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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
Chapter 1: Mayor
Chapter 2: Council
Chapter 2-A: Districting Commission
Chapter 3: Board of Estimate [Repealed]
Chapter 4: Borough Presidents.
Chapter 5: Comptroller.
Chapter 6: Expense Budget
Chapter 7: Tax Appeals
Chapter 8: City Planning
Chapter 9: Capital Projects and Budget
Chapter 10: Budget Process
Chapter 11: Independent Budget Office
Chapter 12: Obligations of the City
Chapter 13: Procurement
Chapter 13-A: Office of Economic and Financial Opportunity [Repealed]
Chapter 13-B: Office of Labor Services [Repealed]
Chapter 14: Franchises, Revocable Consents and Concessions
Chapter 15: Property of the City
Chapter 16: Heads of Mayoral Agencies
Chapter 17: Law Department
Chapter 18: Police Department
Chapter 18-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Chapter 18-B: Independent Police Investigation and Audit Board
Chapter 18-C: Public Safety
Chapter 18-D: Sale, Purchase and Possession of Weapons
Chapter 19: Fire Department
Chapter 19-A: Emergency Management Department
Chapter 20: Education
Chapter 21: Department of Parks and Recreation
Chapter 21-A: New York City Sports Commission
Chapter 22: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Chapter 23: Office of Animal Welfare
Chapter 24: Department of Social Services
Chapter 24-A: Department of Homeless Services
Chapter 24-B: Administration for Children's Services
Chapter 25: Department of Correction
Chapter 26: Department of Buildings
Chapter 27: Board of Standards and Appeals
Chapter 28: Department of Juvenile Justice [Repealed]
Chapter 29: Department of Ports and Trade [Repealed]
Chapter 30: Department of Youth and Community Development
Chapter 31: Department of Sanitation
Chapter 34: Department of Investigation
Chapter 35: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Chapter 36: Equal Employment Practices Commission
Chapter 37: Art Commission
Chapter 38: Financial Information Services Agency
Chapter 39: Office of Payroll Administration
Chapter 40: New York City Human Rights Commission
Chapter 45: City Administrative Procedure Act
Chapter 45-A: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings
Chapter 46: Elections and Voter Assistance
Chapter 46-A: Voting by Lawful Permanent Residents and Persons Authorized to Work in the United States
Chapter 47: Public Access to Meetings and Information
Chapter 48: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Chapter 49: Officers and Employees
Chapter 50: Term Limits
Chapter 50-A: Qualification for Elected Office
Chapter 51: Transitory Provisions
Chapter 52: General Provisions
Chapter 54: Collective Bargaining
Chapter 55: Department of Design and Construction
Chapter 56: Department of Small Business Services
Chapter 57: Department of Environmental Protection
Chapter 58: Department of Finance
Chapter 59: Department of General Services [Repealed]
Chapter 61: Department of Housing Preservation and Development
Chapter 63: Business Integrity Commission
Chapter 64: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Chapter 65: New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission
Chapter 66: Department for the Aging
Chapter 67: Department of Cultural Affairs
Chapter 68: Conflicts of Interest
Chapter 69: Community Districts and Coterminality of Services
Chapter 70: City Government In the Community
Chapter 71: Department of Transportation
Chapter 72: Department of Records and Information Services
Chapter 73: Department of Employment [Repealed]
Chapter 74: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Chapter 75: Department of Veterans' Services
Chapter 76: Civic Engagement Commission
Chapter 77: Office of Ethnic and Community Media
Chapter 78: Equity
Chapter 79: Community Hiring and Workforce Development
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
Title 74: Community Hiring
Section 2700. Declaration of intent.
It is the intent of this chapter to encourage and facilitate coterminous community districts and service districts to be used for the planning of community life within the city, the participation of citizens in city government within their communities, and the efficient and effective organization of agencies that deliver municipal services in local communities and boroughs.
