1270.01 Intent.
1270.02 Schedule of permitted buildings and uses.
1270.03 Accessory uses.
1270.04 Area, yard and height regulations.
1270.05 Schedule of area, yard and height regulations.
1270.06 Yard regulations for multi-family dwellings.
1270.07 Required yards to be maintained.
1270.08 Front yards of developed blocks.
1270.09 Side yards of insufficient width.
1270.10 Yards on corner lots.
1270.11 Yards for irregular lots.
1270.12 Size, location, setbacks and height for accessory buildings and private garages.
1270.13 Projections into yards.
1270.14 Fences.
1270.15 Buildings permitted on zoning lot.
1270.16 Required lot area to be maintained.
1270.17 Lots of record of insufficient area.
1270.18 Lot area and width exceptions.
1270.19 Dwelling unit area requirements.
1270.20 Supplementary height regulations.
1270.21 Location of utilities.
1270.22 Access to prohibited uses.
1270.23 Open storage and abandoned motor vehicles prohibited.
1270.24 Camping and recreational equipment.
1270.25 Removal of soil protection of drainage courses.
1270.26 Temporary buildings and enclosures.
1270.27 Swimming pools.
1270.28 Signs.
1270.29 Parking.
1270.30 Group development; multi-family dwellings.
1270.31 Supplemental regulations for the Residence/Professional Office District.
1270.32 Multifamily cluster development.
1270.33 Single-family cluster development.
Municipal zoning - see Ohio R.C. 713.06 et seq.
General provisions and definitions - see P. & Z. Ch. 1260
Amendments - see P. & Z. Ch. 1266
Senior Citizen District - see P. & Z. Ch. 1272
Rural Residential Districts - see P. & Z. Ch. 1273
Off-street parking and loading - see P. & Z. Ch. 1282
Signs - see P. & Z. Ch. 1284
Residential Districts and their regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
(a) To regulate the bulk and location of buildings in relation to land in order to obtain proper light, air, privacy and usable open spaces on each zoning lot appropriate for the district;
(b) To regulate the density and distribution of population in accordance with the objectives of the residential plan to avoid congestion and to maintain adequate services;
(c) To provide protection from noxious fumes, odors, dust, excessive noises, invasion of abnormal vehicular traffic and other objectionable influences;
(d) To protect the desirable characteristics of existing residential development, to promote stability and the most desirable and beneficial use of land, and to bring about eventual conformity with the adopted or officially accepted Master Plan and other plans of the City;
(e) To protect and retain the existing residential character of areas that adjoin major arterials where nonresidential strip development is not desired by providing for a Residence/Professional Office District.
(Ord. 89-210. Passed 2-6-90.)
Buildings and land shall be used in Residential Districts, and buildings shall be erected, altered, moved and maintained in Residential Districts, only for the uses set forth as permitted in the following schedule:
Main Buildings and Uses Accessory Buildings and Uses
(a) R1-A: One-family dwellings. Private garages and parking
By conditional use permit: public areas; private garden and
water supply reservoir; tower recreational uses; structures,
and pumping station; public pools, fences and walls; home
sewage treatment works; electric offices and occupations; renting
power substation; licensed family of rooms; accessory living
home. Family home means a accommodations; pets;
residential facility providing nameplate, bulletin board and
room and board, personal care, real estate signs.
habilitation services and
supervision in a family setting
for at least six, but not more
than eight, persons with
developmental disabilities as
provided for in Ohio R.C. 5123.19.
(b) R1-B: Main uses permitted in Accessory uses permitted in R1-A
R1-A District. District.
By conditional use permit: same
uses enumerated in R1-A District.
(c) RM-D: Single-family and two- Accessory use permitted in R1-A
family dwellings, townhouses, District. Rooms for tourists,
plexes and apartments. storage garages and parking
By a conditional use permit: areas for automobiles as
public water supply reservoir, accessory to two-family
tower and pumping station; dwellings, townhouses, plex
public sewage treatment works; dwellings and apartments.
electric power station.
(d) RPO: Main uses permitted in Accessory uses permitted in R1-A
R1-B District and Residence/ Districts and parking areas
Professional Office uses as for automobiles as accessory to
further regulated in this chapter, Residence/Professional Office
including Section 1270.31. buildings as further regulated
By conditional use permit: herein.
same uses as enumerated in
R1-B District.
