a. There shall be a city planning commission to consist of the chair and twelve other members. The mayor shall appoint the chair and six other members of the commission, the public advocate shall appoint one member, and each borough president shall appoint one member. Members shall be chosen for their independence, integrity and civic commitment. Appointments of all members, except for the chair, shall be subject to the advice and consent of the council. For such appointments by officials other than the mayor, the procedure for obtaining the advice and consent of the council shall be the same as the procedure provided for in section thirty-one for appointments by the mayor. Except as otherwise provided in section one hundred ninety-one, no member shall hold any other city office. Members other than the chair shall be appointed for a term of five years; provided, however, that of the members other than the chair, one member appointed by the mayor and one member appointed by a borough president shall serve for terms to expire on the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred ninety-one; one member appointed by the mayor and one member appointed by a borough president shall serve for terms to expire on the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred ninety-two; one member appointed by the mayor and one member appointed by a borough president shall serve for terms to expire on the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred ninety-three; one member appointed by the mayor and one member appointed by a borough president shall serve for terms to expire on the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred ninety-four; and two members appointed by the mayor, the member appointed by the public advocate and one member appointed by a borough president shall serve for terms to expire on the thirtieth day of June, nineteen hundred ninety-five. The borough presidents shall determine by lot the length of the term to be served by the member first appointed by each borough president. The appointing officials shall make their first appointments to the commission on or before the first day of March, nineteen hundred ninety. The commission members so appointed shall assume office on the first day of July, nineteen hundred ninety. Members of the commission shall serve until their successors have been confirmed. Any vacancy occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled by the official who appointed the member in the same manner as the original appointment. A person so appointed shall serve for the unexpired portion of the term of the member succeeded. Terms shall begin on the next date after the expiration date of the preceding term.
b. Members, except for the chair, shall not be considered regular employees of the city for purposes of chapter sixty-eight. The agency served by the members of the commission shall for purposes of chapter sixty-eight be deemed to be both the commission and the department of city planning. No member, while serving as a member, shall appear directly or indirectly before the department, the commission, or any other city agency for which the conflicts of interest board shall, by rule, determine such appearance creates a conflict of interest with the duties and responsibilities of the member. No firm in which a member has an interest may appear directly or indirectly before the department or commission. For purposes of this section, the terms "agency," "appear," "firm," and "interest" shall be defined as provided in chapter sixty-eight.
c. One of the members other than the chair shall be designated by the mayor as vice-chair and shall serve as vice-chair at the pleasure of the mayor. The vice-chair shall possess the powers and perform the duties of the chair when the chair is absent or while a vacancy exists in the office of the chair, and shall at such times serve as director of city planning.
d. The city planning commission shall be responsible for the conduct of planning relating to the orderly growth, improvement and future development of the city, including adequate and appropriate resources for the housing, business, industry, transportation, distribution, recreation, culture, comfort, convenience, health and welfare of its population.
e. The city planning commission shall oversee implementation of laws that require environmental reviews of actions taken by the city. The commission shall establish by rule procedures for environmental reviews of proposed actions by the city where such reviews are required by law. Such rules shall include procedures for (1) selection of the city agency or agencies that will be responsible for determining whether an environmental impact statement is required in connection with a proposed action and for preparation and filing of any such statement required by law, (2) participation by the city in environmental reviews involving agencies other than city agencies and (3) coordination of environmental review procedures with the land use review procedures set forth in this charter. The director of city planning and the commissioner of the department of environmental protection shall assign from the staffs of such departments an office of environmental coordination, which shall provide assistance to all city agencies in fulfilling their environmental review responsibilities.
f. Not later than the thirty-first day of December, nineteen hundred ninety-two and every four years thereafter, the commission shall file with the mayor, the council, the public advocate, the borough presidents, and community boards, a zoning and planning report. The report shall include (1) a statement of the planning policy of the commission, which policy shall take into consideration, among other things, the ten-year capital strategy, the four-year capital program, the report on the social, economic and environmental health of the city issued pursuant to section sixteen, the strategic policy statements provided for in section seventeen and plans approved pursuant to section one hundred ninety-seven-a, (2) a summary of the significant plans and studies completed or undertaken by the department of city planning in the preceding four years, (3) an analysis of those portions of the zoning resolution that merit reconsideration in light of the planning policy of the commission and (4) proposals for implementing the planning policy of the commission whether by amendment of the zoning resolution, development of plans or otherwise.
