15.24.130   Section 202 Added—General definitions.
   ALL-WEATHER SURFACE. A road surface of asphalt, concrete, or approved pavers, or an engineered surface (such as decomposed granite compacted to 95%) capable of supporting a 75,000-pound fire apparatus in all weather conditions.
   FLOW-LINE. The lowest continuous elevation on a curb is defined by the path traced by a particle in a moving body of water at the bottom of the rolled curb.
   FUEL MODIFICATION ZONE. A strip of land where combustible vegetation has been thinned or modified or both and partially or totally replaced with approved fire-resistant and/or irrigated plants to provide an acceptable level of risk from vegetation fires. Fuel modification reduces the radiant and convective heat on a structure and provides valuable defensible space for firefighters to make an effective stand against an approaching fire front.
   MID-RISE BUILDING. A building five or more stories high, but not exceeding 75 feet in height, and not defined as a high-rise building by Section 202 of the California Building Code. Measurements shall be made from the underside of the roof or floor above the topmost space that may be occupied to the lowest fire apparatus access road level.
   JURISDICTION. The City of Murrieta and/or Murrieta Fire & Rescue.
(Ord. 584 § 1, 2022)