(e) SRC: Senior citizen center for Accessory uses: Service and
persons aged 55 years or older, maintenance buildings, off-street
which includes the following parking and garages, and related
permitted main uses: dwelling facilities and services.
facilities, apartments, row houses
and other attached or detached
dwellings. Rest, nursing or other
health facilities primarily for the
use of the occupants. Dining
facilities primarily for occupants
and/or employees. Recreational
facilities primarily for occupants.
Administrative offices.
(Ord. 89-210. Passed 2-6-90; Ord. 90-196. Passed 10-16-90.)
(f) RR: Detached one-family Private garages and parking
dwellings. areas; home offices and
By conditional use (with occupations; renting of rooms;
appropriate permit and minimum gardens and pets; barns and/or
acreage): commercial equestrian stables; pools; fences and walls.
uses (ten acres minimum); bed
and breakfast inns; plant
husbandry; private sport
recreation, including golf courses
and country clubs; government
agencies, such as fire stations
and police stations; same uses as
enumerated in R1-A District.
(Ord. 95-22. Passed 5-3-95.)
(a) Parking and Garage Facilities. Private and storage garages and open off-street parking areas shall be permitted in Residential Districts if accessory to a dwelling, or if the use is considered and approved as a conditional use in accordance with the standards and regulations set forth in Section 1262.07.
(b) Home Professional Offices. An office may be permitted in Residential Districts in the home of a person practicing any of the recognized professions, including, but not limited to, an accountant, architect, artist, engineer, lawyer, musician, physician, realtor, appraiser, photographer, planner or mental health counselor, provided that:
(1) No assistants other than members of the resident family work therein.
(2) The residential character of the dwelling exterior shall not be changed.
(3) No equipment shall be used which will create objectionable disturbances beyond the premises.
(4) The number of automobiles attracted to the premises shall not be more than can be accommodated by five automobile spaces (excluding enclosed garage spaces) for each 1,500 square feet of the main building.
(c) Home Occupations. Gainful home occupations may be permitted in Residential Districts, including dressmaking, interior decorating, arts and crafts, or any other similar home occupations, but excluding uses permitted as commercial or industrial uses, and may be conducted in the dwelling used by such person as his or her residence, provided that:
(1) No persons other than members of the household are employed therein;
(2) No window display or signboard is used to advertise such occupation, except that the nameplate provided for in Section 1284.07(a) may designate such occupation thereon.
(3) The occupation must be conducted wholly within the dwelling.
(4) No merchandise is sold except that which is produced on the premises.
(5) No equipment is used which will create objectionable disturbances beyond the premises.
(6) The space used for sale and production does not occupy more than twenty-five percent of the dwelling unit area.
(7) The use does not change the residential character of the dwelling exterior.
(8) The use does not require the storage of any equipment, materials or vehicles outside the main building.
(d) Renting of Rooms. The renting from a resident family, of not more than one room to not more than one person, shall be permitted in any Residential District.
(e) Gardens and Pets. The raising for private use of fruits, vegetables or nursery stock, and the keeping of pets, are permitted in Residential Districts, provided that:
(1) Household pets shall be construed to include dogs, cats, canaries, parakeets, fish, domestic rabbits and other regular domestic animals and birds. As used herein, household pets shall not be construed to include mules, donkeys, cows, bulls, swine, sheep, goats, wild rabbits, fowl, snakes, bees or pigeons and other domesticated animals, or tamed wild animals or birds.
(2) Not more than six horses (not for commercial use) per parcel of land will be permitted in the R1-A and R1-B Districts only. No piles or accumulations of refuse and/or manure from any animals will be permitted within 250 feet of any street or highway, 150 feet of any dwelling and twenty-five feet of all boundary lines. Minimum lot size for one horse is two acres and one additional acre for each horse. The grazing of horses must be confined to an area that is fenced, meets the requirements outlined in Section 1270.14 and is a minimum of 250 feet from any street or highway and 150 feet from any dwelling.
(3) Any accessory building used in conjunction with the keeping of horses must be a minimum of 250 feet from any street or highway, 150 feet from any dwelling and twenty-five feet from all boundary lines, and in no case will the accessory building be in front of the dwelling unit on the same or adjacent lots.
