Editor's note: Rules amending 16 RCNY §§ 1-01, 1-09, and 1-10 and enacting 16 RCNY §§ 20-01, 20-03, and 20-20 et seq. (see City Record 11/16/2021, eff. 12/16/2021, at pp. 7666 to 7683) provide for the following specific effective date provisions:
1. The rule shall take effect in each commercial waste zone on the implementation start date for such zone set by rule of the department of sanitation pursuant to paragraph 3 of subdivision e of § 16-1002 of the Administrative Code, except that 16 RCNY § 20-30, as added by section 8 of this rulemaking, shall take effect in each commercial waste zone on the final implementation date for such zone set by rule of the department of sanitation pursuant to paragraph 3 of subdivision e of § 16-1002 of the Administrative Code;
2. The rule shall take effect with respect to Citywide containerized commercial waste collection on the implementation start date for Citywide containerized commercial waste collection set by rule of the department of sanitation; and
3. In accordance with subdivision c of section 25 of local law number 199 for the year 2019, a licensee, as such term is used in Title 16-A of the Administrative Code, operating within such zone pursuant to a contract with a commercial establishment entered into prior to such implementation start date may continue to provide commercial waste collection, removal or disposal services pursuant to such contract in accordance with the provisions Title 16-A of the Administrative Code and any rules promulgated thereunder until the final implementation date for such zone established by the commissioner of sanitation pursuant to paragraph 3 of subdivision e of § 16-1002 of the Administrative Code.
Subchapter A: General