135.01 Composition.
135.02 Appointments.
135.03 Dismissals.
135.04 Absence of Chief of Police.
135.045 Compensatory time for Chief of Police.
135.05 Hours of work.
135.06 Overtime.
135.07 Callout pay.
135.08 Clothing allowance.
135.09 Workers' compensation.
135.10 Reimbursement for expenses of false alarms.
135.11 Stun gun policy. (Repealed)
135.12 Police Enforcement and Education Fund.
135.13 Policy for receipt and expenditure of criminal assets and mandatory drug fines.
135.14 Uniform Standards of Conduct.(Repealed)
135.15 Policy re use of force.(Repealed)
135.16 Drug testing policy.(Repealed)
135.17 Policy for the prevention of blood-borne diseases.(Repealed)
135.18 Pursuit policy.(Repealed)
135.19 Domestic violence policy.(Repealed)
135.20 Incarceration of prisoners in Ashtabula City Jail.(Repealed)
135.21 Reserve Police.(Repealed)
135.22 Policy for notification re deadly motor vehicle accidents.(Repealed)
135.23 Disciplinary and complaint procedure.(Repealed)
135.24 Use of mace procedure.(Repealed)
135.25 Traffic stop procedure.(Repealed)
135.26 Towing service policy and procedure.(Repealed)
135.27 Patrol K9 unit policy.(Repealed)
135.28 Firearms and personal defense tools policy.(Repealed)
Peace officer training certificate required for permanent employment - see Ohio R.C. 109.77
Police protection contracts - see Ohio R.C. 505.441, 737.04
Recovered property and disposition - see Ohio R.C. 737.29 et seq., 4513.60 et seq.
Police officer may arrest on view - see Ohio R.C. 2935.03, 2935.05, 2935.07
Police and Firemen's Disability and Pension Fund pick-up - see ADM. 145.09.1
Compliance with lawful order of police officers; fleeing - see TRAF. 303.01
Resisting an officer - see GEN. OFF. 525.09
Failure to aid a police officer - see GEN. OFF. 525.06
Dereliction of duty - see GEN. OFF. 525.12
Assaulting police dog or horse - see GEN. OFF. 525.15