(Ord. 89-210. Passed 2-6-90; Ord. 03-113. Passed 9-16-03
; Ord. 06-42. Passed 3-21-06
Land and buildings shall be used only in accordance with the lot area regulations, and buildings shall be erected, altered, moved and maintained only in accordance with the area, yard and building height regulations, set forth in this chapter.
(a) The area of a zoning lot shall be not less than the area in square feet required for each dwelling unit as given in the schedule set forth in Section 1270.05, multiplied by the number of units in the building.
(b) The width of a zoning lot shall be not less than the width required for the type of dwelling or other building permitted in the district in which the lot is located, as set forth in Section 1270.05, or as modified in subsequent sections, and shall be measured at the building line. Each one and two-family lot shall abut upon a dedicated street for the required lot width, except that on curved streets the width at the front line may be less, provided that the lot width at the building line meets the required lot width of the particular district.
(c) The percentage of lot covered by buildings, as given in the schedule set forth in Section 1270.05, shall not be exceeded. The percentage is determined when the area of the building is divided by the area of the lot.
(d) The front yard depth or setback of a zoning lot shall be not less than the depth given in the schedule set forth in Section 1270.05, for the type of dwelling or other building permitted in the district in which it is located.
(e) Two side yards shall be provided for every one and two-family dwelling on a zoning lot, and the widths of side yards of a lot shall be not less than the respective dimensions as given in the schedule set forth in Section 1270.05.
(Ord. 89-210. Passed 2-6-90; Ord. 20-119. Passed 10-6-20; Ord. 22-64. Passed 5-4-22.)
(h) Single-family cluster developments shall be required to maintain the maximum overall densities listed in Section 1270.05 for R1-A and R1-B Districts.
(Ord. 95-92. Passed 7-18-95.)
Dwell. Type
Min. Lot Area Per Dwell. Unit (sq. ft.)
Min. Width of Lot (ft.)
Lot Covrg. by Bldg. Max. (%)
Front Yard Depth (ft.)
Min. Yard Dim. Meas. From
Side Yard (ft.)
Rear Yard Depth (ft.)
Max. Height Main Bldg. (Stories) |
Dwell. Type
Min. Lot Area Per Dwell. Unit (sq. ft.)
Min. Width of Lot (ft.)
Lot Covrg. by Bldg. Max. (%)
Front Yard Depth (ft.)
Min. Yard Dim. Meas. From
Side Yard (ft.)
Rear Yard Depth (ft.)
Max. Height Main Bldg. (Stories) |
R1-A | 1.9 | 1 Fam. | 20,000 | 100 | 35 | 45-55 (e), (f) | Row | 10 | 50 | 2 |
Cluster requirements as provided for in Section 1270.33(d) | ||||||||||
R1-B | 2.4 | 1 Fam. | 15,600 | 80 | 35 | 50 | Row | 8 | 50 | 2 |
Cluster requirements as provided for in Section 1270.33(d) | ||||||||||
RM-D | 3.2 | 1 Fam. | 13,600 | 80 | 35 | 50 | Row | 8 | 50 | 2 |
5.1 | 2 Fam. | 8,500 | 100 | 25 | 50 | Row | 8 | 50 | 2 | |
8.0 | Townhouse | 5,445 | 150(b) | 30 | 75 | Row | (a) | (a) | 2 | |
30 | Pavmt. edge | |||||||||
Private Drive | ||||||||||
(d) | 6.0 | Clust. Dev. | ||||||||
6.0 | Plex | 7,260 | 150(b) | 30 | 65 | Row | (a) | (a) | 2 | |
30 | Pavmt. edge | |||||||||
Private Drive | ||||||||||
11.0 | Apt. | 3,960 | 200(b) | 30 | 100 | Row | (a) | (a) | ||
Pavmt. edge | ||||||||||
Private Drive | ||||||||||
PUD | 1 Fam. | 9,000 | 75 | ---- | (c) | Row | 5 | 30 | 2 | |
Townhouse | 5,445 | 150(b) | ---- | 50 | Row | (a) | (a) | 2 | ||
30 | Pavmt. edge | |||||||||
Private Drive | ||||||||||
Plex | 7,260 | 150(b) | ---- | 50 | Row | (a) | (a) | 2 | ||
30 | Pavmt. edge | |||||||||
Private Drive | ||||||||||
11.0 | Apt. | 3,960 | 200(b) | ---- | 100 | Pavmt. edge | (a) | (a) | 3 | |
Private Drive | ||||||||||
SRC | 11.0 | Sr. Citizen center and housing | 3,960 | 200 | 20 | 100 | Row | (g) | (g) | 5 |
RPO | 3.2 | 1 Fam. or Res./Office | 13,600 | 80 | 35 | 50 | Row | 8 | 50 | 2.5 |
(a) Yard dimensions determined by formula. See Section 1270.06.
