Garbage and Rubbish Collection and Disposal
   EDITOR'S NOTE: Resolution 1997-12, passed June 9, 1997, authorized an agreement with the Cities of Bedford and Bedford Heights and the Villages of Orange and Walton Hills to form a solid waste consortium for the bidding of a single solid waste contract to provide solid waste collection and disposal and curb-side recycling service to residents of the above municipalities.
965.01   Definitions.
965.02   Containers required.
965.03   Types of container.
965.04   Newspapers, magazines and cardboard.
965.05   Garbage.
965.051   Trees and shrubs.
965.06   Dangerous containers.
965.07   Collection regulations.
965.08   Rules and regulations.
965.09   Exception.
965.10   Use of trucks at police and fire station.
965.11   Solid waste collection fee.
965.99   Penalty.
   Collection and disposal of garbage - see Ohio R.C. 715.43, 717.01
   Littering and deposit of garbage, rubbish - see GEN. OFF. 660.15
   Garbage disposals - see BLDG. 1365.01 et seq.
   Storage areas for commercial waste receptacles - see BLDG. Ch. 1391
   Burning refuse, garbage, rubbish outdoors - see FIRE PREV. 1503.03
   Fire receptacles required - see FIRE PREV. 1503.04
   Garbage burning - see FIRE PREV. 1503.05
   As used in this chapter:
   (a)   “Combustible waste” means all waste substances capable of incineration or burning, including paper, rags, excelsior, wood, leaves and the like, including garbage.
   (b)   “Noncombustible waste” means all waste substances incapable of incineration or burning, including tin cans, tinware and other metallic substances, bottles, glassware, earthenware, cut grass, dirt, sod, ashes and similar materials, and also discarded articles the greater part of which is incapable of incineration or burning, such as asphalt roofing material, electric batteries and the like.
   (c)   “Garbage” means all putrescible wastes, including vegetable and animal offal and the like.
   (d)   “Ashes” means the residue of combustion of fuels as wood, coal, coke, charcoal and the like.
   (e)   “Commercial waste” means all wastes, combustible and noncombustible, arising out of the operations of business and industry and all other wastes not resulting from the ordinary operations of private residences or households.
   (f)   “Owner” means any person who, alone or jointly or severally with others, shall have legal or equitable title to any premises with or without accompanying actual possession thereof or shall have charge, care or control of any dwelling or dwelling unit, as owner or agent of the owners, or as fiduciary, including but not limited to, executor, administrator, trustee, receiver or guardian of the estate or as a mortgagee in possession regardless of how such possession was obtained. Any person who is a lessee subletting or reassigning any part or all of any dwelling or dwelling unit shall be deemed to be a co-owner with the lessor and shall have joint responsibility.
(Ord. 1960-56. Passed 6-27-60; Ord. 2010-6. Passed 3-30-10.)
   (a)   Every householder residing in a building arranged for occupancy by not more than three families shall provide himself with proper and separate containers for combustible and noncombustible wastes respectively, as provided in Section 965.03, sufficient in number for the accumulation between the dates of regular collection. In any building arranged for occupancy by four or more householders, the owner or lessee thereof or his agent shall be responsible to provide for the necessary number of containers.
   (b)   Every operator of a commercial enterprise in the City, whether such enterprise is operated by a person, firm or corporation, shall provide himself with proper containers as defined in Section 965.03 for combustible and noncombustible wastes.
(Ord. 1960-56. Passed 6-27-60.)
   Containers for all waste, exclusive of newspapers, magazines, cardboard cartons and the like, shall be of galvanized iron or other nonrusting metal, of substantial construction, with tightly fitting lids, watertight and of such size as to be easily handled by one man. In no case shall containers have a capacity in excess of twenty-seven gallons. The containers shall be equipped with two handles and when empty shall not weigh more than twenty pounds.
(Ord. 1960-56. Passed 6-27-60.)
   Newspapers and magazines shall be bundled for collection so as to be easily handled by one man. Cardboard, corrugated cardboard or cartons must be less than three feet by four feet on each surface. If items of this classification exceed these dimensions, they are to be cut or broken down to such dimensions and bundled in such a manner that the resultant bundle can be easily handled by one man.
(Ord. 1960-56. Passed 6-27-60.)
965.05   GARBAGE.
   (a)   No garbage shall be allowed to remain exposed in any building or on any premises a longer time than shall be reasonably necessary to remove and deposit the same in proper waste containers.
   (b)   No person shall throw, place or deposit garbage in any street or other public place or private property, except in proper waste containers. No person shall remove the lid from any waste container without replacing it.
   (c)   No waste container, combustible or noncombustible waste, ashes or refuse shall be placed within ten feet of any building used as a residence, permanent swimming pool or patio by an adjoining or abutting property owner. Except between 4:00 p.m. of the day before rubbish collection and 9:00 p.m. of the day of rubbish collection for the premises, waste containers must be stored from view from all streets, and in accordance with this chapter.
(Ord. 1988-24. Passed 8-8-88; Ord. 2008-7. Passed 6-9-08.)