15.24.420   Chapter 80 Referenced Standards.
   NFPA 13, 2022 Edition, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems is hereby amended as follows:
      Section is hereby revised as follows: Fire department connections (FDC) shall be of an approved type. The FDC shall contain a minimum of two 2 ½” inlets. The location shall be approved and be no more than 50 feet from a public hydrant. The FDC may be located within 50 feet of a private fire hydrant when approved by the fire code official. The size of the piping and the number of inlets shall be approved by the fire code official. Fire department inlet connections shall be painted OSHA safety red. When the fire sprinkler density design requires 500 gpm (including inside hose stream demand) or greater, or a standpipe system is included, four 2½” inlets shall be provided.
   NFPA 13R 2022 is added and adopted in its entirety.
   NFPA 13D 2022 Edition, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes is hereby adopted and amended or added as follows:
      Section 5.1.3 is hereby added as follows:
      5.1.3 Stock of Spare Sprinklers
      Section is hereby added as follows: A supply of at least one sprinkler for each type shall be maintained on the premises so that any sprinklers that have operated or been damaged in any way can be promptly replaced.
      Section is hereby added as follows: The sprinklers shall correspond to the types and temperature ratings of the sprinklers on the property.
      Section is hereby added as follows: The sprinklers shall be kept in a cabinet located where the temperature to which they are subjected will at no time exceed 100 degrees Fahrenheit (38 degrees C).
      Section is hereby added as follows: A sprinkler wrench shall be provided and kept in the cabinet to be used for the removal and installation of sprinklers. A separate sprinkler wrench shall be provided to ensure all styles of heads can be replaced if activated.
      Section 7.1.2 is hereby revised as follows:
      7.1.2 The system piping shall not have a separate control valve unless supervised by a central station, proprietary, or remote station alarm service.
      7.6 - Amend 7.6 to read as follows:
      7.6 Alarms. A water flow switch shall be provided and located on the sprinkler riser above the check valve and main drain. The waterflow switch shall activate the local waterflow alarm bell and the interconnected smoke alarms inside the residence. The water flow switch shall be a retarding type with a delay between 15-45 seconds before activation. Waterflow alarm bell shall have a minimum diameter of 6 inches and be mounted on the exterior of the structure.
   NFPA 14, 2019 Edition, Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems is hereby amended as follows:
      Section is hereby is deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows: Class I and III Standpipe hose connections shall be unobstructed and shall be located not less than 18 inches or more than 24 inches above the finished floor. Class II Standpipe hose connections shall be unobstructed and shall be located not less than 3 feet or more than 5 feet above the finished floor.
   NFPA 24, 2019 Edition, Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and their Appurtenances is hereby amended as follows:
      Section 6.2.9* (3) and (5) is hereby deleted without replacement and (6) and (7) renumbered as follows:
      (5)   Control Valves installed in a fire-rated room accessible from the exterior.
      (6)   Control valves in a fire-rated stair enclosure accessible from the exterior as permitted by the authority having jurisdiction.
      Section 6.2.9* (2) is hereby revised as follows:
      (2)   When approved by the fire code official, a wall post indicating valve may be installed on an existing structure.
      Section 6.3.3 is hereby added as follows:
      6.3.3 All post indicator valves controlling fire suppression water supplies shall be painted OSHA red.
      Section 10.1.5 is hereby added as follows:
      10.1.5 All ferrous pipe shall be coated and wrapped. Joints shall be coated and wrapped after assembly. All fittings shall be protected with a loose 8-mil polyethylene tube. The ends of the tube shall extend past the joint by a minimum of 12 inches and be sealed with 2 inch wide tape approved for underground use. Galvanizing does not meet the requirements of this section.
         Exception: 304 or 316 Stainless Steel pipe and fittings
      Section 10.3.7 Bolts is hereby added as follows:
      10.3.7 Bolts. All bolts used in pipe-joint assembly shall be 316 stainless steel.
      Section is hereby revised as follows: All bolted joint accessories shall be cleaned and thoroughly coated with asphalt or other corrosion-retarding material, prior to poly-tube, and after installation.
         Exception: Bolted joint accessories made from 304 or 316 stainless steel.
      Section is hereby deleted and replaced as follows: Where fire service mains enter the building adjacent to the foundation, the pipe may run under a building to a maximum of 24 inches, as measured from the interior face of the exterior wall to the center of the vertical pipe. The pipe under the building or building foundation shall be 304 or 316 stainless steel and shall not contain mechanical joints or it shall comply with 10.6.2.
      Section is hereby revised as follows: Pipe joints shall not be located under foundation footings. The pipe under the building or building foundation shall be 304 or 316 stainless steel and shall not contain mechanical joints.
(Ord. 584 § 1, 2022)