1281.01 Intent.
1281.02 Establishment of a Town Center District.
1281.03 Use regulations.
1281.04 Area regulations.
1281.05 Development standards.
1281.06 Building widths.
1281.07 Schedule of yards and setbacks.
1281.08 Required open space.
1281.09 Building heights.
1281.10 Dwelling unit and resident unit area requirements.
1281.11 Parking facilities.
1281.12 Signs.
1281.13 Land planning principles.
1281.14 Design guidelines.
1281.15 Site development criteria.
1281.16 Preliminary development plan.
1281.17 Final development plan.
1281.18 Conflicts.
1281.19 Development plan review.
The Traditional Town Center/Main Street District (TCD) and its regulations are established in order to permit specific uses, at a development intensity in a manner that:
(a) Encourages skillful planning by allowing flexibility in type and placement of buildings while promoting coordinated architectural design within a unified development area.
(b) Encourages a mixture of complementary land uses that includes housing, retail, offices, commercial services, civic and government uses, to create economic and social vitality and to encourage the linking of trips.
(c) Encourages an intensity of development (floor area per acre) that requires the use of decked or garage parking.
(d) Utilizes topographic and landscape features to enhance and unify the development as well as protect adjacent residential neighborhoods.
(e) Provides flexibility in the siting and design of new developments and redevelopment to anticipate changes in the marketplace.
(f) Expands the scope of land planning from the concept of unrelated individual parcels and buildings to a coordinated and harmonious development.
(g) Establishes design criteria for the new developments that are aesthetically pleasing and pedestrian friendly.
(h) Promotes the efficient use of land, utilities, streets and services.
(i) Promotes increased open space and landscaped areas between uses along public roads.
(j) Controls the vehicular circulation and access to existing roads to reduce congestion and increase safety.
(k) Reinforces streets as public places that encourage pedestrian and bicycle travel.
(Ord. 04-169. Passed 10-13-04.)
(a) The Traditional Town Center/Main Street District (TCD) is established as a mixed-use district with five subdistricts to meet the City's vision of creating a traditional town center main street area. Different characteristics apply to each of the districts based on the City's Comprehensive Plan. The Use and Development Standards are directed towards creating a unique character that meets with the City's vision. The boundaries of the Mixed-Use District and its subdistricts shall be indicated on the official City of North Royalton Zoning Map with the symbol TCD. The classification of the subdistricts is listed below.
(1) TCD-1
(2) TCD-2
(3) TCD-3
(4) TCD-4
(5) TCD-5
(b) The Traditional Town Center/Main Street District (TCD) will be herein referred to as the TCD.
(Ord. 04-169. Passed 10-13-04.)
Buildings and land shall be used and buildings shall be designed, erected, altered, moved, added to or maintained in a TCD only for those uses set forth in Schedule 1281.03.
(a) A use listed in Schedule 1281.03 shall be permitted by right when denoted by the letter "P" if all requirements of other City ordinances and this zoning code have been met.
(b) A use listed in Schedule 1281.03 shall be permitted as a conditional use when denoted by the letter "C" subject to the procedures in Section 1262.07. For a conditional use to be approved in the TCD the Planning Commission shall determine that the proposed use is in compliance with both the provisions of this Chapter and Section 1262.07.
(c) A use listed in Schedule 1281.03 shall be permitted as an accessory use when denoted by the letter "A". Such accessory uses shall be permitted as a subordinate use when it is clearly incidental to and located on the same lot as the principal building or use.
(d) A use not listed in Schedule 1281.03 as either a permitted, conditional or accessory use shall be prohibited in the TCD unless such use is approved as a similar use pursuant to Section 1262.08.
