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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Section 2702. Preparation and adoption of map.
   a.   The map of community districts in effect as of the seventh day of November, nineteen hundred eighty-nine shall be continued until modified pursuant to this section. Not later than the first day of May nineteen hundred ninety-four and every tenth year thereafter, the mayor shall, and at such other times as the mayor deems appropriate, the mayor may, prepare and present to the council a report reviewing the community district map then in force and presenting such recommendations for changes in the map as the mayor deems appropriate. Such review shall consider shifts in population shown in the most recent decennial census that may require adjustments in the community district map to conform to the criteria in section twenty-seven hundred one. Such review shall also consider whether reducing the size of any community district would provide more efficient and effective service delivery within the district or districts involved. If the mayor's recommendations for changes in the map would produce a community district with a population below seventy-five thousand persons, the mayor may consider whether partial suspension of coterminality within the district is likely to provide more efficient or effective service delivery of one or more of the services for which coterminality is required, and may recommend that coterminality for one or more designated services within the community district and any adjacent district be suspended. The mayor's recommendations for changes shall be referred to as the preliminary revision of the community district map.
   b.   The borough presidents, city planning commission, community boards and other civic, community and neighborhood groups and associations shall be consulted and their recommendations considered in the preparation of the preliminary revision of the community district map.
   c.   The mayor shall publish the preliminary revision of the community district map in the City Record and in each borough of the city and shall, jointly with the borough president, conduct one or more public hearings on it in each borough of the city. Within sixty days after the last such hearing, the mayor shall submit to the council such preliminary revisions of the community district map as he or she deems appropriate.
   d.   The council shall conduct public hearings on the preliminary revision of the community district map submitted by the mayor and it shall, by resolution, within one hundred twenty days of such submission, adopt, adopt with modifications, or disapprove the map as submitted. If the council adopts the proposed map without modifications, or if the mayor concurs in any modifications adopted by the council, the new map shall be effective as of the date specified in the mayor's proposal or in the modifications adopted by the council and concurred in by the mayor. If the council disapproves the map as submitted by the mayor, or if the council fails to act within the one hundred twenty day period, or if the mayor does not concur in any modifications adopted by the council, the community district map then in force shall remain in effect.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Administrative Code Appendix A at L.L. 1993/071.