(a) Scope. This section sets forth standards, requirements and procedures for the design, installation, operation and maintenance of devices and installations utilizing piped natural gas and oxygen, including torches used in the manufacture of jewelry. This section shall apply to both new and existing devices and installations.
(b) Definition. The following term shall, for purposes of this section and used elsewhere in the rules, have the meanings shown herein:
Natural gas/oxygen consuming device. A device, equipment or system that utilizes piped natural gas and oxygen together for heating, melting or welding.
(c) Permits.
(1) Required permits. The owner or operator of a natural gas/oxygen consuming device shall obtain required permits prior to storage, handling and use of natural gas or oxygen:
(A) for the use of such device, in accordance with FC 105.6.
(B) for storage and handling of oxygen, if oxygen containers are stored, in accordance with FC 105.6.
(C) To compress a gas, if natural gas or oxygen is compressed, in accordance with FC 105.6.
(2) Permit applications. Original and renewal permit applications shall include design and installation documents of the natural gas/oxygen consuming device installation, including a schematic diagram of the natural gas piping demonstrating compliance with the requirements of FC 2609.8 and this section, and such other information and documentation as the Commissioner may prescribe.
(d) Supervision. Natural gas/oxygen consuming device operations shall be supervised by a certificate of fitness holder, in accordance with FC 2603.4.1.
(e) Design and Installation Requirements.
(1) Piping. Natural gas and oxygen piping shall be designed and installed in accordance with the Building Code and the applicable provisions of NFPA 51.
(2) Hot work devices. Torches and tips for natural gas/oxygen consuming devices shall be suitable for the gases used, and shall be of a type acceptable to the Commissioner.
(3) Pressure booster. When the natural gas supply pressure is less than five (5) psig, a pressure booster shall be provided to increase the pressure to at least five (5) psig, but not more than 15 psig.
(4) Flashback arrester and check valve. A UL listed combination flashback arrestor and backflow check valve shall be installed:
(A) On the oxygen supply line, between the final oxygen supply pressure regulator and each fuel consuming device.
(B) On the natural gas supply line, between the final natural gas supply pressure regulator and the fuel consuming devices.
(f) Operational Requirements.
(1) Natural gas supply pressure. Natural gas pressure supplied to a device shall not exceed 15 psig, and the oxygen supply pressure to a device shall not exceed the natural gas supply pressure.
(2) [Reserved.]