning, changing lanes safely; required signals
71.65 Turn signals
71.66 Emergency vehicles; yielding right-of-way
71.67 Pedestrians and children; due care
71.68 Vehicle entering school crossing zone; obedience to instructions
Safety Zones
71.70 Entering or exiting moving vehicles prohibited
71.71 Unlawful riding
Yield Right-of-Way
71.75 Authority to designate
71.76 Signs to designate
71.77 Driver to slow down on approach
71.78 Driver involved in collision at yield right-of-way intersection
Maconaquah Park
71.80 Restricted areas of travel
71.81 Regulations for walkways, driveways, and parking areas in city limits of the city