General Provisions
   156.001   Short title and authority
   156.002   Definitions
   156.003   Applicability
   156.004   Rules of construction
   156.005   Relation of chapter to other laws
   156.006   Construction and severability of provisions
   156.007   Chesapeake Bay preservation
   156.008   Flood control, floodplain and subdivision suitability
   156.009   Family subdivisions
   156.010   Resubdivision same as subdivision
   156.011   Vacation of recorded plat
   156.012   Acts prohibited without complying with chapter
   156.013   Exception to strict adherence
   156.020   Subdivision agent
   156.021   Powers and duties of agent
   156.022   Fees
   156.023   Enforcement and penalties
   156.024   Appeal
   156.025   Preparation and filing of subdivision ordinances; amendments thereto
Subdivision Approval Procedures
   156.035   Determination of exemption from chapter
   156.036   Subdivision preapplication procedure
   156.037   Procedures applicable to all subdivision proposals
   156.038   Procedures applicable to preliminary plats
   156.039   Review and action upon preliminary plat by subdivision agent
   156.040   Period of validity of approved preliminary plat
   156.041   Period of validity of preliminary plat for phased subdivision
   156.042   Procedure for record plats
   156.043   Review and action upon record plat by subdivision agent
   156.044   Period of validity of approved record plat
   156.045   Recordation of record plat
   156.046   Procedure for family subdivisions
   156.047   Vacation of plats and boundary line adjustments
   156.048   Disclosure and remediation of contamination and other adverse environmental conditions of the property prior to approval of subdivision and development plans
Subdivision Approval Submissions
   156.060   Submissions for optional pre-application review
   156.061   Formal application: all proposals
   156.062   Additional requirements for phased subdivisions
   156.070   Information and format for all plats
   156.071   Contents of plat
   156.072   Vacation of interests granted to the Board of Supervisors as condition of site plan approval
Easements and Dedications
   156.080   Dedication of roads, etc.
   156.081   Easements for drainage
   156.082   Easements for cable television and public service corporations
   156.083   Effect of recordation of plat on dedications and certain easements
Required Improvements
   156.095   Provisions applicable to all improvements
   156.096   Roads
   156.097   Standards for public roads, private roads and alleys
   156.098   Cul-de-sacs and dead-end roads
   156.099   Alleys
   156.100   Principal means of access
   156.101   Entrances to roads and highways
   156.102   Drainage for roads
   156.103   Traffic control signs and signalization
   156.104   Signs identifying public and private road names
   156.105   Storm water, drainage, flood control, best management practices
   156.106   Stabilization of critical slopes or shoreline
   156.107   Utilities
   156.108   Monuments
   156.109   Water and sewerage system
   156.110   Fire protection
   156.111   Maintenance of improvements
Completion of On-site Improvements and Surety
   156.120   Completion of on-site improvements required prior to plat approval
   156.121   Surety in lieu of completion of on-site improvements
   156.122   Surety for maintenance of roads until accepted into state system
   156.123   Release of surety