(b) Measured at the building line. In group development, this need not correspond to lot width at the street line.
(c) Not less than 30 feet on a local street and not less than 40 feet on a collector street.
(d) See Section 1270.32 for yard regulations pertinent to cluster development.
(e) Along Royalton Road, the minimum front yard depth for all residential districts shall be 100 feet from the centerline of the street, or the front yard depth specified in the table, whichever is greater.
(f) An average setback of 50 feet from the ROW is required for the subdivision. Single lots or groups of three lots or less shall be required to maintain a 50-foot front yard depth when not governed by the provisions of Section 1270.08.
(g) (1) Where a Senior Citizen Center adjoins business zoning, the side yard setback shall be a minimum of 50 feet; where a Senior Citizen Center adjoins industrial zoning, the side yard setback shall be a minimum of 75 feet.
(2) Where such facility adjoins an RM-D District, the side yard setback shall be 75 feet or one and one-half times the height of the building at the main entrance, whichever is greater.
(3) Where such facility adjoins an R1-A or R1-B District, the side yard setback shall be two times the height of the building at the main entrance, or 100 feet, whichever is greater. In addition, the requirements of footnote (c) of Section 1278.06 must be complied with.
(4) In cases where the rear yard adjoins an R1-A or R1-B District, the required setback shall be at least equal to the side yard requirements of paragraph (g)(3) hereof.
(5) In all other cases, the rear yard setback shall be one and one-half times the building height at the main entrance or 75 feet, whichever is greater.
(Ord. 91-311. Passed 7-7-92; Ord. 92-273. Passed 1-5-93; Ord. 93-17. Passed 2-2-93; Ord. 93-44. Passed 5-5-93; Ord. 95-93. Passed 7-18-95.)
In order to encourage greater flexibility in design, more attractive arrangements of buildings and greater utilization of open spaces, yard regulations for multifamily dwellings are hereby established for single development and for locating several buildings within a group development.
The yards of multifamily buildings shall be attractively landscaped and related to the space within the dwelling units as well as the yards. Buildings shall be arranged so as to assure privacy between adjacent buildings and intersecting wings of buildings, and from streets and parking and recreation areas, in accordance with the following:
(a) Terms used in this section are defined as follows:
(1) Cluster development: A development which utilizes the design technique which concentrates buildings in specific areas on the site, allowing the remaining land to be used for recreation, common open space and the preservation of natural areas and environmentally sensitive features. This type of development shall not be governed by the formulas and restrictions listed in subsections (b) through (j) hereof. Yard regulations for cluster developments are listed in Section 1270.32.
(2) End or secondary wall: Any exterior wall of a multifamily building, other than a main wall, containing secondary windows of a dining or sleeping room, principal or minor windows of a kitchen or bathroom, or no windows.
(3) Group development: A development of more than one multifamily building on a parcel planned as a unit and coordinated with the surrounding neighborhood.
(4) Main wall: Any exterior wall of a multifamily building containing the principal windows of a living, dining and/or sleeping room or rooms.
(5) Overlapping walls: That portion of the exterior walls which are directly opposite, when two buildings that are parallel, or within thirty degrees of being parallel, face each other across an open yard or court.
(6) Single development: A development of one multifamily building on one lot coordinated with the surrounding neighborhood and fronting on a dedicated street.
(b) The distance between facing and overlapping buildings or parts thereof in a group development of multifamily buildings shall vary in direct relation to the length and height of buildings. Such minimum distance shall be determined by the formula,
Minimum Distance = LA + LB + HA + HB
The elements of the formula are shown in Illustration E, as follows:
(1) Minimum distance: The required minimum horizontal distance between any wall of building A and the nearest wall of building B or the vertical prolongation of either.
