(a) Scope. This section sets forth requirements for conducting hot work operations in repair garages with a capacity for more than one (1) motor vehicle, or in connection with such businesses.
(b) General Provisions.
(1) Required hot work enclosure or partition. In repair garages with a capacity of more than one motor vehicle, hot work shall be performed in a fire-rated enclosure or behind a noncombustible partition satisfying the requirements of 3 RCNY § 3504-01(c).
(c) Hot Work Design and Installation Requirements. In a repair garage with a capacity for more than one (1) motor vehicle, hot work shall be conducted in an area protected in one (1) of the following manners:
(1) Enclosure. Hot work may be conducted within a fire-rated enclosure, as set forth in FC 3504.1.5.1.
(2) Partition. Hot work may be conducted behind a noncombustible screen that is positioned and of sufficient size to prevent the passage of sparks, slag and heat from the hot work area. Such protection may be provided by a noncombustible draw curtain affixed by rollers to an overhead monorail. Such curtain shall be in close contact with the floor at all points, and sufficiently long so as to completely enclose the motor vehicle being worked upon. The curtain shall form the third and fourth sides of the enclosure, with the exterior wall of the building forming the first and second sides.
(d) Outdoor Hot Work Areas. In lieu of, or in addition to, complying with the requirements of 3 RCNY § 3504-01(c), the owner of a repair garage may apply for Department approval of the use of an outdoor area for hot work operations. When such outdoor area is used in lieu of satisfying the requirements of 3 RCNY § 3504-01(c), the owner shall submit an affidavit or other approved form or documentation attesting that all hot work operations will be conducted in a designated outdoor area on the premises, or, with the written permission of the property owner, on an adjoining or nearby premises. Such outdoor area shall not be a sidewalk, public street or private road, and shall be otherwise acceptable for such purposes pursuant to FC 3501.3.
(Renumbered City Record 9/20/2023, eff. 10/20/2023)
(a) Scope. This section sets forth standards, requirements and procedures for the use of oxygen and a flammable gas in citywide hot work operations.
(b) Permits for Citywide Hot Work Operations.
(1) Inspection of vehicles. Each vehicle used to transport torches and containers of oxygen and flammable gas for use in citywide hot work operations shall be inspected by a Department representative at the Bureau of Fire Prevention's Hazardous Cargo Vehicle Inspection Facility prior to the issuance of a permit for citywide hot work operations.
(2) Permit limitation. Pursuant to FC 105.1.2, a citywide permit authorizes hot work at any particular construction site for a maximum duration of thirty (30) days. A site-specific permit shall be obtained for any construction site at which hot work operations are conducted for more than 30 days.
(3) Reserve storage of oxygen and flammable gases. A citywide permit for hot work operations does not authorize reserve storage of oxygen or flammable gas at a work site. A separate application shall be made for a permit authorizing such reserve storage, as set forth in FC 105.6.
(4) Availability of permit for inspection. A copy of the citywide permit shall be kept in each vehicle which transports oxygen and flammable gas for use during hot work operations. The permit shall be valid only for the specific motor vehicle identified on the permit. A copy of the citywide permit shall also be available at each job site location and made available for inspection by any Department representative.
(c) Transport Vehicle Requirements.
(1) Securing of containers. Containers shall be safely secured with metal brackets or chains.
(2) Vehicle signage. To indicate that flammable gas is being transported, each transport vehicle shall be marked, on each side and the rear of the vehicle, with durable signs complying with the requirements of United States DOTn regulations.
(3) Portable fire extinguisher requirements. A portable fire extinguisher with at least a 2-A:20-B:C rating shall be provided on the vehicle and kept readily accessible.
(d) Notification of Hot Work. The owner of the premises on which the hot work operations are to be conducted shall be notified in writing by the citywide permit holder at least forty-eight hours in advance of the intent to conduct hot work operations. Such notice shall additionally inform the owner of the owner's responsibility to designate a responsible person to ensure that the work is performed in accordance with the requirements of FC Chapter 26 and this section. The citywide permit holder is hereby deemed to be designated as the responsible person for hot work operations at Group R-3 occupancies, unless the owner affirmatively designates a responsible person other than the citywide permit holder by executing an affidavit or other document approved by the Department. The citywide permit holder shall provide to the owner a copy of the applicable provisions of FC Chapter 26 and this section with such notification.
(Renumbered City Record 9/20/2023, eff. 10/20/2023)