   (a)   Every householder residing in a building arranged for occupancy by not more than three families shall provide himself with proper and separate containers for combustible and noncombustible wastes respectively, as provided in Section 965.03, sufficient in number for the accumulation between the dates of regular collection. In any building arranged for occupancy by four or more householders, the owner or lessee thereof or his agent shall be responsible to provide for the necessary number of containers.
   (b)   Every operator of a commercial enterprise in the City, whether such enterprise is operated by a person, firm or corporation, shall provide himself with proper containers as defined in Section 965.03 for combustible and noncombustible wastes.
(Ord. 1960-56. Passed 6-27-60.)
   Containers for all waste, exclusive of newspapers, magazines, cardboard cartons and the like, shall be of galvanized iron or other nonrusting metal, of substantial construction, with tightly fitting lids, watertight and of such size as to be easily handled by one man. In no case shall containers have a capacity in excess of twenty-seven gallons. The containers shall be equipped with two handles and when empty shall not weigh more than twenty pounds.
(Ord. 1960-56. Passed 6-27-60.)
   Newspapers and magazines shall be bundled for collection so as to be easily handled by one man. Cardboard, corrugated cardboard or cartons must be less than three feet by four feet on each surface. If items of this classification exceed these dimensions, they are to be cut or broken down to such dimensions and bundled in such a manner that the resultant bundle can be easily handled by one man.
(Ord. 1960-56. Passed 6-27-60.)
965.05   GARBAGE.
   (a)   No garbage shall be allowed to remain exposed in any building or on any premises a longer time than shall be reasonably necessary to remove and deposit the same in proper waste containers.
   (b)   No person shall throw, place or deposit garbage in any street or other public place or private property, except in proper waste containers. No person shall remove the lid from any waste container without replacing it.
   (c)   No waste container, combustible or noncombustible waste, ashes or refuse shall be placed within ten feet of any building used as a residence, permanent swimming pool or patio by an adjoining or abutting property owner. Except between 4:00 p.m. of the day before rubbish collection and 9:00 p.m. of the day of rubbish collection for the premises, waste containers must be stored from view from all streets, and in accordance with this chapter.
(Ord. 1988-24. Passed 8-8-88; Ord. 2008-7. Passed 6-9-08.)
   Trees of a diameter in excess of three inches will not be collected. Trees of a diameter of three inches or less shall be cut in lengths of not more than three feet for collection. Shrubbery must be bound in bundles the length of which shall not exceed three feet and the diameter of which shall not exceed four inches at the place where bound.
(Ord. 1960-56. Passed 6-27-60.)
   The Director of Public Service or his authorized agent is authorized to seize and destroy any containers which are in poor repair or which have rough or sharp edges or other defects which render them dangerous to handle or which are so dilapidated that they are not suitable for holding waste materials, provided that written notice is given to the owner or person owning or having control of the containers that the containers are dangerous or unsuitable for use and if the containers are not replaced or satisfactorily repaired prior to the next collection of garbage or other waste material, following written notice.
(Ord. 1955-57. Passed 7-18-55.)
   (a)   Combustible waste and noncombustible waste shall be kept separated. Newspapers, magazines, cardboard, trees and shrubs shall be set out for collection at the same time and places in the manner and condition provided for in this chapter. Waste containers which are set out for collection shall be promptly removed therefrom after they have been emptied.
   (b)   When waste has been set out on a public street or alley or area for collection, no person, except an employee of the Service Department, shall remove any of the waste. When waste has been set out on private premises, no person shall remove any waste therefrom except with the consent or at the direction of the owner or lessee of the premises.
(Ord. 1960-56. Passed 6-27-60.)
   The Director of Public Service is hereby authorized to prepare and publish rules for the effective administration and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter. Any rules so published shall have the force of law and a violation of any rule intended to effect the purpose of any section of this chapter shall be punished in the same way as a violation of such section.
(Ord. 1955-57. Passed 7-18-55.)