Section 2701. Community districts.
   a.   Each community district shall:
      (1)   Lie within the boundaries of a single borough, except as provided in subdivisions d and e of this section, and coincide with historic, geographic and identifiable communities from which the city has developed;
      (2)   Be suitable for the efficient and effective delivery of those services of municipal agencies required to be made coterminous with the community districts, pursuant to section two thousand seven hundred four, including particularly the service and districting requirements of the police and sanitation departments; and,
      (3)   Be compact and contiguous and have a population of not more than two hundred fifty thousand persons.
   b.   Community districts shall be as nearly equal in population with each other as is possible under the criteria in paragraphs one, two and three of subdivision a of this section.
   c.   With respect to the city's central business district in the borough of Manhattan from fifty-ninth street south, the council may adopt as part of the community district map, districts which shall reflect its unique character as the city's financial, business and entertainment center. In so doing, the council shall take into consideration the residential, working and other daytime population as well as the hotel and transient or other nighttime populations and adhere as nearly as possible to the provisions of paragraph (3) of subdivision a of this section.
   d.   The community district map for the borough of Manhattan shall include Roosevelt Island, located in the east river, as part of a community district in the borough of Manhattan, immediately opposite and to the west of Roosevelt Island. However, for the purposes of meeting the requirements of section twenty-seven hundred four relating to coterminality of local services, section twenty-seven hundred five relating to district service cabinets and section twenty-seven hundred seven relating to agency budget and service statements, Roosevelt Island shall be deemed included within a community district of the borough of Queens immediately opposite and to the east of Roosevelt Island. The chairperson of the community board of the Manhattan community district which includes Roosevelt Island, or his or her designee, shall be a member of the district service cabinet of each of the community districts in which Roosevelt Island is included in the respective boroughs.
   e.   The community district map for the borough of the Bronx shall include that portion of the borough of Manhattan which lies north of the Harlem River.
Section 2702. Preparation and adoption of map.
   a.   The map of community districts in effect as of the seventh day of November, nineteen hundred eighty-nine shall be continued until modified pursuant to this section. Not later than the first day of May nineteen hundred ninety-four and every tenth year thereafter, the mayor shall, and at such other times as the mayor deems appropriate, the mayor may, prepare and present to the council a report reviewing the community district map then in force and presenting such recommendations for changes in the map as the mayor deems appropriate. Such review shall consider shifts in population shown in the most recent decennial census that may require adjustments in the community district map to conform to the criteria in section twenty-seven hundred one. Such review shall also consider whether reducing the size of any community district would provide more efficient and effective service delivery within the district or districts involved. If the mayor's recommendations for changes in the map would produce a community district with a population below seventy-five thousand persons, the mayor may consider whether partial suspension of coterminality within the district is likely to provide more efficient or effective service delivery of one or more of the services for which coterminality is required, and may recommend that coterminality for one or more designated services within the community district and any adjacent district be suspended. The mayor's recommendations for changes shall be referred to as the preliminary revision of the community district map.
   b.   The borough presidents, city planning commission, community boards and other civic, community and neighborhood groups and associations shall be consulted and their recommendations considered in the preparation of the preliminary revision of the community district map.
   c.   The mayor shall publish the preliminary revision of the community district map in the City Record and in each borough of the city and shall, jointly with the borough president, conduct one or more public hearings on it in each borough of the city. Within sixty days after the last such hearing, the mayor shall submit to the council such preliminary revisions of the community district map as he or she deems appropriate.
   d.   The council shall conduct public hearings on the preliminary revision of the community district map submitted by the mayor and it shall, by resolution, within one hundred twenty days of such submission, adopt, adopt with modifications, or disapprove the map as submitted. If the council adopts the proposed map without modifications, or if the mayor concurs in any modifications adopted by the council, the new map shall be effective as of the date specified in the mayor's proposal or in the modifications adopted by the council and concurred in by the mayor. If the council disapproves the map as submitted by the mayor, or if the council fails to act within the one hundred twenty day period, or if the mayor does not concur in any modifications adopted by the council, the community district map then in force shall remain in effect.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Administrative Code Appendix A at L.L. 1993/071.
