15.24.060   Section 107.4.1 Added—Fees for working or performing without necessary permits.
   A person who commences any construction work regulated by the Fire Code within the City before first obtaining necessary construction permits may be fined as follows:
   1.   First offense is double fees for each building or permit required to be issued that is in violation and a complaint is filed to the Contractors State License Board.
   2.   Second offense is double fees as indicated in item 1 above plus a $500.00 fine and a complaint filed to the Contractors State License Board.
   3.   Third offense is double fees as indicated in item 1 above plus a $1000.00 fine and a complaint filed to the Contractors State License Board.
   4.   Fourth or subsequent violations will result in a misdemeanor citation and/or additional legal action for failing to comply with the requirements of the Fire Code.
(Ord. 584 § 1, 2022)