A member of the commission other than the chair may be removed by the appointing official only upon proof of official misconduct, neglect of official duties, conduct in any manner connected with his or her official duties which tends to discredit his or her office, or mental or physical inability to perform his or her office, or mental or physical inability to perform his or her duties. Before removal, any such member shall receive a copy of the charges and shall be entitled to a hearing on a record by the office of administrative trials and hearings, which shall make final findings of fact, recommend a decision and submit such findings and recommended decision to the appointing official for final action.
Acquisitions by the city of office space or existing buildings for office use, whether by purchase, condemnation, exchange or lease, shall be subject to the following review and approval procedure:
a. The agency proposing any such acquisition shall file with the department of city planning a notice of intent to acquire. The department of city planning shall send such notice to the community board in which the proposed acquisition is located and to all borough presidents.
b. Within thirty days of the filing of such notice, the city planning commission shall hold a public hearing on such acquisition and shall approve or disapprove such acquisition. Notice of such hearing shall be published in the City Record not less than ten days in advance of such hearing.
c. In reviewing any such acquisition, the commission shall apply the criteria for the location of city facilities provided for in section two hundred and three.
d. Within the thirty days provided for commission action pursuant to subdivision b of this section, the commission shall file any approval of such an acquisition with the council. Within twenty days of such filing, the council may by two-thirds vote disapprove such acquisition.
For purposes of this chapter: the term "affected community board" shall mean the community board for a community district in which land included in a plan or an application pursuant to this chapter is located; the term "affected borough president" shall mean the president of a borough in which land included in such a plan or an application is located; and a borough board shall be deemed "affected" if such a plan or application includes land within two or more community districts within the borough represented by such borough board.
a. Plans for the development, growth, and improvement of the city and of its boroughs and community districts may be proposed by (1) the mayor, (2) the city planning commission, (3) the department of city planning, (4) a borough president with respect to land located within his or her borough, (5) a borough board with respect to land located within its borough, or (6) a community board with respect to land located within its community district. A community board, borough board or borough president that proposes any such plan shall submit the plan together with a written recommendation to the city planning commission for determinations pursuant to subdivision b of this section. Any such submission may be made by a community board, borough board or borough president only after the board or borough president proposing such a plan has held a public hearing on the plan.
b. The city planning commission shall adopt rules establishing minimum standards for the form and content of plans pursuant to this section within a reasonable time period after the first day of July, nineteen hundred ninety. Upon receipt of a plan proposed pursuant to this section by a community board, borough board or borough president, the city planning commission shall, within a reasonable time period, determine whether such plan satisfies the standards established in such rules and is consistent with sound planning policy. If the commission makes such determinations with respect to a plan submitted by a community board, it shall prepare or cause to be prepared any environmental analysis of such plan required by law to enable the city planning commission and the council to act on the plan pursuant to subdivision d of this section. If the city planning commission makes the determinations provided for in this subdivision with respect to a plan, such plan shall be referred to the department of city planning for circulation and review pursuant to subdivisions c and d of this section.
c. All plans proposed pursuant to this section shall be referred to the department of city planning for circulation by the department to all affected community boards, all affected borough boards and all affected borough presidents for review and written recommendation, except that any such plan need not be circulated to the agency or official that proposed such plan. All affected community boards and borough boards to which such a plan is referred shall hold a public hearing on any such plan, except that in the case of a plan that includes an entire borough or land in more than one borough, only one public hearing need be held in each affected borough. The city planning commission shall establish by rule the procedures and schedule for review of such plans, consistent with the provisions of this section. A community board or borough board may review a plan which does not involve land so located as to require its review if in its judgment the plan significantly affects the welfare of the district or borough served by such board. In such case, the plan and any written recommendations relative thereto shall be made available to such board on request. Such board may hold its own public hearing on such plan if it desires and may submit its own written recommendations in regard thereto to the city planning commission.
d. Within a reasonable time period following review and recommendation of a plan pursuant to subdivision c of this section, the city planning commission shall (1) review such plan, (2) hold a public hearing on such plan, and (3) by resolution approve, approve with modifications or disapprove such plan. If the commission has approved a plan or approved a plan with modifications, such plan shall be subject to review and action by the council pursuant to section one hundred ninety-seven-d. The council may by a two-thirds vote approve a plan which the city planning commission disapproved or on which the commission has failed to act if the mayor so requests. Upon the filing by the mayor of such a request with the commission and the council, the commission shall within five days file with the council a copy of its decision together with a copy of the plan. Copies of approved plans shall be filed with the city clerk, the department of city planning, the affected borough presidents, the affected borough boards and the affected community boards.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Administrative Code Appendix A at L.L. 2008/017.
a. Advance notice of all preliminary and final plans of public agencies and public benefit corporations or of private agencies, entities or developers filed with the city that relate to the use, development or improvement of land subject to city regulation shall be given to the affected community board or boards and the office of the affected borough president, provided that exceptions may be made in matters of no appreciable public concern by agency rule.
