a. The city map is hereby continued.
b. The director of city planning shall be the custodian of the city map, and it shall be his or her duty to complete and maintain the same and to register thereon all changes resulting from action authorized by law.
c. The city map shall be on file in the office of the department of city planning, and certified copies thereof and of all changes thereto shall be filed in the offices of the corporation counsel, of the city clerk and of the borough president of the borough in which the land shown on the map is located and in the office in which conveyances of real estate are required to be recorded in the county in which the land shown on the map is located.
a. No improvement or project affecting the city map and no addition to or change in the city map shall be authorized otherwise than as provided in this charter.
b. The review of any proposed addition to or change in the city map initiated by or referred to the city planning commission shall be made pursuant to section one hundred ninety-seven-c and section one hundred ninety-seven-d.
a. Except as provided in subdivision b, any existing resolution or regulation of the council, the board of estimate or of the city planning commission to regulate and limit the height and bulk of buildings, to regulate and determine the area of yards, courts and other open spaces, to regulate density of population or to regulate and restrict the locations of trades and industries and location of buildings designed for specific uses or creating districts for any such purpose, including any such regulation which provides that the board of standards and appeals may determine and vary the application of such resolutions or regulations in harmony with their general purpose and intent and in accordance with general or specific rules contained in such regulations, may be amended, repealed or added to only in the following manner:
1. The city planning commission may upon its own initiative at any time or upon application as provided in section two hundred one, adopt a resolution to amend the text of the zoning resolution subject to the limitations provided by law. Before adopting any such resolution, the commission shall notify any community board or borough board affected by the resolution and shall afford persons interested an opportunity to be heard at a time and place to be specified in a notice of hearing to be published in the City Record for the ten days of publication of the City Record immediately prior thereto setting forth in general terms the nature of the proposed resolution and a statement of the place at which the entire resolution may be examined.
2. Any resolution by the commission approving a change in the text of the zoning resolution shall be subject to review and approval by the council pursuant to section one hundred ninety-seven-d. Any resolution for a zoning text change which the mayor shall have certified to the council as necessary, and which has been disapproved by the commission, may be adopted by the council by a two-thirds vote and, after notice to the parties affected, a public hearing. The council shall act upon such resolution within fifty days of the filing of the certification of the mayor with the council, and such resolution shall become effective upon approval by the council.
3. In case a protest against such a resolution approved by the city planning commission shall have been presented to the city clerk within thirty days from the date of the filing of such resolution with the council, duly signed and acknowledged by the owners of twenty per centum or more of the area of:
(1) the land included in changes proposed in such proposed resolution, or
(2) the land immediately adjacent extending one hundred feet therefrom, or
(3) the land, if any, directly opposite thereto extending one hundred feet from the street frontage of such opposite land, such resolution shall not be effective after the filing of such protest unless approved by the council by a three-fourths* vote within one hundred eighty days after the filing of said resolution with the city clerk. The effective date of such resolution, if so approved, shall be the date of such approval. A protest duly filed as herein provided may be withdrawn at any time within sixty days from the date of the filing of such resolution.
b. Designations of zoning districts under the zoning resolution and the issuance of special permits which under the terms of the zoning resolution are within the jurisdiction of the city planning commission shall be subject to review and approval pursuant to the procedures provided in section one hundred ninety-seven-c and section one hundred ninety-seven-d, except that whenever the city planning commission has not recommended approval of a proposed change in the designation of a zoning district or the issuance of a special permit under the zoning resolution or has failed to act on such a matter within the time specified in section one hundred ninety-seven-c, the council by a two-thirds vote may approve such change or the issuance of such permit only if the mayor shall have certified to the council that such change or issuance is necessary. The council shall act upon such designation or permit within fifty days of the filing of the certification of the mayor with the council.
a. Applications for changes in the zoning resolution may be filed by any taxpayer, community board, borough board, borough president, by the mayor or by the land use committee of the council if two-thirds of the members of the committee shall have voted to approve such filing with the city planning commission. All such applications involving changes in the designation of zoning districts under the zoning resolution shall be subject to review and approval pursuant to section one hundred ninety-seven-c, and one hundred ninety-seven-d. For applications involving other changes in zoning resolutions and regulations, the commission prior to taking action upon any such application shall refer it to the affected community boards or borough boards for a public hearing and recommendation.
b. Applications for special permits within the jurisdiction of the city planning commission under the zoning resolution may be filed by any person or agency. All such applications for the issuance of special permits shall be subject to review and approval pursuant to section one hundred ninety-seven-c and section one hundred ninety-seven-d.
a. No map of a subdivision or platting of land into streets, avenues or public places and blocks within the limits of the city shall be received for filing in the office in which instruments affecting real property are required to be recorded in the county in which the land is situated, unless such map shall have been reviewed and approved pursuant to section one hundred ninety-seven-c and section one hundred ninety-seven-d. If such map is disapproved, the chair of the city planning commission shall certify such fact in writing upon such map, and such map shall be received only for record without such approval.
b. No street, avenue, highway or public place, the layout of which has not been approved as provided in this section, shall be deemed to have been accepted by the city as a street, avenue, highway or public place, unless such street, avenue, highway or public place shall lie within the lines of a street, avenue, highway or public place upon the city map.
a. Not later than the first day of July, nineteen hundred ninety, the mayor, after consulting with each of the borough presidents, shall file with the city planning commission proposed rules establishing criteria for (1) the location of new city facilities and (2) the significant expansion, closing or significant reduction in size or capacity for service delivery of existing facilities. The criteria shall be designed to further the fair distribution among communities of the burdens and benefits associated with city facilities, consistent with community needs for services and efficient and cost effective delivery of services and with due regard for the social and economic impacts of such facilities upon the areas surrounding the sites. Not later than thirty days after the filing of such proposed rules, the city planning commission shall publish a notice of proposed rule making under section one thousand forty-three with regard to such rules, as proposed by the mayor or as proposed to be modified by the commission. Promptly thereafter, the commission shall approve or approve with modifications the rules and shall file the rules as approved with the council.
b. At any time after the adoption of such criteria, the mayor, after consulting with the borough presidents, may submit to the city planning commission proposed amendments to the rules. Not later than thirty days after the filing of such proposed amendments, the city planning commission shall publish a notice of proposed rule making under section one thousand forty-three with regard to such amendments, as proposed by the mayor or as proposed to be modified by the commission. Promptly thereafter, the commission shall approve, approve with modifications or determine not to approve the amendments and shall file any approved amended rules with the council.
c. For purposes of this chapter, "city facility" shall mean a facility used or occupied or to be used or occupied to meet city needs that is located on real property owned or leased by the city or is operated by the city or pursuant to a written agreement on behalf of the city.