3209.3 Carousel storage.
High-piled storage areas having greater than 500 square feet (46 m
2) of carousel storage shall be provided with automatic shutdown in accordance with one of the following:
1. An automatic smoke detection system installed in accordance with the construction codes, including the Building Code, with coverage extending 15 feet (4572 mm) in all directions beyond unenclosed carousel storage systems and which sounds a local alarm at the operator's station and stops the carousel storage system upon the activation of a single detector.
2. An automatic smoke detection system installed in accordance with the construction codes, including the Building Code and within enclosed carousel storage systems, that sounds a local alarm at the operator's station and stops the carousel storage system upon the activation of a single detector.
3. A single dead-man-type control switch that allows the operation of the carousel storage system only when the operator is present. The switch shall be in the same room as the carousel storage system and located to allow for observation of the carousel system.
3209.4 Automated rack storage.
High-piled storage areas with automated rack storage shall be provided with a manually activated emergency shutdown switch for use by firefighters and other emergency response personnel. The switch shall be clearly marked and shall be located at the fire command center. In buildings without a fire command center, such switch shall be located in a conspicuous, readily accessible location near the entrance to the building, occupancy or area containing the automated rack storage, or other approved location.
3210.1 General.
Records storage facilities used for the rack or shelf storage of combustible paper records greater than 12 feet (3658 mm) in height shall be designed, installed, operated and maintained in accordance with FC 3206 and 3208 and NFPA 13, as modified by FC Appendix B. Palletized storage of records shall be designed, installed, operated and maintained in accordance with FC 3207.