   The Director of Public Service is hereby authorized to prepare and publish rules for the effective administration and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter. Any rules so published shall have the force of law and a violation of any rule intended to effect the purpose of any section of this chapter shall be punished in the same way as a violation of such section.
(Ord. 1955-57. Passed 7-18-55.)
965.09   EXCEPTION.
   The requirements of this chapter need not be met whenever provision has been made by any person for proper disposition of waste according to the terms of Chapter 1365.
(Ord. 1955-57. Passed 7-18-55.)
   (a)   For the convenience of the residents of the City, the Director of Public Service has placed two trucks of the Service Department in the service area to the rear of the Police and Fire Station and hereby allows residents of (he City to place trash and rubbish therein.
   (b)   Persons who do not reside within the City are prohibited from placing any material in the trucks.
   (c)   No person shall place any articles in the trucks except trash or rubbish.
   (d)   No person placing trash or rubbish in the trucks shall cause or permit any material resulting from such placement to remain on the ground in the area surrounding the location of the trucks.
   (e)   No person shall place any trash or rubbish resulting from any commercial or industrial operation in the trucks.
   (f)   No person shall place noncombustible waste in the truck designated for combustible waste and no person shall place combustible waste in the truck designated for noncombustible waste.
(Ord. 1960-60. Passed 6-27-60.)
   (a)   For solid waste collection and disposal, the City shall charge to each residential dwelling within the municipality a monthly rate to be paid by the owner of said property. Such rate shall be seventeen dollars and seventy-seven cents ($17.77) per month per residence and sixteen dollars and seventy-seven cents ($16.77) per month for qualified residents with Homestead Exemption for collection and disposal services occurring in 2025; which rate is to be levied on the 2024 property tax duplicate for collection in 2025. The Council shall review the monthly rate to be paid by the owner(s) of a residential dwelling within the municipality on a yearly basis to determine the necessity and amount of fee for the ensuing year.
   (b)   A residential dwelling is defined as a dwelling within the corporate limits of the municipality occupied by a person or group of persons, and multiple dwelling units where units have private means of egress.
   (c)   It is a determination of this Council to proceed with the assessing for the cost and expense of waste collection within the City in accordance with R.C. § 701.05 and this section, upon the residential properties, as defined in paragraph (b) herein, in the City of Parma Heights on file in the Office of the County Fiscal Officer for the 2024 tax duplicate and collection in the year 2025.
   (d)   The waste collection fee so assessed through the residential tax duplicate shall be reimbursed to the City by the County Fiscal Officer; and shall be credited to the General Fund of the City of Parma Heights.
   (e)   The Finance Director is authorized and directed to send to the Office of the County Fiscal Officer certified copies of this section in such numbers as are required.
(Ord. 2010-5. Passed 3-30-10; Ord. 2010-22. Passed 10-12-10; Ord. 2011-28. Passed 9-6-11; Ord. 2012-30. Passed 6-25-12; Ord. 2013-35. Passed 8-19-13; Ord. 2014-19. Passed 8-11-14; Ord. 2015-30. Passed 8-24-15; Ord. 2016-18. Passed 8-8-16; Ord. 2017-14. Passed 8-7-17; Ord. 2018-41. Passed 8-1-18; Ord. 2019-31. Passed 8-26-19; Ord. 2020-19. Passed 8-3-20; Ord. 2021-25. Passed 8-9-21; Ord. 2022-21. Passed 6-27-22; Ord. 2023-47. Passed 8-21-23; Ord. 2024-48. Passed 6-24-24.)
965.99   PENALTY.
   Whoever violates any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or imprisoned not more than sixty days, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.