Any person who is requested or ordered by any magistrate or peace officer to render the magistrate or officer assistance in making or attempting to make an arrest, or to prevent the commission of any criminal act, shall render assistance as required. No person shall unreasonably and without lawful cause, refuse or neglect to render assistance when so requested.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 719.2)
No person shall abandon or otherwise leave unattended any refrigerator, ice box, or similar container, with doors that may become locked, outside of buildings and accessible to children, nor shall any person allow any such refrigerator, ice box, or similar container, to remain outside of buildings on premises in the person’s possession or control, abandoned or unattended and so accessible to children.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 727.3)
It is unlawful for a person to allow antenna wires, antenna supports, radio wires or television wires to exist over any street, alley, highway, sidewalk, public way, public ground or public building without written consent of the Council.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12 [2])
1. It is unlawful for a person to discharge rifles, shotguns, revolvers, pistols, guns, BB guns, pellet rifles and pistols or other firearms of any kind within the City limits except by written consent of the Council.
2. No person shall intentionally discharge a firearm in a reckless manner.
It is unlawful for a person to throw stones, bricks or missiles of any kind or to shoot arrows, rubber guns, slingshots, air rifles or other dangerous instruments or toys on or into any street, alley, highway, sidewalk, public way, public ground or public building, without written consent of the Council.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12 [2])
It is unlawful for any person to urinate or defecate onto any sidewalk, street, alley, or other public way, or onto any public or private building, including but not limited to the wall, floor, hallway, steps, stairway, doorway or window thereof, or onto any public or private land.