SCHEDULE 1281.03 Permitted Uses | |||||
TCD-1 | TCD-2 | TCD-3 | TCD-4 | TCD-5 |
SCHEDULE 1281.03 Permitted Uses | |||||
TCD-1 | TCD-2 | TCD-3 | TCD-4 | TCD-5 | |
Residential | |||||
Single-family Clusters | P | P | |||
Townhouses | P | P | |||
Multi-family | C | C | |||
Residential above first floor retail | P | P | P | P | |
Live-work residential dwellings | P | P | P | P | |
Retail and professional services | |||||
Retail | P | P | P | P | P |
Offices | P | P | P | P | P |
Personal services | P | P | P | P | P |
Repair services | P | P | P | P | P |
Restaurants | P | P | P | P | P |
Taverns/pubs | P | P | P | P | |
Hotels/Bed and Breakfast | P | P | P | ||
Banks | P | P | P | P | P |
Gasoline service stations | P | C | C | C | |
Automotive services | P | C | |||
Automotive repair | P | C | |||
Walk-up ATM's | P | P | P | P | P |
Drive-through facility | C | P | C | C | C |
Wholesale offices/showrooms | P | ||||
Outdoor displays | A | P | A | C | C |
Indoor recreation/amusement | P | P | P | ||
Veterinary clinics and veterinarian practices | P | P | P | P | P |
Adult day care centers | P | P | P | P | C |
Child day care centers | P | P | P | P | C
Nursing facilities and assisted living facilities | P
| P
| P
| P
| P
Institutional | |||||
Libraries and museums | P | P | P | P | |
Churches | P | P | P | P | P |
Schools | P | P | P | P | |
Government offices | P | P | P | P | P |
Local government facilities, including police, fire and recreation | P | P | P | P | P |
Parking garages and off-street parking | A | A | A | A | |
Car wash | A | A | A | A | |
Signs | A | A | A | A | |
(Ord. 04-169. Passed 10-13-04; Ord. 13-85. Passed 9-17-13; Ord. 15-72. Passed 9-15-15; Ord. 16-113. Passed 9-6-16.)
A proposed development in the TCD shall comply with the following minimum development areas:
(a) In the TCD-3 Subdistrict the minimum area shall be not less than one-half acre.
(b) In the TCD-4 Subdistrict the minimum area shall be not less than 50 acres of contiguous land. In satisfying this requirement, the development area may be bisected by a public dedicated or private street as long as all parcels within the development area are controlled or owned by a person or a group of owners acting jointly in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
(c) In the TCD-5 Subdistrict the minimum area shall not be less than 12 acres, except for properties fronting Royalton Road. For any parcels that are not consolidated to meet the 12-acre requirement, such land may, nevertheless, be developed under zoning regulations for districts that were applicable prior to the adoption of this District.
(Ord. 04-169. Passed 10-13-04.)
In order to comply with the objectives of creating a harmonious TCD while considering the concerns of the surrounding property the allowance of sufficient buffering along the District is required according to the following:
(a) (1) Any nonresidential development proposed in TCD-4 and TCD-5 Subdistricts shall be set back from the boundary of a single-family residential zoning district as follows:
(A) 250 feet in a TCD-4 Subdistrict.
(B) 500 feet in a TCD-5 Subdistrict.
(2) These setbacks apply to buildings, parking, driveways and other uses associated with the nonresidential development.
(3) These standards may be reduced as part of the Preliminary Development Plan Review, according to the procedures in Section 1281.19, when it is determined that the objectives of this chapter are satisfied and that any reduction of these distances will have no adverse impact on the quality of development in the District or adversely impact any surrounding residential areas.
(b) The setbacks between the nonresidential uses, nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the TCD-1, TCD-2 and TCD-3 Subdistricts and the adjacent single-family zoning districts are specified in Schedule 1281.07.
(c) The type of residential development and the residential density shall be as established in the approved preliminary and final development plan, provided that the gross density shall not be less than 4.0 dwellings per acre or be greater than 9.9 dwellings per acre. The maximum density shall be determined by including the open space and private streets that are part of the residential development area. These density limitations do not apply to nursing homes and assisted living facilities, or in a mixed use development, that portion of the development that is devoted to a nursing home or assisted living facility.
(d) Within a TCD-4 Subdistrict the land area allocated to nonresidential uses and buildings as listed in Section 1281.03 shall not be less than 50% of the land area within the development. The land area of any off-street parking or parking garages/structures shall be considered as part of the land area of the use for which the parking is being provided. The Planning Commission may modify the allocation based on the development plan.