(2) LA: The total length of building A which, for the purposes of the formula, is defined as the maximum length of the portion or portions of any wall or walls of building A from which lines drawn perpendicular to the face of such wall or walls will intersect any wall of building B.
(3) LB: The total length of building B which, for the purposes of the formula, is defined as the maximum length of the portion or portions of any wall or walls of building B from which lines drawn perpendicular to the face of such wall or walls will intersect any wall of building A.
(4) HA: The height of building A.
(5) HB: The height of building B.
(6) F: The divisor factor.
In the RM-D and SC Districts, the division factor is three and a half (3.5). However, the minimum distance between any two main walls of separate buildings shall be forty feet.
(c) Minimum distances in angular arrangements of thirty to sixty degrees are determined by the formula,
Minimum Distance: 2LB + HA + HB - K
The elements of the formula are as defined above and are shown on Illustration E. "K" in the formula varies as the sine of 2N where N is the angle from building B to building A or extensions thereof.
Where n is K equals
(degrees) (feet)
30 to 34 10
35 to 39 20
40 to 50 25
51 to 55 20
56 to 60 10
In the RM-D and SC Districts, the division factor, "F", is four and a half (4.5).
(d) Minimum distances between walls of court arrangements shall be determined by applying the formula set forth in subsection (b) hereof to each set of facing walls. In the arrangement of parallel walls with offset sections, the distance between the corresponding parallel walls shall be determined by such formula. The elements of the formula are shown on Illustration E. In the RM-D and SC Districts, the division factor, "F", is three and a half (3.5).
(e) The minimum horizontal distance between non-overlapping walls where walls of two buildings do not directly face each other or do not overlap (that is, where lines drawn perpendicular from the face of any wall of any one building will not intersect the face of any wall of another building), shall be not less than one-half of the combined heights of the two buildings. Such minimum distance shall be determined by the formula,
Minimum Distance = HA + HB
(f) The distance between a building and boundary lines of a multifamily building or part thereof, in a single development or group development, and any side or rear lot line of the parcel or development area, shall vary in direct relation to the length and height of the building.
Where the building is parallel to the lot line, such minimum distance shall be determined by the formula:
Minimum Distance = 2(LL) + HA
Where the building is at an angle to the lot line, the minimum distance shall be determined by the formula:
Minimum Distance = 2(LL) + HA - K
The elements of said formula are shown on Illustration E and defined as follows:
(1) Minimum distance: The minimum required horizontal distance between any wall of a building and the nearest side or rear lot line, or boundaries of the parcel or development area.
(2) LL: The maximum length of the side or rear lot line which can be intersected by lines drawn perpendicular from the face or faces of any wall or walls of the building.
(3) HA: The height of building A.
(4) K: It varies as the sine of 2N, where N is the angle from the lot line to the building. The value of "K" is set forth in subsection (c) hereof.
(5) F: The division factor. Where the building is parallel to the lot line, the division factor for the RM-D and SC Districts is three. Where the building is at an angle to the lot line, the division factor for the RM-D and SC Districts is four.
(g) For townhouse dimensions, a unit of a townhouse shall be not less than twenty-two feet in width, and any main or longitudinal wall of a sequence of townhouse units shall not exceed 132 feet in length without a ninety degree offset of at least ten feet, and the aggregate length of any wall, including its offsets, shall not exceed 176 feet in length.
(h) In the use and design of yards, the required yards set forth in this section shall be attractively landscaped and may be used for driveways, pedestrian walks and passive recreation areas. If, however, courts between buildings are used for parking areas or playgrounds, the distances between buildings shall be increased by the dimensions of such intermediary facilities. The site shall be designed so that entrances to all buildings shall be located not more than 300 feet from the accessory parking area, the distance to be measured along pedestrian walks.
(i) Where two or more multifamily buildings are planned as a unit on a single parcel, submission of development plans shall follow the procedure outlined in Section 1270.30.
(j) The diagrams in Illustration E indicate the regulations and planning criteria set forth in this section and constitute a part of this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 89-210. Passed 2-6-90; Ord. 93-19. Passed 2-2-93.)