b. Copies of (1) all requests for proposals and other solicitations of proposals issued by or on behalf of the city, whether or not issued by an agency, a local development corporation or other entity, and (2) all letters of intent executed by or on behalf of the city, whether or not executed by an agency, a local development corporation or other entity, that relate to the private use or the disposition of city-owned land, shall be conveyed to the community boards where such land is located and the office of the borough president where such land is located promptly after issuance or execution.
a. Except as otherwise provided in this charter, applications by any person or agency for changes, approvals, contracts, consents, permits or authorization thereof, respecting the use, development or improvement of real property subject to city regulation shall be reviewed pursuant to a uniform review procedure in the following categories:
(1) Changes in the city map pursuant to section one hundred ninety-eight and section one hundred ninety-nine;
(2) Maps of subdivisions or plattings of land into streets, avenues or public places pursuant to section two hundred two;
(3) Designations of zoning districts under the zoning resolution, including conversion from one land use to another land use, pursuant to sections two hundred and two hundred one;
(4) Special permits within the jurisdiction of the city planning commission under the zoning resolution, pursuant to sections two hundred and two hundred one;
(5) Site selection for capital projects pursuant to section two hundred eighteen;
(6) Revocable consents pursuant to section three hundred sixty-four, requests for proposals and other solicitations for franchises pursuant to section three hundred sixty-three, and major concessions as defined pursuant to section three hundred seventy-four;
(7) Improvements in real property the costs of which are payable other than by the city pursuant to section two hundred twenty;
(8) Housing and urban renewal plans and projects pursuant to city, state and federal housing laws;
(9) Sanitary or waterfront land-fills pursuant to applicable charter provisions or other provisions of law;
(10) Sale, lease (other than the lease of office space), exchange, or other disposition of the real property of the city, including the sale or lease of land under water pursuant to section sixteen hundred two, chapter fifteen, and other applicable provisions of law;
(11) Acquisition by the city of real property (other than the acquisition of office space for office use or a building for office use), including acquisition by purchase, condemnation, exchange or lease and including the acquisition of land under water pursuant to section sixteen hundred two, chapter fifteen, and other applicable provisions of law; and
(12) Such other matters involving the use, development or improvement of property as are proposed by the city planning commission and enacted by the council pursuant to local law.
b. The following documents shall be filed with the department of city planning: (1) applications under this section, (2) any amendments thereto that are made prior to approval of such applications pursuant to this chapter, (3) any written information submitted by an applicant for purposes of determining whether an environmental impact statement will be required by law, and (4) documents or records intended to define or substantially redefine the overall scope of issues to be addressed in any draft environmental impact statement required by law. The department of city planning shall forward a copy of any materials it receives pursuant to this subdivision (whether or not such materials have been certified as complete) within five days to each affected borough president, community board or borough board.
c. The department of city planning shall be responsible for certifying that applications pursuant to subdivision a of this section are complete and ready to proceed through the uniform land use review procedure provided for in this section. The department shall not certify an application unless (1) each affected borough board, borough president and community board has received from the department, at least thirty days before certification, a pre-certification notice containing information specified by the city planning commission, which shall include the project location, the purpose of the proposed actions, and a description of the proposed actions, sufficient to put such borough board, borough president and community board on notice of the substance of the application, and (2) the application is substantially consistent with such notice. The department shall publish such notice on the department's website within five days of the transmission of such notice to the affected borough board, borough president and community board. Upon certification of an application, the department shall give notice of such certification to the council. If an application under this section has not been certified within six months after filing, both the applicant and, if the land use proposed in an application is consistent with the land use policy or strategic policy statement of the affected borough president, the affected borough president shall have the right at any time thereafter to appeal to the city planning commission for certification. The commission shall promptly, but in any event within sixty days of the filing of such an appeal, either certify the application or state in writing what further information is necessary to complete the application. If such an appeal is brought by an affected borough president, the affirmative vote of five members of the commission shall be sufficient to certify the application.
d. If a meeting involving a city agency and an applicant is convened to define or substantially redefine the overall scope of issues to be addressed in any draft environmental impact statement required by law for an application subject to review under this section, each affected community board and each affected borough president shall receive advance notice of such meeting, and each shall have the right to send one representative to the meeting.
e. (1) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph two of this subdivision each affected community board shall, not later than sixty days after receipt of an application that has been certified pursuant to subdivision c of this section,
(a) notify the public of the application in a manner specified by the city planning commission pursuant to subdivision i of this section, and
(b) either (i) conduct a public hearing thereon and prepare and submit a written recommendation directly to the city planning commission and to the affected borough president or (ii) where authorized by this charter, submit a written waiver of the right to conduct a public hearing and to submit such written recommendations to the commission and the affected borough president.
