1. "Golf Cart" means a four wheeled recreational vehicle generally used for the transportation of person(s) in the sport of golf, that is limited in engine displacement to less than 800 cubic centimeters (or the electric equivalent) and total dry weight of less than 800 pounds. Note that a vehicle with the appearance of a "Golf Cart" but satisfying the requirements of 49 CFR 571.500 (i.e., is "low speed vehicle") is not subject to this chapter but rather to the Code of Iowa 321.381A.
Golf Carts shall not be operated upon any City street which is a primary road extension through the City. However, Golf Carts may cross such a primary road extension. Business 30, and US Hwy 1 (1st Avenue) are hereby designated as primary road extensions in the City.
(Code of Iowa, Sec 321.247)
Golf Carts operated upon City streets shall be equipped with at least the following:
(Code of Iowa, Sec 321.247)
1. A slow moving vehicle sign;
2. A bicycle safety flag, the top of which shall be a minimum of five (5) feet from ground level;
3. Golf Carts operated on City streets shall be equipped with adequate brakes;
4. Golf Carts shall be equipped with brake lights.
5. Golf Carts shall be equipped with a rearview mirror or side mirrors mounted on each side of the vehicle.
No person shall operate a Golf Cart on any public street, or alley for any purpose unless the operator possesses a City of Mount Vernon permit to operate a golf cart on City streets, issued by the Chief of Police.
1. Golf Cart owners may apply for a yearly permit from the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Police Department.
2. The Chief of Police shall not issue a permit until the owner/operator has provided the following and verified by the Police Department:
A. Evidence that the operator is at least 18 years of age, and possesses a valid Iowa driver's license; and,
B. Proof owner operator has liability insurance covering operation of golf carts on City streets.
3. The operator of a Golf Cart shall display the City approved permit sticker prominently on a rear fender or similar component.
4. All permits issued shall uniquely identify the name and address of the owner/operator.
5. The fee for such permits shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per year.
6. Permits are valid for the calendar year purchased. All permits expire on December 31st of the year issued.
1. Traffic Code. Any person operating a Golf Cart for which a City of Mount Vernon permit has been issued, shall strictly adhere to all traffic signs and signals and all other traffic rules and regulations and shall obey the orders and direction of any law enforcement officer authorized to direct or regulate traffic.
2. Speed. No Golf Cart shall be operated at a speed in excess of the lesser of twenty-five (25) miles per hour or that posted, nor shall any Golf Cart be operated at a speed greater than is reasonable and proper for the existing conditions.
3. Unattended Golf Carts and Parking. No person shall leave a Golf Cart unattended on public property while the motor is running or the keys are in the ignition switch. Owner/Operators shall comply with all parking regulations in the City.
4. Hours of Operation. No Golf Cart shall be operated between the sunset and sunrise.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 321.247)
5. Person's operating a Golf Cart shall ensure all passengers are seated in areas designed to carry passengers. Each person riding must be in their own seat. No more than three (3) people may ride on a bench seat. If seatbelts are available, they must be used by all occupants. No person may ride upon the lap of another.
1. City Streets. Persons holding valid City of Mount Vernon permits may operate Golf Carts upon streets as may be designated by resolution of the Council. Golf Carts may never be operated on the prohibited streets listed in Section 78.04.
2. Trails. Golf Carts shall not be operated on any recreational, bike or walking trail unless the trail is specifically designated to allow use of motor vehicles (unless required in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act).
3. Sidewalks. Golf Carts shall not be operated upon sidewalks.
4. Parking. Golf Carts shall not be operated upon that portion of a street right-of-way between the curb or edge of street paving and the sidewalk referred to as the "parking".
5. City Parks and Other Land Owned by the City of Mount Vernon. Golf Carts shall not be operated in City parks or upon other City owned land unless for a special event authorized by City Council resolution and the operator possess a valid Mount Vernon permit.
6. Private Property. Golf Carts may only be operated on private property with the express consent of the owner.
7. Special Events. All rules listed in above ordinance apply with exception to allow use at night provided they are equipped with headlights and brake lights. Special event use requires City Council approval by resolution.
Either the operator, or someone acting for the operator, shall immediately notify a law enforcement officer whenever a Golf Cart is involved in an accident resulting in injury or death to anyone, or property damage amounting to one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) or more, and shall file an accident report within forty-eight (48) hours, in accordance with State law.