15.24.010 Adoption of the Fire Code.
15.24.020 Section 101.1 amended—Title.
15.24.030 Section 102.13 added—Repeal of conflicting ordinances, resolutions or motions.
15.24.040 Section 103.1 Amended—Creation of an agency.
15.24.050 Section 107.2 Amended—Schedule of permit fees.
15.24.060 Section 107.4.1 Added —Fees for working or performing without necessary permits.
15.24.070 Section 107.7 Added—Cost recovery.
15.24.080 Section 107.8 Added—Reimbursement required.
15.24.090 Section 107.9 Added—Expense recovery.
15.24.100 Section 109.3.1 Added—Electronic recordkeeping.
15.24.110 Sections 111.1, 111.2, 111.3 & 111.4.
15.24.120 Section 112.4 Amended—Violation penalties.
15.24.130 Section 202 Added—General definitions.
15.24.140 Section 304.1.2 Amended—Vegetation.
15.24.150 Section 307.1.1 Amended—Prohibited open burning.
15.24.160 Section 307.6 Added— Fireplaces, fire pits, fire rings, or similar devices used at Group R occupancies.
15.24.170 Section 307.6.1 Added—Gas fueled devices.
15.24.180 Section 307.6.2 Added—Where prohibited.
15.24.190 Section 307.6.3 Added—Outdoor fireplaces utilizing wood or solid fuels.
15.24.200 Section 408 Added—Automated external defibrillators.
15.24.210 Section 501.1 Amended—Scope.
15.24.220 Section 503 Amended—Fire apparatus access roads.
15.24.230 Section 505.1 Amended—Address numbers.
15.24.240 Section 508 - Amended—Fire command center.
15.24.250 Section 510.1 Amended— Emergency responder communication coverage in new and existing buildings.
15.24.260 Section 901.6.3. Amended— Records.
15.24.270 Section 903.2 Amended—Where required.
15.24.280 Section 903.3.5.3 Amended—Hydraulically calculated systems.
15.24.290 Section 903.4 Amended—Sprinkler system supervision and alarms.
15.24.300 Section 907.1.6 Added—Fire alarm control panel (FACP).
15.24.310 Section 907.5.1 Amended— Occupant notification.
15.24.320 Section 914 Added—Mid-rise buildings.
15.24.330 Section 1205.2 Amended— Access and pathways.
15.24.340 Section 3313.1 Amended— When required.
15.24.350 Section 4911 Added—Fuel modification requirements for new construction.
15.24.360 Section 5001.5.2 Amended— Hazardous materials inventory statement (HMIS).
15.24.370 Section 5601.3.1 Amended— Prohibition.
15.24.380 Section 5601.3.2 Added— Seizure of Fireworks
15.24.390 Section 5608.2 Added—Firing.
15.24.400 Section 5614 Added— Explosives and blasting.
15.24.410 Section 5707.1 Added—General.
15.24.420 Chapter 80 Referenced Standards.
15.24.430 Amended - Table B105.1(1).
15.24.440 Amended - Table B105.1(2).
The City of Murrieta adopts as the Fire Code for the City of Murrieta Fire the following: the 2022 California Fire Code based on the 2021 International Fire Code. In addition, the following provisions that are excluded in the 2022 California Fire Code are hereby adopted - Chapter 1, Division II, Chapters 3, 25, and Sections 503, 510.2, 1103.2 and Appendices N and O are adopted together with the City's amendments as set forth in this ordinance. The California Fire Code and its appendix chapters will be on file for public examination in the offices of the Fire Marshal, Building Official, and the City Clerk’s office.
(Ord. 584 § 1, 2022)
The City of Murrieta/Murrieta Fire & Rescue is hereby created and the official in charge therefore shall be known as the fire code official. The function of the agency shall be the implementation, administration, and enforcement of the provisions of this code.
(Ord. 584 § 1, 2022)