(a) Purpose. In accordance with the rules adopted by the Community Assistance Unit of the Office of the Mayor (50 RCNY Chapter 1), acting through its Street Activity Permit Office, governing the procedure for the submission and review of applications for street activity permits, enacted pursuant to Mayoral Executive Order No. 14 as issued July 31, 1990, superseding a resolution of the Board of Estimate, Cal. No. 47 as adopted July 17, 1980, these rules are established for the purposes of: (1) setting forth the responsibilities of street event sponsors or their representatives and vendors to ensure the sanitation clean-up of street event areas and the collection and proper disposal of refuse and recyclable materials generated during street events, and (2) establishing fees for the cleaning and/or collection and proper disposal of refuse and recyclable materials provided by the department.
(b) Applicability. These rules shall apply to all sponsors of street events who are required to apply for and obtain a street activity permit, and to all vendors participating in street events as specifically provided in subdivision (c) of this section. For the purposes of this chapter, "street event" means any street fair, block party or festival on a public street(s) where such activity may interfere with or obstruct the normal use by vehicular traffic of such street(s). For purposes of this chapter, sponsor shall include any person or entity which provides, organizes or manages a street event, or any representative of such person or entity.
(c) General responsibilities. The responsibilities of sponsors of street events, and vendors participating in street events, are as follows:
(1) at least three weeks prior to the street event, every sponsor or his or her representative shall meet with the local sanitation district officer to determine the sanitation needs of the event and shall indicate whether the sponsor will organize a volunteer crew, hire a private sanitation crew, or retain the department to provide the cleaning and/or collection and proper disposal of refuse and recyclable materials during and at the conclusion of the street event;
(2) where food and/or beverage services are sold or offered for sale at the street event, the sponsor or his or her representative shall place at least two receptacles alongside one another behind any barricades placed at each intersection throughout the event area. One receptacle shall be for the public to discard non-recyclable refuse and the other receptacle shall be for the public to discard designated recyclable materials. The department will provide each sponsor with a sufficient number of public refuse receptacles as determined by the department based on availability. The sponsor or his or her representative shall ensure that such refuse receptacles are used only for the purpose of enabling the public to discard refuse. The sponsor or his or her representative shall be responsible for providing his or her own recycling receptacles. All recycling receptacles shall contain retrofitted lids and be labeled legibly in letters not less than three inches in height and in a color contrasting with the color of the receptacle. All recycling receptacles shall be lined with a translucent blue plastic recycling bag having a minimum capacity of 13 gallons and a maximum capacity of 55 gallons, and shall display a label indicating the type of recyclable materials to be deposited therein. The sponsor or his or her representative shall regularly monitor all refuse and recycling receptacles throughout the street event area in order to prevent spillage of refuse and recyclable materials into the street and, to the extent practicable, shall remove any refuse that has been deposited into recycling containers as detected by the sponsor.
(3) notwithstanding any other provision of law or rule, all sponsors or their representatives must arrange for the collection and recycling of certain recyclable materials generated at street events. Vendors shall source separate the following recyclable materials from all other refuse generated by them, and place such recyclable materials into blue plastic recycling bags having a minimum capacity of 13 gallons and a maximum capacity of 55 gallons:
(i) (a) metal cans, glass bottles and jars, plastic bottles and jugs, lightly-soiled aluminum foil and aluminum foil products, and
(b) any other material designated by the Department for street events.
