102.4.1 Minor additions, alterations, renovations and repairs.
Minor additions, alterations, renovations and repairs to existing installations shall meet the provisions for new construction, unless such work is done in the same manner and arrangement as was in the existing system, is not hazardous and is approved.
102.4.2 Special provisions for prior code buildings.
In addition to the requirements of Sections 102.4 and 102.4.1, the provisions of Sections through shall apply to prior code buildings. Number of plumbing fixtures.
For prior code buildings, the number of required plumbing fixtures shall be permitted to be calculated based on the 1968 Building Code utilizing the occupant load figures for the 1968 Building Code, or shall be permitted to be calculated based on the New York City Plumbing Code utilizing the occupant load figures from the New York City Plumbing Code. Seismic supports.
For prior code buildings, the determination as to whether seismic requirements apply to an alteration shall be made in accordance with the 1968 Building Code and interpretations by the department relating to such determinations. Any applicable seismic loads and requirements shall be permitted to be determined in accordance with Chapter 16 of the New York City Building Code or the 1968 Building Code and Reference Standard RS 9-6 of such code. Wind resistance.
For prior code buildings, equipment, appliances and supports that are exposed to wind shall be designed and installed to resist the wind pressures determined in accordance with Chapter 16 of the New York City Building Code.
102.5 Change in occupancy.
Refer to Chapter 1 of Title 28 of the Administrative Code.
102.6 Reserved.