Title 15
15.02 Adoption of Administrative Provisions
15.04 General
15.08 California Building Standards Codes
15.12 Universal Design Residential Dwellings
15.16 California Plumbing Code
15.20 California Mechanical Code
15.24 California Fire Code and California Fire Code Standards
15.40 California Electrical Code
15.43 California Energy Code
15.45 California Historical Building Code
15.46 California Existing Building Code
15.47 California Green Building Standards Code
15.48 Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings
15.50 Safety Assessment Placards
15.52 Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control
15.54 Encroachment Permits Generally
15.56 Flood Damage Prevention Regulations
15.60 Conversion of Existing Overhead Lines
15.62 Small Residential Rooftop Solar Energy System Review and Permitting Process
15.63 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
15.02.010 Adoption of the administrative provisions of the California Building Code.
Chapter 1, Division II of the California Building Code is not part of the 2022 California Building Standards Code but may be adopted by a local jurisdiction. The City of Murrieta hereby adopts Chapter 1, Division II of the 2022 California Building Code and modifies, adds and deletes sections where necessary to carry out the intent and purpose of this chapter. The adopted portions and the city's modifications, additions and deletions, shall be used to administer and enforce the California Building Standards Codes within the City of Murrieta.
(Ord. 583 § 2, 2022; Ord. 552-19 § 2, 2019)