(ii) In addition to the requirement set forth above, vendors shall flatten all corrugated cardboard generated by them during the event and tie such cardboard with rope or twine in bundles not to exceed eighteen inches in height;
(4) except as provided for in paragraph nine of this subdivision, sponsors or their representatives and vendors shall bag or bundle separately and securely tie all accumulated refuse and recyclable materials at the end of each night. If the sponsor or his or her representative arranges with the department to provide collection service, the sponsor or his or her representative, or vendor shall place all bagged and/or bundled refuse and recyclable materials at the predetermined location designated by the local sanitation district officer for collection by the department. If the sponsor or his or her representative arranges with a private cleaning crew or organizes a volunteer crew to provide collection service, the sponsor or his or her representative shall be responsible for the storage, collection and disposal of all bagged and/or bundled refuse and recyclable materials;
(5) sponsors or their representatives and vendors shall ensure that all vending stands are situated back against the curbside and are placed with three feet of unobstructed space between the vending stands, and vending stands located across from one another shall be placed not less than twelve feet apart, including any overhangs. Sponsors or their representatives and vendors shall affix skirts to the lower portion of all vending stands to prevent the accumulation of refuse under the vending stands;
(6) sponsors or their representatives and vendors shall ensure that no vending stands are placed less than ten feet from any street corner nor shall any vending stands be placed over any curbside catch basin;
(7) areas around and under the vending stands shall be cleaned at the end of each night;
(8) food vendors shall not empty any cooking grease into the street or into any curbside catch basin; and
(9) at the conclusion of the event, sponsors or their representatives and vendors shall ensure that all vending stands are promptly dismantled and the street and sidewalk areas surrounding the vending stand are broom-swept clean and cleared of any litter or other accumulated debris.
(a) Prior to the final approval of a street activity permit by the Street Activity Permit Office of the Mayor's Community Assistance Unit, every sponsor shall furnish either a cash deposit to the Department, or shall enter into a guaranty agreement in lieu of deposit with the Department by signing a form provided by the Department, wherein the sponsor shall agree to clean and maintain all streets throughout the event area and arrange for the collection and proper disposal of refuse and recyclable materials.
(1) Cash deposit requirement. A sponsor shall be required to furnish to the Department a cash deposit if:
(i) the sponsor retains the Department to provide the cleaning and/or collection and proper disposal of refuse and recyclable materials during the event, or
(ii) the sponsor has not previously held a street event in the city and two of the following conditions exist:
(A) more than five hundred people are expected to attend the street event;
(B) the street event will last more than one day;
(C) the event will span more than one block;
(D) the event will offer food and/or beverages for sale, or
(iii) in the opinion of the Department, the sponsor failed to adequately clean an area used by the sponsor for any street event held in the city during any previous year(s).
(b) The sponsor shall remit to the Department a cashier's check or certified check for the required deposit, as determined by the Department in accordance with 16 RCNY § 14-03, payable to the "Department of Sanitation Special Events Fund." Such deposit check shall display the name of the sponsor and the application/permit number of the event. The sponsor shall mail the deposit check to:
Deputy Commissioner for Administration
Department of Sanitation
125 Worth Street – Room 702
New York, NY 10013
Deputy Commissioner for Administration
Department of Sanitation
125 Worth Street – Room 702
New York, NY 10013
Failure to make the required deposit payment to the Department within the specified time period shall result in the denial of the sponsor's application for a street permit.
(c) Guaranty agreement in lieu of deposit. If, in the opinion of the Department, the sponsor adequately cleaned an area in the city during any street event previously sponsored by him or her, or the sponsor does not intend to retain the Department to provide cleaning and collection services, the sponsor shall sign a guaranty agreement in lieu of deposit in a form provided by the Department. Such agreement shall provide that the sponsor will clean and maintain the street event area in a litter-free condition during and at the close of the street event, provide for the collection and proper disposal of refuse and recyclable materials, and reimburse the Department for all costs associated with the cleaning and/or collection and proper disposal of refuse and recyclable materials if, at anytime during the street event or upon its conclusion, the Department had to provide either or both of these services to the street event area as a result of the sponsor's failure to provide same. Sponsors shall forward the guaranty agreement in lieu of deposit to:
Special Events Office
Department of Sanitation
125 Worth Street – Room 807
New York, New York 10013
Special Events Office
Department of Sanitation
125 Worth Street – Room 807
New York, New York 10013