All persons residing in dwelling units located within the City shall dispose of refuse, yard waste and bulky waste in compliance with the provisions of this section. Recyclables may be diverted from each dwelling unit’s refuse and disposed of in compliance with this section. The hauler may refuse to collect improperly prepared material. No person shall dump any residential solid waste, construction and demolition waste or non-collectible waste in privately owned dumpsters.
1. Refuse.
A. Refuse shall be drained of liquid and placed within an approved collection bag or rigid container.
B. A tag shall be prominently attached to each collection bag or rigid container set on the curbside for collection in the manner stated on the back of each tag. Tags may be placed on top of refuse in a container if covered by a secure lid. Bags shall not be placed in dumpsters.
C. Full rigid containers or collection bags shall be placed on the curbside for collection on the next scheduled collection date.
D. Refuse shall be collected weekly at the curbside. The City shall determine the weekday of collection and may substitute for holidays.
2. Recyclables.
A. Each dwelling unit shall be provided with one recycling container. The recycling container is and remains the property of the City.
B. All recyclables, except for glass, shall be commingled and placed in the recycling container. The recycling container lid shall be firmly affixed, if possible, and the container shall be placed on the curbside for collection. Recyclable glass shall be placed in a separate bag or box and placed on the curbside for collection.
C. Only items designated as recyclables shall be included within the container.
D. Each dwelling unit is responsible for the security of the recycling container. Lost or stolen containers may be replaced at the expense of the property owner and may be obtained at City Hall.
E. Recyclables will be collected weekly on the same day as refuse. Upon placement of the recycling container on the curbside, the contents thereof shall become the property of the City. It is unlawful for any person, other than the hauler, to collect the contents thereof.
3. Grass and Garden Waste.
A. No more than 40 pounds of grass and garden waste shall be placed in a rigid container. Grass and garden waste shall not be placed in plastic bags.
B. Each rigid container shall have a tag prominently attached to it in the manner stated on the back of each tag.
C. Grass and garden waste shall be placed on the curbside for collection at least ten feet from other solid waste.
D. No other solid waste shall be commingled with grass and garden waste.
E. Grass and garden waste shall be collected from March 15 through November 20 each year. Grass and garden waste will be collected on the same day as refuse during that period.
4. Brush.
A. Brush shall be neatly stacked parallel to the roadway with large cut ends to the right as one faces the street.
B. Stacks shall be no larger than four feet wide by four feet tall.
C. No more than three such stacks shall be placed on the curb for collection each month. If a homeowner has brush in excess of the three stacks, a copy of the ordinance codified in this subsection will be left at the residence. The homeowner may contact City Hall in advance and request a special brush pick up. A $160.00 per hour charge, billed in quarter hour increments, will be assessed on the water bill, with a minimum charge of $40.00 (15 minutes).
D. Thorny brush stacks shall be no larger than one foot in diameter or more than four feet long.
E. Brush shall be collected monthly from March 15 through November 20 each year. The City shall determine the day of the week for collection.
5. Leaves.
A. Leaves shall be placed on the curbside and not on the street or roadway. Leaves shall be at least ten feet from vehicles, signs, poles or other fixed objects.
B. No other solid waste shall be commingled with leaves.
C. Leaves will be collected on weeks in the spring and fall on a schedule set by the City Administrator.
6. Bulky waste.
A. Bulky waste shall be collected by arrangement with the hauler.
B. The City Clerk shall maintain a schedule of fees for the collection of bulky waste.
All recyclable corrugated cardboard shall be separated, by any person or entity whose activities or process produces solid waste, from all other garbage, refuse and rubbish for the purpose of recycling. Recyclable corrugated cardboard may be mixed with other approved recyclable materials for recycling or may be mixed with approved compostable materials and composted.
The collection and disposal of refuse as provided by this chapter is declared to be a benefit to the property served or eligible to be served and there shall be levied and collected fees therefor in accordance with the following:
(Goreham vs. Des Moines, 1970, 179 NW 2nd, 449)
1. Schedule of Fees. Beginning on July 1, 2012, the fee for solid waste collection and disposal service, used or available, shall be:
A. For each residential premises:
(1) A basic fee of $10.50 per month for each dwelling unit.
(2) Tags required for refuse, grass and garden waste and bulky waste @ $3.00 each.
B. For commercial apartments and commercial or non-profit businesses and institutions, scheduled pickups will be either 1 or 2 times per week, based on need as determined by the party responsible for picking up the garbage or refuse and the rates will be based on the total amount of waste picked up per week at each such individual establishment per the following schedule:
(1) Based on the rate of $9.00 per loose cubic yard, the monthly bill will be derived at by the following formula:
loose yards x 52 weeks x $9.00 ÷ 12
(2) A minimum of $39.00 per month will be assessed for each such commercial apartment and commercial or non-profit business and institution.
(3) Any such commercial apartment and commercial or non-profit business and institution which produces no garbage or refuse may, by written request to the Clerk, receive an exemption from the requirement to pay the minimum fee established in subsection (2).
2. Payment of Bills. All fees are due and payable under the same terms and conditions provided for payment of a combined service account as contained in Section 92.04 of this Code of Ordinances. Solid waste collection service may be discontinued in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 92.05 if the combined service account becomes delinquent, and the provisions contained in Section 92.08 relating to lien notices shall also apply in the event of a delinquent account.
The owner of the premises served and any lessee or tenant thereof shall be jointly and severally liable for fees for refuse collection and disposal. Fees remaining unpaid and delinquent shall constitute a lien upon the premises served and shall be certified by the Clerk to the County Treasurer for collection in the same manner as property taxes.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 384.84[1])
1. A discount of the basic service fee is available to low income households. Eligibility shall be referenced to the poverty levels for household size as defined in the “School Lunch Program” administered by the Secretary of Agriculture.
2. If the household’s income is less than 185% of the poverty level, the household shall be entitled to a fifty percent (50%) rebate of the basic service fee.
3. Qualifying households shall have their bills reduced as provided in subsections 1 and 2. In the case of qualifying households that are not directly billed, the household shall receive tags in lieu of cash. Tags shall be distributed at City Hall at the end of each three-month period ending October 1, January 1, April 1 and July 1.
4. Eligibility forms shall be available at City Hall or through HACAP.
HACAP will assist in completing the form.
5. The household shall have the obligation to file the completed form with the City Clerk. Qualified applicants shall receive the discount commencing with the next full three months of service, ending October 1, January 1, April 1 and July 1.