Vacating a street, avenue, alley, public ground or public right-of-way shall not deprive the Company of its right to operate and maintain existing facilities and their replacements on, below, above or beneath the vacated property. Prior to the City abandoning or vacating any street, avenue, alley, right-of-way or other public ground where the Company has installed gas lines, mains or facilities, the City shall grant the Company a utility easement for said facilities.
Said Company, its successors and assigns, shall throughout the term of the franchise distribute to all consumers gas of good quality and shall furnish uninterrupted service, except as interruptible service may be specifically contracted for with consumers; provided, however, that any prevention of service caused by fire, act of God or unavoidable event or accident shall not be a breach of this condition if the Company resumes service as quickly as is reasonably practical after the happening of the act causing the interruption.
There is hereby imposed a franchise fee of one percent (1%) upon the gross revenue generated from sales of natural gas by the Company within the corporate limits of the City. The franchise fee shall become effective October 1, 2017; provided, however, that such fee shall increase to three percent (3%) effective October 1, 2018; to five percent (5%) effective October 1, 2019. The Company shall begin collecting the franchise fee upon receipt of written approval of the required tax rider tariff from the Iowa Utilities Board.
The amount of the franchise fee shall be shown separately on the utility bill to each customer. The Company shall remit franchise fee receipts to the City no more frequently than on or before the last business day of the month following each calendar year quarter.
The Company shall not, under any circumstances be required to return or refund any franchise fees that have been collected from customers and remitted to the City. In the event the Company is required to provide data or information in defense of the City's imposition of franchise fees or the Company is required to assist the City in identifying customers or calculating any franchise fee refunds for groups of or individual customers the City shall reimburse the Company for the expenses incurred by the Company to provide such data or information.
The term of the franchise granted by this Ordinance and the rights granted thereunder shall continue for the period of twenty five (25) years from and after its acceptance by the said Company, as herein provided, except that the City may cancel this franchise on the fifth (5th), tenth (10th), fifteenth (15th) or twentieth (20th) anniversary of the Anniversary Date of this franchise by notifying Company in writing of its desire to do so, said notification to be given within thirty (30) days of the fifth (5th), tenth (10th), fifteenth (15th) or twentieth (20th) anniversary respectively of this franchise. If Company is not notified of the cancellation by the fifth (5th), tenth (10th), fifteenth (15th) or twentieth (20th) anniversary then this franchise shall continue without cancellation until the twenty-fifth (25th) year from and after its acceptance by the said Company, as herein provided. The acceptance shall be filed with the City Clerk within ninety (90) days from passage of this Ordinance.
If any section or provision of this ordinance is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the validity of any other provisions of this ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid portion or portions and to this end each section and provision of this ordinance is severable.
This Ordinance sets forth and constitutes the entire agreement between the Company and the City with respect to the rights contained herein, and may not be supplemented, superseded, modified or otherwise amended without the approval and acceptance of the Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall the City enact or maintain any ordinance or place any limitations, either operationally or through the assessment of fees, that create additional burdens upon the Company, or which delay utility operations.
Ordinance No. 5-1-2017B adopting a gas franchise for the City was passed and adopted by the Council on June 19, 2017.