Sidewalks, Driveways and Curbs
1022.01   Supervision and specifications.
1022.02   Definitions.
1022.03   Duty to install and maintain sidewalks.
1022.04   Compliance required.
1022.05   Bond and license required; exception; insurance.
1022.06   Bond requirements.
1022.07   License application.
1022.08   License fee.
1022.09   License suspension or revocation; appeal.
1022.10   Construction permit required; fees.
1022.11    Notice to construct or reconstruct.
1022.12   Construction costs.
1022.13   Cutting and replacing of curb.
1022.14   Location of sidewalk.
1022.15   Thickness and width of walks and driveways.
1022.16   Inspection and notice prior to starting work. (Repealed)
1022.17   Gas and water curb boxes, gas drips, manhole covers and sidewalk grating.
1022.18   Protection of fire hydrants, trees and lawns; barricades and warning lights.
1022.19   Grades.
1022.20   Drainage for walks.
1022.21   Uniformity of grade, level and inclination.
1022.22   Engineering stakes; replacement fee.
1022.23   Weather.
1022.24   Materials.
1022.25   Supervision.
1022.26   Rules and regulations.
1022.27   Scattering rubbish, posters, papers on walks.
1022.28   Removal of snow and ice from walks.
1022.281   Cleaning of shared use paths.
1022.29   Blocking walks or roadway with trucks or other vehicles.
1022.30   Use of openings to subspaces in sidewalks, alleys and streets.
1022.31   Awnings above sidewalks.
1022.32   Saving clause.
1022.33   Costs and charges for permits for walks, driveways and curb openings.
1022.34   Repairs.
1022.35   Unloading heavy material.
1022.36   Building or fence encroachment.
1022.37   New sidewalks.
1022.38   Resolution for private construction; notice; assessment of cost.
1022.39   Special assessments.
1022.40   Claims for reimbursement for sidewalk construction.
1022.41   Repairs of shared use paths.
1022.99   Penalty.
Construction and repair; resolutions of necessity - see Ohio R.C. 729.02
Notice to construct or repair sidewalks - see Ohio R.C. 729.03 et seq.
Construction and repair at owner's expense - see Ohio R.C. 729.04 et seq.
Barricades and warning lights - see TRAF. 412.07; GEN. OFF. 660.09
Right of way at private driveway, alley or building - see TRAF. 432.20
Driving upon sidewalks, street lawns or curbs - see TRAF. 432.22
Sidewalk obstructions; damage or injury - see GEN. OFF. 660.10