Every agency shall keep a record of all its transactions, which shall be accessible to the public. A brief abstract, omitting formal language, shall be made, once a week of all transactions and of all contracts awarded and entered into for work and material of every description. Such abstract shall contain the name or names and residences by street and number, of the party or parties to the contract and of their sureties, if any. A copy of such abstract shall be promptly transmitted for publication in the City Record to the director thereof.
It shall be unlawful for any officer of the city to order any owner or occupant to use any patented article on any building or in any public street or place, except under such circumstances that there can be a fair and reasonable opportunity for competition, the conditions to secure which shall be prescribed by the board of estimate.
In the performance of their duties, all detective investigators, senior detective investigators, racket investigators, senior racket investigators and supervising racket investigators employed by the district attorney of each county contained within the city of New York, shall have all the powers and perform all the duties of police officers in the state.
When the qualifications for any examination or test for, or appointment or election to any office, position or employment in the city, includes a maximum age limit, any person who heretofore and subsequent to July first, nineteen hundred forty, entered or hereafter, in time of war, shall enter the active military or naval service of the United States, or the active service of the women's army corps, the women's reserve of the naval reserve or any similar organization authorized by the United States to serve with the army or navy, shall be deemed to meet such maximum age requirement if his or her actual age, less the period of such service, would meet such maximum age requirement.
Employees of the city of New York shall be permitted to use pre-tax earnings to purchase qualified transportation benefits, other than qualified parking, in accordance with federal law and shall thereupon be entitled to such personal income tax benefits as may be authorized by such law.
(a) Notwithstanding any other law, rule or regulation to the contrary, officers and employees of a city with a population of one million or more who (i) do not receive benefits similar to those provided by this section pursuant to a collectively bargained agreement, section 14-122.1 of this code, section 15-108.1 of this code, or other statutory provision and (ii) filed and received approval for such filed notice of participation in World Trade Center rescue, recovery or cleanup operations or was a participant in World Trade Center rescue, recovery, or cleanup operations as such term is defined in section one hundred sixty-one of the workers' compensation law, who does not have such filed and approved notice of participation and has filed a notice of participation under section one hundred sixty-two of the workers' compensation law and is now employed by a city with a population of one million or more, and subsequently developed a qualifying World Trade Center condition, as defined in section two of the retirement and social security law, shall, after receipt of a written request for line of duty sick leave, be granted line of duty sick leave commencing on the date that such employee was diagnosed with a qualifying World Trade Center condition regardless of whether such officer or employee was employed by his or her current employer at the time that such officer or employee participated in World Trade Center rescue, recovery or cleanup operations. The officer or employee shall be compensated at his or her regular rate of pay for those regular work hours during which the officer or employee is absent from work. Such leave shall be provided without loss of an officer or employee's accrued sick leave.
(b) A public employer shall not take any adverse personnel action against a public employee regarding the employee's employment because either (i) the employee utilizes, or requests to utilize, sick leave or any other available leave due to a qualifying World Trade Center condition, as such term is defined in section two of the retirement and social security law, or (ii) the employee utilizes or requests to utilize line of duty sick leave provided by this section.
(c) For purposes of this section, an "adverse personnel action" means any discipline, including issuing a notice of discipline, discharge, suspension, demotion, penalization, or discrimination against an employee utilizing line of duty sick leave pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section. Nothing in this section shall be deemed to diminish or impair the rights of a public employee or employer under any law, rule, regulation or collectively negotiated agreement or to prohibit any personnel action which otherwise would have been taken regardless of any request to use, or utilization of, any sick leave or other available leave due to a qualifying World Trade Center condition or request to use, or utilization of, any line of duty sick leave provided by this section.
(2019 N.Y. Laws Ch. 251, 9/11/2019, eff. 9/11/2019; Am. 2020 N.Y. Laws Ch. 60, 4/17/2020, retro. eff. 9/11/2019)
a. The head of each agency shall designate an employee as such agency’s mental health coordinator.
b. Such mental health coordinator shall assist their respective agency in coordinating such agency’s efforts to comply with the Americans with disabilities act of 1990, as amended, and other federal, state, and local laws and regulations concerning accessibility and support for city employees with mental health needs.
c. Such mental health coordinator shall conduct outreach to employees of their respective agency about mental health services and support services available to such employees, including but not limited to the employee assistance program and, as appropriate, referral to the agency’s equal employment opportunity officer for assessment for a reasonable accommodation.
(L.L. 2024/028, 1/20/2024, eff. 5/19/2024)