Service of a notice of violation of any provisions of the Charter or Administrative Code, the enforcement of which is the responsibility of the Commissioner of Sanitation shall be made in the same manner as is prescribed for service of process by Article three of the Civil Practice Law and Rules or Article three of the Business Corporation Law; or by affixing such notice in a conspicuous place to the premises the occupancy of which caused such violation, provided that such notice may only be affixed where a reasonable attempt has been made to deliver such notice to a person in such premises upon whom service may be made as provided for by Article three of the Civil Practice Law and Rules or Article three of the Business Corporation Law. When a copy has been so affixed, a copy shall be mailed to the person at the address of such premises and if the person designated in the notice of violation is the owner or agent of the building with respect to which such violation was issued and the identity of and an address for such person is contained in any of the files specified in subdivisions (a), (b) and (c) below, a copy of the notice shall also be mailed:
(a) to the person registered with the Department of Housing Preservation and Development as the owner or agent of the building, at the address filed with such Department in compliance with Article 2 of Subchapter 4 of Chapter 2 of Title 27 of the Administrative Code; or
(b) to the person designated as owner or agent of the building or designated to receive real property tax or water bills for the building, at the address for such person contained in one of the files compiled by the Department of Finance for the purpose of the assessment or collection of real property taxes and water charges or in the file compiled by the Department of Finance from real property transfer forms filed with the City Register upon the sale or transfer of real property; or
(c) to the person described as owner or agent of the building, at the address for such person contained in the files of the Department of Sanitation compiled and maintained for the purpose of the enforcement of the provisions of the Charter and Administrative Code over which the Environmental Control Board has jurisdiction.