When used in this chapter:
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Sanitation.
"Department" means the Department of Sanitation.
"ECB" means the Environmental Control Board.
"Publicly accessible collection bin" means any outdoor container, other than any container placed by any government or governmental agency, or its contractors or licensees, that allows for any member of the public to deposit items into the container for the purpose of collection by the owner of such container.
"Public property" means any city property, or property maintained by the city, or any public sidewalk or roadway.
(a) No publicly accessible collection bin may be placed on any public property.
(b) No publicly accessible collection bin may be placed on any private property without the written permission of the property owner or the property owner's designated agent.
(a) By April 1, 2015, all owners of publicly accessible collection bins that are placed on private property with written permission of the property owner or the property owner's designated agent must register with the Department. Registration forms may be obtained from the Department's website or by written request to:
New York City Department of Sanitation
Bureau of Recycling and Sustainability
44 Beaver Street, 6th Floor
New York, New York 10004
Attn: Collection Bin - Registration
Bureau of Recycling and Sustainability
44 Beaver Street, 6th Floor
New York, New York 10004
Attn: Collection Bin - Registration
(b) The Registration must include:
(1) the name, address and telephone number of the owner. A post office box is not an acceptable address;
(2) the location of the owner's publicly accessible collection bin(s); and
(3) the type of material collected in the bin(s).
(c) It is unlawful for the owner of any publicly accessible collection bin to fail to register with the Department.