No structure or facility of the following enumerated and listed types shall be located within the distances hereinafter set forth after each structure or facility from a shallow public well within the City.
1. Well house floor drains — 5 feet;
2. Water treatment plant wastes — 50 feet;
3. Sanitary and industrial discharges — 200 feet;
4. Floor drains from pump house to surface:
A. None within 5 feet;
B. 5 to 10 feet — water main materials enclosed in concrete permitted;
C. 10 to 25 feet — must be water main material;
D. 25 to 75 feet — must be watertight sewer pipe;
5. Floor drains to sewer, water plant wastes, storm or sanitary sewers or drains:
A. None permitted within 25 feet;
B. 25 to 75 feet, must be water main material;
C. 75 to 200 feet, must be watertight sewer pipe;
6. Force mains:
A. None permitted within 75 feet;
B. 75 to 200 feet, must be water main materials;
7. Land application of solid waste — 200 feet;
8. Irrigation of wastewater — 200 feet;
9. Concrete vaults and septic tanks — 200 feet;
10. Mechanical wastewater treatment plants — 200 feet;
11. Cesspools and earth pit privies — 200 feet;
12. Soil absorption fields — 200 feet;
13. Lagoons — 200 feet;
14. Chemicals:
A. Application to ground surface — 200 feet;
B. Above ground storage — 200 feet;
C. On or underground storage — 200 feet;
15. Animal pasturage — 50 feet;
16. Animal enclosure — 200 feet;
17. Animal wastes:
A. Land application of solids — 200 feet;
B. Land application of liquid or slurry — 200 feet;
C. Storage tank — 200 feet;
D. Solids stockpile — 200 feet;
E. Storage basin or lagoon — 200 feet;
18. Earthen silage storage trench or pit — 200 feet;
19. Basements, pits, sumps — 10 feet;
20. Flowing streams or other surface water bodies — 50 feet;
21. Cisterns — 100 feet;
2. Cemeteries — 200 feet;
23. Private wells — 200 feet;
24. Solid waste disposal sites — 200 feet.
No structure or facility of the following enumerated and listed types shall be located within the distances hereinafter set forth from a deep public well within the City.
1. Well house floor drains — 5 feet;
2. Water treatment plant wastes — 50 feet;
3. Sanitary and industrial discharges — 200 feet;
4. Floor drains from pump house to surface:
A. None within 5 feet;
B. 5 to 10 feet — water main materials enclosed in concrete permitted;
C. 10 to 25 feet — must be water main material;
D. 25 to 75 feet — must be watertight sewer pipe;
5. Floor drains to sewer, water plant wastes, storm or sanitary sewers or drains:
A. None permitted within 25 feet;
B. 25 to 75 feet, must be water main material;
C. 75 to 200 feet, must be watertight sewer pipe;
6. Force mains:
A. None permitted within 75 feet;
B. 75 to 200 feet, must be water main materials;
7. Land application of solid waste — 100 feet;
8. Irrigation of wastewater — 100 feet;
9. Concrete vaults and septic tanks — 100 feet;
10. Mechanical wastewater treatment plants — 200 feet;
11. Cesspools and earth pit privies — 200 feet;
12. Soil absorption fields — 200 feet;
13. Lagoons — 200 feet;
14. Chemicals:
A. Application to ground surface — 100 feet;
B. Above ground storage — 100 feet;
C. On or underground storage — 200 feet;
15. Animal pasturage — 50 feet;
16. Animal enclosure — 100 feet;
17. Animal wastes:
A. Land application of solids — 100 feet;
B. Land application of liquid or slurry — 100 feet;
C. Storage tank — 100 feet;
D. Solids stockpile — 200 feet;
E. Storage basin or lagoon — 200 feet;
18. Earthen silage storage trench or pit — 100 feet;
19. Basements, pits, sumps — 10 feet;
20. Flowing streams or other surface water bodies — 50 feet;
21. Cisterns — 50 feet;
2. Cemeteries — 200 feet;
23. Private wells — 200 feet;
24. Solid waste disposal sites — 200 feet.
The use of structures or facilities existing on April 20, 1987, may be continued even though such use may not conform with the regulations of this chapter, i.e., such structures or facilities may be located within the distances set forth. However, such structures or facilities not in conformance with the terms of this chapter may not be enlarged, extended, reconstructed or substituted subsequent to such date.