Section 2703. Modification and review.
Editor's note: bracketed out of law at General Election, November 7, 1989.
Section 2704. Coterminality of local services.
   a.   The head of each agency responsible for one or more of the services listed below shall organize the local service delivery districts of such agency as follows:
      (1)   To be coterminous with each of the community districts: local parks services; local recreation services; street cleaning and refuse collection services; the patrol services of the police department; and social services, including community services, community development, youth services, child development, and special services for children; and,
      (2)   To be coterminous with one or more community districts or aggregates of them: housing code enforcement, highway and street maintenance and repair, sewer maintenance and repair, and health services, other than municipal hospitals.
   b.   Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision a, the requirement that patrol services of the police department be coterminous with each of the community districts in any borough shall not apply to any community district where the mayor, after consultation with the police commissioner, shall determine that establishment of such coterminality would be inconsistent with the most effective delivery of such services. The mayor shall promptly notify the council of any such determination, and the council may, by majority vote, disapprove such determination with respect to any community district within sixty days after the first stated meeting of the council following the receipt of such notice. If the council shall disapprove such determination with respect to any community district, the police commissioner shall organize patrol services to be coterminous with such district within ninety days of such disapproval.
   c.   The council, by resolution subject to the approval of the mayor, or the mayor by executive order, may direct that city services in addition to those specified in subdivision a of this section be made coterminous with one or more community districts or aggregates of them.
   d.   The head of each agency whose local service delivery districts are not required to be coterminous with community districts pursuant to subdivision a or c of this section shall organize the local service delivery districts of the agency to coincide as closely as possible to the boundaries of the community districts.
   e.   For purposes of this section, coterminality of services shall mean that the boundaries of the local service districts of each agency service listed in subdivision a or required to be made coterminous pursuant to subdivision c shall coincide with the boundaries of community districts.
   f.   The head of each agency responsible for one or more of the services listed in subdivision a or required to be made coterminous pursuant to subdivision c shall: (1) assign to each such local service district at least one official with managerial responsibilities involving the exercise of independent judgment in the scheduling, allocation and assignment of personnel and equipment and the evaluation of performance or the management and planning of programs; each such official shall have operating or line authority over agency programs, personnel and facilities within the local service district; (2) assign to each borough at least one borough commissioner, or official with an equivalent title, who shall have line authority over agency programs, personnel and facilities within the borough related to such services; such official shall consult regularly with the borough president and shall be a member of the borough service cabinet established pursuant to section twenty-seven hundred six of the charter; and (3) publish semi-annually in the City Record and make available to interested parties a list, by community district and borough, of the name, title, office mailing address, and office telephone number of the officials appointed pursuant to paragraphs one and two of this subdivision and to subdivision a of section twenty-seven hundred six.
   g.   The head of any agency may assign or reallocate personnel, equipment or other resources outside a community district to meet emergency needs, special situations, or temporary conditions.
   h.   Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit any agency from maintaining sub-districts within a community district for purposes of efficient and effective service delivery so long as the combined sub-districts shall coincide with the boundaries of the community district. Nothing contained in this section shall prevent the establishment of any special district authorized pursuant to federal, state or local law, the boundaries of which do not coincide with the boundaries of a community district.
   i.   Each borough president may publish an annual report evaluating the delivery, within the borough, of the services which are listed in subdivision a, or are required to be made coterminous pursuant to subdivision c, of this section.
   j.   Reserved.
   k.   The mayor shall report biennially to the council on the implementation of the requirements of this section. Such report shall include: (1) an evaluation of the quality of the services delivered to community districts pursuant to subdivisions a and c of this section during the preceding two fiscal years, (2) a review of the agencies' implementation of subdivisions d and f of this section, and of subdivision a of section twenty-seven hundred six, and (3) any recommendations for changes in the services listed or in the requirements for those services which the mayor deems appropriate.
(Am. L.L. 2023/068, 5/29/2023, eff. 6/28/2023)