(2) Where an application has been certified during the month of June, the affected community board shall provide notification pursuant to subparagraph (a) of paragraph 1 of this subdivision and conduct a hearing or, where authorized, submit a waiver of the right to conduct a public hearing pursuant to subparagraph (b) of paragraph 1 of this subdivision not later than ninety days after receipt of such application or, where such application is certified during the period of time from and including July 1 to and including July 15, not later than seventy-five days after receipt of such application.
f. A copy of a recommendation or waiver by a community board pursuant to subdivision e of this section that involves land located within two or more community districts in a borough shall also be filed with the affected borough board within the same time period as specified in subdivision e. Not later than thirty days after the filing of a recommendation or waiver with the borough board by all affected community boards, or, if any affected community board shall fail to act, thirty days after the expiration of the time allowed for such community board to act, the borough board may hold a public hearing on the application and any such recommendations and submit a written recommendation or waiver thereof to the city planning commission.
g. Not later than thirty days after the filing of a recommendation or waiver with the borough president by all affected community boards, or, if any affected community board shall fail to act, thirty days after the expiration of the time allowed for such community board to act, the borough president shall submit a written recommendation or waiver thereof to the city planning commission.
h. Not later than sixty days after expiration of time allowed for the filing of a recommendation or waiver with the city planning commission by a borough president, the commission shall approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the application. Any such approval or approval with modifications of the commission shall require the affirmative vote of at least seven of the members, except that the affirmative vote of nine members shall be required to approve or approve with modifications an application pursuant to paragraph five, ten or eleven of subdivision a of this section relating to a new city facility if the affected borough president recommends against approval of such application pursuant to subdivision g of this section and has proposed an alternative location in the same borough for such new city facility pursuant to subdivision f or g of section two hundred four. The commission shall conduct a public hearing on all applications that are subject to review and approval by the commission pursuant to this section. Prior to taking any action pursuant to this subdivision on a matter involving the siting of a capital project, the sale, lease, exchange or other disposition or acquisition of real property, a request for a proposal or other solicitation for a franchise or a revocable consent, the city planning commission may obtain a report from the office of management and budget or the department of citywide administrative services, as appropriate. Any action of the city planning commission which modifies or disapproves a written recommendation of the community board, borough president or borough board shall be accompanied by a written explanation of its reason for such action.
i. The city planning commission shall establish rules providing (1) guidelines, minimum standards, and procedural requirements for community boards, borough presidents, borough boards and the commission in the exercise of their duties and responsibilities pursuant to this section, (2) minimum standards for certification of applications pursuant to subdivision c of this section, and (3) specific time periods for review of applications pursuant to this section prior to certification.
j. If a community board, borough president or borough board fails or waives its right to act within the time limits for review pursuant to subdivisions e, f and g of this section, the application shall be referred to the next level of review. If the city planning commission fails to act on an application within the time limit specified in subdivision h of this section, the application shall be deemed to have been denied unless the application (i) is pursuant to paragraph three or four of subdivision a of this section, in which case the application may be forwarded to the council for review pursuant to the provisions of subdivision b of section two hundred, if applicable, or (ii) is pursuant to paragraph eight of subdivision a of this section, in which case the application shall be referred to the council for review and action as provided by state law.
k. Notice of any hearing on an application by the city planning commission shall be published in the City Record at least ten days immediately prior to the date of the hearing, and a copy of the notice shall be mailed to all community boards or borough boards affected by the application.
l. The commission shall establish by rule procedures for advance posting of notices of commission hearings on applications. Such notices shall be posted at the location of the land involved in such manner and with respect to such types of applications as the commission deems appropriate. Failure to post any such notice shall not affect or impair the validity of any decision of the city planning commission, the council or other agency or official pursuant to this chapter.
m. A community or borough board may review an application which is subject to the uniform land use review procedure pursuant to this section but does not involve land so located as to require reference to such board for review, if in the board's judgment the application might significantly affect the welfare of the community district or borough served by such board. In such a case the application and the related materials submitted to the affected board or boards by the city planning department shall be submitted also to such board upon the request of such board, and such board may hold its own public hearing thereon if it so desires and may submit its own written recommendations in regard thereto to the city planning commission for consideration at any time before the city planning commission takes action thereon.
(Am. L.L. 2019/215, 12/11/2019, eff. 12/11/2019 and 8/31/2020)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Administrative Code Appendix A at L.L. 1996/059.