(e) The land area of civic buildings or other public structures within the TCD shall not be considered in determining compliance with any land area allocation or density requirements of this chapter.
(f) The floor area of the first floor of any single retail store located in the TCD may not exceed 65,000 square feet unless the Planning Commission and Council determine that a larger floor area for a specific single retail store is located, designed and arranged in a manner that is fully consistent with the purposes, intent and design criteria in this chapter.
(g) The maximum number of rooms in a hotel, nursing home or assisted living facility shall be determined based on the minimum setback requirements and height requirements for the district in which the facility is located.
(Ord. 04-169. Passed 10-13-04; Ord. 06-73. Passed 7-18-06; Ord. 16-113. Passed 9-6-16.)
Building widths are measured as the width of the building at the building line as a percent of the lot width.
(a) Buildings in nonresidential areas on the internal main drives in the TCD-4 and TCD-5 Subdistricts shall be designed to replicate a traditional main street. A "traditional main street" is characterized with buildings sited closer to the street and to each other with landscaping along the frontage; minimizing front parking; encouraging deck parking; and location of publicly accessible plazas and pedestrian amenities to integrate and create a space that is aesthetically pleasing and pedestrian friendly.
(Ord. 04-169. Passed 10-13-04; Ord. 11-107. Passed 12-20-11.)
(a) In a TCD, all buildings shall be located on a lot in a manner that maintains the front, side and rear yards and setbacks as set forth in Schedule 1281.07.
SCHEDULE 1281.07 Building and Parking Setback Requirements | |||||
TCD - 1 | TCD-2 | TCD-3 | TCD-4 | TCD-5 |
SCHEDULE 1281.07 Building and Parking Setback Requirements | |||||
TCD - 1 | TCD-2 | TCD-3 | TCD-4 | TCD-5 | |
A. Building | (feet) | (feet) | (feet) | (feet) | (feet) |
1. Front setback from the street ROW of a street existing at the time of adoption | |||||
a. Minimum | 10* | 10* | 60 | 10 | 10 |
b. Maximum | 25 | 25 | – | 25 | 25 |
2 Front setback from new internal street | |||||
a. Minimum | 10 | 10 | – | 10 | 10 |
b. Maximum | 25 | 25 | – | 25 | 25 |
3. Side setback | |||||
a. From single-family residential zoning district property line | 50 a, c | 50 a, c | 40 a | 50 | 65 |
b. From non residential zoning district property | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
4. Rear setback | |||||
a. From single-family residential zoning district property line | 50 a, c | 50 a, c | 40 a | 50 | 65 |
b. From non-single-family residential zoning district property line | 20 b | 20 b | 20 | 10 | 10 |
SCHEDULE 1281.07 Building and Parking Setback Requirements | |||||
TCD - 1 | TCD-2 | TCD-3 | TCD-4 | TCD-5 |
SCHEDULE 1281.07 Building and Parking Setback Requirements | |||||
TCD - 1 | TCD-2 | TCD-3 | TCD-4 | TCD-5 | |
B. Parking | |||||
1. From ROW of a street existing at the time of adoption | |||||
a. Minimum | 10 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
b. Maximum | @ building line | @ building line | |||
2. From new internal street | 10 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
3. From rear or side lot line of adjacent single-family zoning district (d) | 20 | 20 | 20 | 35 | 50 |
4. From rear or side lot line of adjacent non-single-family zoning district | 5 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 10 |
* This setback would apply to the new rights-of-way lines when established (a) Or two times the building height, whichever is greater (b) Or two times the building height, whichever is greater, when approved by a conditional use permit for office structures (c) Or three times the building height, whichever is greater, when approved by a conditional use permit for office structures (d) Area between the parking setback and the adjacent property line can only be used for landscaping and buffering pursuant to the requirements of this chapter | |||||
(b) Distances between buildings and uses not established in Schedule 1281.07 shall be established on the final development plan approved by the Commission and Council or as further required to meet City and State codes for fire and safety. In reviewing building separations within the District, the Commission may utilize the standards for yards found in Sections 1270.04, 1270.06 and 1270.12.
(Ord. 04-169. Passed 10-13-04; Ord. 11-107. Passed 12-20-11.)